But my lady herself, sitting alone amid the rose-colored curtains, looking blankly out at the menacing sky, wore a face as dark as that sky itself.
One dark, menacing glance Zara shot after him; then she sat stonily down by her dead.
He asked the question in a voice more terrible from its menacing calm than any wild outburst of fury.
A menacing growl in his off ear brought him back to earth with a jolt.
Also you saw one great crooked bough which stretched across the roof like a menacing black arm, forever threatening to descend and crush its rafters in.
The forest was dripping, green, and silent now, a mysterious menacing jungle.
To the girl there was something splendid, something heroical in that majestic, menacing landscape to the west.
West swam steadily, urging the unwieldy raft away from the menacing side of the vessel, driven by the necessity of escaping the inevitable suction when she went down.
The mother threw herself into the bark, which rose for a moment on the menacing crest of an enormous wave, then disappeared, swallowed up in the furrow left between two mountains of water.
On the opposite side was seen Arminius, menacing furiously and proclaiming battle.
The Parliament was justly alarmed at this menacing movement, and insisted that a commission should immediately be given to Leslie to guard Parliament with all the city bands, the regiments of foot near at hand, and some troops of horse.
Francis saw a foreign army menacing his capital, but Charles, on the other hand, saw the French army constantly increasing between him and his strange ally, whom nothing could induce to move from the walls of Boulogne.
The speech which Robespierre addressed to the convention was as menacing as the first distant rustle of the hurricane, and dark and lurid as the eclipse which announces its approach.
I was on the point of crying out and menacing the murderers with vengeance.
Shut themselves up to be safe," roared a lusty voice; and the young man grew dizzy with fear, as he gazed wildly round at the sea of menacing faces screaming and struggling to get at him.
Then he did not betray you," said the vicar, as a menacinggrowl arose; but Tom stood perfectly firm.
He knocked the ashes out of his pipe as he spoke, and lookedmenacing enough to do any amount of mischief to a man he did not like.
Ellen Terry's Jubilee in the same year was honoured in a cartoon; but a new and formidable rival to the Muses of legitimate Comedy and Tragedy reared its menacinghead in the following year.
Punch adds as his authority a statement in The Times: "Mr. Rhodes has no longer any power of assailing or menacing the Transvaal.
The war ended in May, 1905, but before its close Russian internal unrest had become menacing and hampered the prosecution of hostilities.
To them had been assigned the sector facing directly the menacing Vimy Ridge, a long, gradual slope with a maximum elevation of 450 feet.
The Central Committee overcame a more menacing difficulty.
One staff had mustered forces at the Place du Trone, and had repaired to the Neuilly Barracks, but the soldiers had closed the gates, and assumed a menacing attitude.
Joessl, and, with his large hunting-knife drawn in his hand, he placed himself in a menacing attitude before the now alarmed dwarf.
This primeval look of bare California mountains on clear nights has something sinister and menacing in its aspect as if at any moment they might once more brood alone over the earth.
She barely had time to brace herself when she saw the sleeping city jar as if struck by a sudden squall, and with the invisible storm came a loud menacing roar of imprisoned forces making a concerted rush for freedom.
The man who appeared at the end of the plain in his primitive guise of a shepherd driving his flock towards the hard thin grass of the uplands seemed menacing and hostile.
The villas opposite suggested a desolation which found a parallel in her heart; the sloppy road and the pale brown sky frightened her, so menacing seemed their monotony.
The nakedness of the unfinished and undecorated church was hidden in the twilight of the approaching storm, and Evelyn trembled as she walked up the aisle, so menacing seemed the darkness that descended from the sky.
And into her mind poured all her father's condemnations of him, with a vague menacing fear riding the crest of the flood.
The figures of the old year have a warm human look, but those of the new wear a chill, unfamiliar, almost menacing expression.
And there is a menacing murmur of autumn in the air.
Moreover, the fire had swelled to a menacing roar.
Nor had I ever heard the menacinghissing roar which heralds the approach of a long-range projectile.
My son was right in the diagnosis," he almost shouted, shaking a menacing finger at Chapelle.
Never for a moment did Errol take from him the menacing look.
Great masses of frothing billows came hurtling out of the gloom, which grew blacker and more menacing every hour.
The sky became darker, and more menacing appeared the waves as the time drew near for the pageant to begin.
It was sufficiently menacing to alarm the bravest heart.