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Example sentences for "misanthropic"

Lexicographically close words:
mis; misa; misadventure; misadventures; misanthrope; misanthropical; misanthropy; misapplication; misapplications; misapplied
  1. We were interested in Boatswain's grave, with its elaborate monument and inscription in which pathos verges on the ridiculous, yet highly consistent with the misanthropic moods so often affected by Byron.

  2. He was stoic to the last and would say no more than he expressed in the misanthropic lines: "In doubt I lived, in doubt I die, Yet stand prepared the vast abyss to try, And undismayed expect eternity.

  3. Lest it should be imagined that I am of so obstinate a misanthropic nature as to be satisfied with nothing, I beg (for the comfort of the forces) to state my belief that the army is not composed of such persons as the above.

  4. That was the way the Carabases got their peerage,' the misanthropic Ponto said after dinner.

  5. This intelligence jarred Buddy's hard, tight-lipped mouth ajar and fired his cold, misanthropic heart with a vibrant yearning.

  6. And the brooding months had waxed into riotous winter tempests and had dragged in endless, eternal deluges of ice and snow, adding cold agony to Buddy's already misanthropic heart.

  7. I have no objection to peasant huts, particularly when their thatched roofs are overgrown with green moss, and misanthropic widows are seldom in one's way.

  8. The doctor's misanthropic mistrust of mankind (the bitterer because based on personal failure) did not lift him sufficiently above common weaknesses.

  9. Many were the desperate battles they had to fight with the old Squire's love of money, and his misanthropic disposition, before their object was accomplished, or he would deign to pay the least attention to their proposition.

  10. In spite of his blunt speech and misanthropic manners, the young heir of Oak Hall, at that period, was not wholly destitute of the art of pleasing.

  11. The prospect of the speedy and unshunable death now before him, seemed to exasperate his misanthropic soul into madness; and as if he had indeed sold it to Satan, he seemed determined to die with a curse between his teeth.

  12. For such a banquet would be one of rustic stupidity; and adapted to the most misanthropic of proverbs-- Friends who far off do live are never friends.

  13. And Mead, flippant, hard, and misanthropic in the state of nature, softened wonderfully as he sat in the gloom of the tablecover, in silent possession of those two slim fingers.

  14. A supercilious, spoiled beauty--a beauty now doubly spoiled and presumedly bad tempered--was hardly an ideal companion for the misanthropic Mead.

  15. One day I remarked to one of my misanthropic friends that, amongst animals, the brain of the ant most resembled that of man.

  16. Curly seated himself on the ground near by and addressed his misanthropic steed in tones of easy familiarity.

  17. Pinto, misanthropic as he was, did not abuse the confidence reposed in him.

  18. The sacrifices, too, and manner of life he arranged unlike those of other people; owing to their own banishment, he introduced among them a misanthropic and inhospitable life.

  19. This statue he took for an image of Moses, who had founded Jerusalem, gathered the people together, and given the wicked and misanthropic laws.

  20. This creature, however, is much more rare than the misanthropic Schopenhauer imagined.

  21. This curious fact would seem incidentally to show that our misanthropic philosopher must have moved exclusively in the best circles.

  22. The misanthropic mood of mind into which he had fallen at this time, from disappointed affections and thwarted hopes, made the office of satirist but too congenial and welcome to his spirit.

  23. By his side sat the misanthropic physician, who seemed to have learned a lesson of the dealing of the Creator with the creature such as he had never before acquired.

  24. The education of these children was the only joy his home afforded; but even this to his misanthropic mind could not compensate for his matrimonial disappointment.

  25. Vaudelier's dwelling was disturbed by the arrival of a young French gentleman, bearing letters of introduction to the misanthropic physician.

  26. His misanthropic character was the origin of some part of it.

  27. Therese he robbed of her trust, the last belief of her misanthropic mind in the possible goodness of a man; then he took the island, in order to restore it to her, and so to obtain her gratitude.

  28. The heirs of the first owners had got rid of the lonely chateau for a nominal price, as it had no value except to a person bitten with the misanthropic desire to live there in solitude.

  29. Neither is it the misanthropic egotism of Byron, which, through all its affectation, implies a certain aristocratic contempt of the world and its laws.

  30. He has no tendency to the misanthropic or cynical view which induces men of morbid or affected minds to profess a love of savage scenery simply because it is savage.

  31. Under her misanthropic exultation, Sylvia felt again and again the stab of her immense admiration for him, her deep affinity for his way of conducting life.

  32. We long for friendly intercourse, and when deprived of the society of others we pine and grow sick at heart, we become misanthropic and gloomy.

  33. In Swift's writings there is a false misanthropy grounded upon an exclusive contemplation of the vices and follies of mankind, and this misanthropic tone is also disfigured or brutalized by his obtrusion of physical dirt and coarseness.

  34. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "misanthropic" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.