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Example sentences for "unfavourable"

Lexicographically close words:
unfathomable; unfathomably; unfathomed; unfavorable; unfavorably; unfavourably; unfearing; unfeathered; unfed; unfeeling
  1. I think it is calculated to produce an unfavourable effect on the public mind: it is ill-timed, for it prematurely reveals your views.

  2. In his act of abdication Louis declared that he had been driven to that step by the unhappy state of his Kingdom, which he attributed to his brother's unfavourable feelings towards him.

  3. Bonaparte very reasonably alleged that an indefinite armistice on the Continent would be more to the disadvantage of France than a long armistice by sea would be unfavourable to England.

  4. The opinion of the Gentry of the Chateaux was not hitherto unfavourable to the First Consul, for the law of hostages which he repealed had been felt very severely by them.

  5. But though the insurgent troops were beaten the inhabitants showed themselves more and more unfavourable to Joseph's cause; and it did not appear very probable that he could ever seat himself tranquilly on the throne of Madrid.

  6. He heard it without any apparent ill-humour, but I have no doubt that it must have made an unfavourable impression on his mind.

  7. This alliance gave rise to great dissatisfaction in Spain, and caused France to be regarded with an unfavourable eye.

  8. In the subsequent conversations which I had with the Emperor I tried all possible means to remove the unfavourable sentiments he cherished towards me.

  9. His ruling passion would induce him to think that it was due to his glory to clear up certain facts which might prove an unfavourable escort if they accompanied him to posterity.

  10. Though I knew him to be an adept in the art of dissimulation, yet his affected kindness appeared so natural that I thought all his unfavourable feeling towards me was at an end.

  11. This news has spread like lightning through the city, and I should not be at all surprised if it produce an unfavourable effect, which, however, I hope you will obviate.

  12. However, people certainly do live long, and enjoy Health, in situations apparently very unfavourable to Animal Life.

  13. I; 'and who, having planted in your mind opinions so unfavourable to your kinsman, has brought you hither, to see if he resembles the picture you have received of him?

  14. This acquired importance of Burnet is the alliance between the Pigeon-house and Buzzard, which Dryden reprobates, believing, or wishing to make others believe, that Burnet held opinions unfavourable to Episcopacy.

  15. In fact, although his lot cast him into the church of England, the bishop of Sarum, in many parts of his writings, expresses an unfavourable opinion of her clergy, whom in one place he calls the most remiss of any in Europe.

  16. But his adventures are merely an excuse for drawing a series of pictures, of an unfavourable kind, of Russian provincial life, and of introducing on the scene a number of types of Russian society.

  17. These sources quoted in Hippolytus have lately met with very unfavourable criticisms.

  18. The places in which work was done were reported as varying much in their sanitary conditions, but almost universally were overcrowded and ill-ventilated, and in a high degree unfavourable to health.

  19. But I am afraid it may have an unfavourable bearing upon our religious rights and interests.

  20. Ryerson's views went out of office, and one unfavourable to him came in.

  21. Their decisions, though they were all unfavourable to me, were differently related by different persons.

  22. But circumstances could hardly be more unfavourable than they were at present.

  23. My son has not inherited my economical habits; perhaps the spirit of the times, which is so unfavourable to the moderation which was recommended to us old people as the highest virtue is in fault.

  24. Believe me, my honoured friend, distance in space is as unfavourable to the estimation of such real historical greatness as distance in time.

  25. All causes unfavourable to health must be examined into, and as far as possible removed.

  26. He had long before indulged most unfavourable sentiments of our fellow-subjects in America.

  27. Unfavourable as I am constrained to say my opinion of this pamphlet was, yet, since it was congenial with the sentiments of numbers at that time, and as everything relating to the writings of Dr.

  28. Johnson told me of an instance of Scottish nationality, which made a very unfavourable impression upon his mind.

  29. Then it was that he sued earnestly for peace, and accepted the unfavourable conditions offered him by Trajan.

  30. In these meetings debates were had, and determinations usually made, sufficiently unfavourable to the established system.

  31. She certainly was not unfavourable to the Queen of Scots' succession, however she might decline compliance with importunate and injudicious solicitations to declare it.

  32. The state of Europe at the time was not unfavourable to the Czar’s designs.

  33. The 'Memorabilia' was composed by Xenophon, expressly to vindicate Sokrates against the accusations and unfavourable opinions that led to his execution.

  34. Such a life, which was one of uncertainty and often of hardship, permitted no accumulation of wealth, gave no leisure, suggested no higher want than that of food, and was in all respects unfavourable to material progress.

  35. The social conditions I have been describing are evidently unfavourable to the development of literature or science or art.

  36. He probably related all the minute circumstances of my state, and I find, that without any prejudice for the Country and people, he has not represented them in an unfavourable light.

  37. Another circumstance was unfavourable to the house of Mortimer--that it derived its title through a woman.

  38. The somewhat unfavourable view of John Knox presented in his book John Knox and the Reformation (1905) aroused considerable controversy.

  39. In the international service the rate for such was the same as the rate for printed matter, and the unfavourable position in the inland service in this respect gave rise to public complaints.

  40. The Press often called attention to the unfavourable position in France in this respect, and developed public opinion strongly in favour of a reduction.

  41. In their view the unfavourable comparison with other countries in this respect could be justified neither by logic nor by regard to the interests of the Treasury.

  42. De Monts, however, made the best arrangements he could under such unfavourable conditions, and Champlain returned to the St. Lawrence in the spring of 1610.

  43. Later on the gold was returned to the United States when the British exchange became unfavourable owing to the huge purchases made in that country.

  44. No authority whatever can be quoted for representing in an unfavourable light the private life of this man, who stood so prominently before the public.

  45. This was his unfavourable estimate of good works, and of any effort, natural or supernatural, on the part of man.

  46. Some of Tetzel’s more recent champions have insinuated that the unfavourable opinion concerning his teaching rests merely on witnesses who reported on his sermons from hearsay without having themselves been present.

  47. Regarding the morals of the Italians and not the Romans only, he makes many unfavourable and even unfair statements in his later reminiscences of his wanderings through their country.

  48. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "unfavourable" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.