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Example sentences for "bloodthirsty"

Lexicographically close words:
bloodstream; bloodsucker; bloodsuckers; bloodsucking; bloodthirstiness; bloodvessels; bloodwood; bloody; bloodye; bloom
  1. Thus did society get rid of one of the most bloodthirsty scoundrels that ever polluted it.

  2. So bloodthirsty a determination to obtain convictions.

  3. They have a slender, elongated body, and are noted for the quickness of their movements and for their bloodthirsty habit in destroying poultry, rats, etc.

  4. Meanwhile these bloodthirsty barbarians would stick at nothing to reach their victims.

  5. Every moment thus lost was a moment gained by his bloodthirsty enemies to come up with him, yet he felt it to be the wisest policy to spare his steed to the very utmost.

  6. Certainly he had good reason to be proud of his escape from the bloodthirsty hands of the Blackfoot warriors.

  7. Unless we get his aid we will have to give in to these frightfully bloodthirsty savages!

  8. He has—in spite of this—the most unearthly scream, which would make one believe that he was one of the fiercest and most bloodthirsty of beasts.

  9. Trout were also plentiful and the wanderers managed to put up a fortification behind which they could catch the speckled beauties without molestation by the painted and bloodthirsty Blackfeet.

  10. He exhibits a reserve, diffidence, and even bashfulness, which is in some degree attractive, and leads the observer to thinly that the ferocious and bloodthirsty character imputed to the race must be grossly exaggerated.

  11. Our retiring slowly up the ascent from the village only made them more eager to prevent our escape; and, in the belief that this retreat was evidence of fear, they closed upon us in bloodthirsty fury.

  12. Had we known better the effect of slavery and murder on the temper of these bloodthirsty marauders, we should have tried messages and presents before going near them.

  13. All the Portuguese believed the Manganja to be brave but bloodthirsty savages; and on our return we found that soon after our departure a report was widely spread that our temerity had been followed by fatal results, Dr.

  14. If not--well, I believe I had very bloodthirsty thoughts in my mind, as even the most peaceable man may, when he has been served as I had and his friends roughly handled on his account.

  15. He succeeds in suppressing, or at least in lulling for the time being, their bloodthirsty instincts, but he is always afraid that these may be roused again, and forbids the animals on which he experiments to touch blood or fresh meat.

  16. But the bloodthirsty swords of Muramasa rather have the effect of maddening their owners, so that they either kill others indiscriminately or commit suicide.

  17. If they had deserved execution, an ingenuous nature would not be forward to be their executioner; much more when they deserve encouragement and imitation: it is no honour to be numbered with bloodthirsty men.

  18. Such bloody sacrifices are fit to appease only the bloodthirsty spirit!

  19. The bloodthirsty papists, whose inquisition, massacres, and manifold murders, have filled the earth with the blood of innocents, is a sufficient testimony of this.

  20. God useth to follow them with his extraordinary plagues, and causeth their sin to find them out; so that the bloodthirsty man doth seldom live out half his days.

  21. Will you allow her to come alongside and throw her bloodthirsty crew in on our deck to cut our throats as if we were so many sheep!

  22. It sets him weel, the bloodthirsty Gehazi, the halinshaker ne'er-do-weel!

  23. Old Reuben Jacks, the forest ranger, spied the bloodthirsty villains," he said.

  24. Bob felt that he possessed a cruel nature, and such a man, he believed, would only too gladly conspire with bloodthirsty Indians to surprise the new settlements of the English, and raze them to the ground.

  25. An old Indian executioner, a vulgar, bloodthirsty wretch, was then called to cut up the body.

  26. He was a bloodthirsty wretch, who had filled the colony with the terror of his name.

  27. It is a most unfortunate thing that we have derived from our bloodthirsty ancestors an impression of divine cruelty that is utterly opposed to the fact.

  28. I don't believe you're a bit bloodthirsty really.

  29. The bloodthirsty fervour of the crowd seemed to have sizzled.

  30. Bears, I may tell your ladyship, are not bloodthirsty by nature.

  31. The young man at once assumed the functions of chief, and seemed disposed to be no less cruel and bloodthirsty than his father.

  32. The priest of the town was standing near the temple, and the butcher, as he was called, a bloodthirsty monster, was ready with the implements of his horrid trade, while his assistants were employed in heating the ovens.

  33. I had not believed beings so bloodthirsty and savage existed on the face of the earth, possessing, at the same time, so much intelligence and talent.

  34. How delightful it was to feel myself out of the power of those bloodthirsty savages, and to be sitting at dinner with an intelligent companion!

  35. She and I were great friends, and often used to have talks together -- but her nerves had never got over the shock of that awful night when she lay in the power of those bloodthirsty Masai.

  36. The moment Umslopogaas saw the latter he stopped his bloodthirsty talk and greeted him.

  37. It was quite true, I was much attached to the bloodthirsty old ruffian.

  38. Rather than bring those bloodthirsty villains about your ears, we will move on and take our chance.

  39. The boys have heard much--the implacable temper of the King; his bloodthirsty mood; his choice of the Judge who is to arraign them.

  40. This very messenger brought horrid tales of mutilation and cruelties of all sorts inflicted on hapless prisoners by their bloodthirsty conquerors.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "bloodthirsty" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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    aggressive; animal; antagonistic; atrocious; barbarian; barbaric; barbarous; beastly; bellicose; belligerent; bestial; bloodthirsty; bloody; brutal; brute; combative; contentious; cruel; cutthroat; deadly; demoniacal; devilish; diabolic; diabolical; enemy; fell; feral; ferocious; fiendish; fierce; fighting; ghoulish; gory; grim; hellish; homicidal; hostile; infernal; inhuman; inimical; martial; militant; military; murderous; offensive; pugnacious; quarrelsome; ruthless; sadistic; sanguinary; sanguine; savage; scrappy; suicidal; truculent; unchristian; uncivilized; unfriendly; unhuman; vicious; warlike; warring; wolfish