In the meantime the situation was reacting unfavourably upon Mr Strummery and the chief officers of State, not only in Parliament but even in the Cabinet itself.
Such an outburst must inevitably reactunfavourably upon the Government of the day, and it was their party then in power.
Alberoni for a long time had ceased to keep on even decent terms with Saint-Aignan, scandalising thus even the most unfavourably disposed towards France.
Otto looked also very often at the Emperor, contrasting his sovereign's appearance somewhat unfavourably with his own.
Besides, Maximilian is partial to England, and the fact that you have had an English education would be favourably rather than unfavourably regarded both by him and Count von Markstein--at least, so Fritz believes.
In the fourth act, Don Juan makes declaration of love to Donna Anna, who is not unfavourably disposed towards him, but refers him to her father for consent.
For what have I done, that they should think unfavourablyof me?
Whether her expectation is or is not destined to be fulfilled, it constitutes an element of impermanence in her occupational career which reacts unfavourably on her earnings and conditions of employment.
But the subordinate position of the girl and the woman in the family, the lack of a tradition of association with her fellows, has reacted unfavourably on her economic capacity in the world of competitive trade.
His remarks struck me as the reverse of profound, and his questions contrasted unfavourably with those put to me three years ago by Lord Salisbury.
At Malet's suggestion I had a little before called on Sherif and had discussed the matter with him, and had been unfavourably impressed.
Yet it was clear that with much fiscal oppression a large personal liberty existed in rural Turkey for the poor, such as contrasted not unfavourably with our own police and magistrate-ridden England.
This so singular Concern which I have shewn for others may naturally lead you to ask me what I feel for myself when I am unfavourably treated by the elaborate Authors of our daily Papers.
It is customary to compare the political talent of the Greeks unfavourablywith that displayed by the Romans, and I have no wish to dispute this estimate.
His wrath contrasted unfavourably with Lessing's calmness; and it was his misfortune to have taken up arms against an opponent who always knew how to keep the laugh upon his own side.
I have had to keep my colouring down to a melancholy tone, which may perhaps contrast unfavourably with Cyprian's more cheerful picture.
Its conclusions were meanwhile very unfavourablyreceived by the government.
The emperor’s disaster told also unfavourably upon the fortunes of his pope, whose successor Calixtus III.
This memorial was very unfavourably received, and the members of the council who had subscribed it, were displaced.
Several skirmishes terminated unfavourably to the Piquods; and, in a short time, they received another total defeat, which put an end to the war.
St. Paul was never married; cannot be said to have looked with very ardent eyes upon the institution of marriage; by many is thought to have been unfavourably disposed towards it.
It is not necessary to suppose here that the mirror was wrongly adjusted, though the slightest error of adjustment would affect the result either favourably or unfavourably for Parallax's flat-earth theory.
They might contrast it unfavourably with Britain, but as compared with the other colonies, it ought to bear the palm.
Even those who have judged the poems of Virgil most unfavourablyspeak of his character in terms of warmest praise.
This select cultivation of poetry reacted unfavourably on the thought and imagination, though it greatly elevated the style of those that employed it.
In judicial oratory the Romans, like the Greeks, compareunfavourably with us.
Johnson spoke unfavourably of a certain pretty voluminous authour, saying, 'He used to write anonymous books, and then other books commending those books, in which there was something of rascality.
It succeeded in blowing up a small vessel in the harbour at Brest in July, 1801; but the Commission seems to have reported unfavourably on its utility for offensive purposes.
As it is, it must be regarded as a masterpiece of able but selfish statecraft, which contrasts unfavourably with the disinterested arrangements sanctioned by the allies for Switzerland in 1815.
And a general arraignment has been laid against Milton of a vagueness and looseness of imagery, which contrasts unfavourablywith the vivid and precise detail of other poets, of Homer or of Dante, for example.
This compared very unfavourably with the average annual production of fresh cocoons in France and Italy at that time, which was 35 kilograms and 30 kilograms respectively per ounce of silkworm eggs.
The flavour is also impaired by premature picking and on this account Cyprus nuts compare unfavourably in this respect with those from Spain, and Trebizond and other parts on the Black Sea, with which they have to compete.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unfavourably" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.