It was during this time that he made the acquaintance of Jessie and her husband, and it was astonishing how swiftly his friendship for the unsuspicious little man ripened.
His unsuspicious nature left him utterly blinded to the inner workings of her indolent, selfish spirit, and was always ready to accept blame for her ill-humors.
Had he done either of these things a certain amount of enlightenment would undoubtedly have penetrated to his unsuspicious mind.
Through the critical Year of Grace, 1916, when the future of the world's civilisation was trembling in the balance, the Allies lived utterly unsuspicious of this astounding state of affairs.
The next pages of the dossier contain advice notes of German funds paid to the "saint" through the most unsuspicious channels.
The persons fixed on, often young men or girls in the pride and strength of youth, were followed, unsuspicious of the fate awaiting them, and were struck down by the clubs of the assistant priests without warning.
He could see, shortly after passing the Rifle Butts, the figure of Lizarann's Daddy, and could picture to himself his unsuspicious ignorance.
Nevertheless, he was unaware that he was being influenced, and went on towards expansive confidence, unsuspicious of himself.
The actual Truth, we insist, should be stated in the margin, whenever unnecessary information is gratuitously thrust upon unlearned and unsuspicious readers.
I had a long and painful discourse afterwards with Mr. Smelt, deeply interested in these young princes , upon the many dangers awaiting the newly-arrived, who seemed alike Page 51 unfitted and unsuspicious for encountering them.
I was still wholly unsuspicious of the greatness of the cause she had for dread.
This dear king, nobly unsuspicious where left to himself, and where he has met no doubleness, spoke also very freely of some political matters before me--of the new association in particular.
She was toounsuspicious to observe an unsleeplike flickering of the eyelids.
Unsuspicious of the coming evil, Councillor Moser sat at home in his parlour, reading the papers.
The young man, therefore, obeyed the summons with unsuspicious alacrity.
Mary had no feelings to make her respect her sister's in a common way, but she was perfectly unsuspicious of being inflicting any peculiar wound.
I am glad you gave him something considerable," said Lady Bertram, with most unsuspicious calmness, "for I gave him only 10.
He had, in fact, been whollyunsuspicious of his own influence.
But Mrs. Morland knew so little of lords and baronets, that she entertained no notion of their general mischievousness, and was wholly unsuspicious of danger to her daughter from their machinations.
It would seem then that the garden bird, grown familiar with the human form, was unsuspicious of danger, while the other, who had not been accustomed to see her sanctuary approached, immediately took alarm.
But she shall not stand in your light--for you are a generous, unsuspicious creature.
He then quietly and naturally drew up his leg behind his back, and in an easy, unsuspicious way removed them and concealed them in his hand.
As he has the purchasing of everything required from the Chinese market, it may easily be imagined what a field he has for gradually making his fortune out of the unsuspicious foreigner.
He affected to praise the prudent and moderate conduct of the king of Armenia; and the unsuspicious Tiranus was persuaded, by the repeated assurances of insidious friendship, to deliver his person into the hands of a faithless and cruel enemy.
The eunuchs and slaves diffused the spiritual poison through the palace, and the dangerous infection was communicated by the female attendants to the guards, and by the empress to herunsuspicious husband.
So perfectly unsuspicious was this good man, that not a thought crossed his mind of the possible intention of Mordaunt's visits; and secure in Ellen's fancied affection for Charles Ross, he never dreamt of her thinking of any other man.
As for Suma, unsuspicious of the existence of the pair of burning eyes that followed her movements, the days were brimming over with contentment.
The innocent young man had been completely unsuspicious of poor Charlotte's hidden flame.
Unsuspicious of treachery, Boone and eight others went out to the camp of the enemy.
The inmates of Hancock's house were unsuspicious of danger.
A portion of the enemy made a feigned retreat on the approach of the patriots, who were thus decoyed, unsuspicious of danger, far from the bridge.
Of all the simple-minded, unsuspicious beggars in the world, give me a pack of naval ratings!
Those whom the gods seek to destroy, they first drive mad--you are a very trustfulunsuspicious folk, all except you to whom I write.
The young man, all unsuspicious of what was below the smooth surface, obediently put down the package.
Armstrong had seen the chrysalis, all unsuspicious of its true nature; now, with no knowledge of the stages between, he was seeing the ethereal beauty the chrysalis had so securely concealed.
It was the easiest and mostunsuspicious journey I ever made.
With my dirty face and general air of absorption in duty, I must have been an unsuspicious figure.
Meanwhile no time was lost by Innes to inform the unsuspicious and generous Bishop of London of the prize he possessed--to convert the Formosan was his ostensible pretext; to procure preferment his concealed motive.