Nothing would have persuaded him to borrow a cent of Foster or anybody else, but others, and plenty of them, had no such scruples.
Him other job;" but even as they would have persuaded Stuyvesant that Joe was not to be had and his selection must be one of their number, Joe himself came running from the direction of a warehouse a short pistol-shot away.
Finding, however, that we had made up our minds, and were not to be persuaded to alter them, Isidoro relapsed into his usual silence, whilst we made our preparations for the ensuing day.
With great difficulty I persuaded him to relinquish this intention, though I little thought as I did so that I was indirectly drawing him to his ruin.
But the horse appeared too much exhausted by its past fury to be able to carry its master so far, so the carter persuaded Huldbrand to get into the wagon with Bertalda.
I have talked to your mother and mine and persuaded them that I need to have you stay on here with me.
Indeed, Rose Dyer could hardly have been persuaded to believe how nervous and shaken he appeared and how, instead of his usual look of hardness and austerity, he was now as tender and gentle as a woman.
Edith Norton was dancing with the friend whom she had persuaded Meg to ask to her Camp Fire dinner, although none of the rest of the girls liked him.
It was therefore as much for Dick's sake as for mine that Mr. Ashton persuaded us to adopt a baby in Phyllis' place.
So she had persuaded Dick to use the little money that he had for his work, assuring him that she and her mother could get on perfectly well together at home.
With a wheezy effort he persuadedthe trunk to stand on one end, and then looked at it.
But I shall never repent of having been persuaded to come here, and get a knowledge of your ways, which I can carry home with me.
I was over-persuaded to come by a gentleman who had been to Lowell and seen the manufactories of your State--by General Thomas, of Louisiana.
In the meanwhile the Erie directors persuaded the New Jersey Legislature to rush through a bill making the Erie Railway a New Jersey corporation.
This growing sentiment finally persuaded the Legislature to charter in April, 1832, the New York and Erie Railroad Company, and to give it authority to construct a line and to regulate its own charges for transportation.
I am firmly persuaded that they will; and, in this persuasion, I most devoutly pray that you may not merely recommend, but positively lay injunctions on, your servants in Congress to embrace a measure so necessary to our salvation.
Disgrace and defeat will infallibly ensue; the soldiers and officers will become so disappointed that they will abandon their colors, and probably never be persuaded to make another effort.
Be that as it may, I beg you will be persuaded of the unalterable regard and attachment with which I shall be, Dear Sir, your obliged and very humble servant, P.
For the being elected to the first magistracy of a free people is certainly the pinnacle of human glory; and I am persuaded that they could not have made a happier choice.
And if I were not equally persuaded of the great weight and influence which the transcendent abilities you possess must naturally confer, I should not give myself the trouble of writing, nor you the trouble of reading this long letter.
Those hardy and experienced veterans, the mountaineers, could not be persuaded to ride any other saddle, and their ripened knowledge of such matters certainly gives weight to their conclusions.
Among these may be mentioned the border hunters and mountaineers, who can not be persuaded to use any other than the Hawkins rifle, for the reason that they know nothing about the merits of any others.
They can easily be persuaded to gather only a few flowers.
The Queen would have persuaded him to quit table; they bandied compliments a good while on the point; but at last she threw down her napkin, and rose.
If there is to be a Marriage, double or single, these Improper Females must first be persuaded to consent.
Hence I have resolved to believe you, since I am persuaded people who act like you will not deceive.
By his efforts he persuaded the viceroy, Don Antonio de Mendoca, to give command that he should have a vessel and sailors to take him to Philippinas, for which he had permission of his bishop.
If anyone fell sick, the aniteras immediately came, and with oils and a thousand performances they persuaded him that, if he would believe in what they did, they would cure him.
Being accredited with letters from the ecclesiastical dignitaries, and speaking as an eyewitness, he persuaded the Spaniards of whatever he pleased; he had special influence with the Council of the Indias and with the king's confessor.
Then, when they tried drawing lots again, as they had done twice before, for a third time the same saint came out, and all were persuaded that the Lord was pleased to have the patronage belong to this holy archangel.
Prince Eugen no longer led them, and though the Serbs were again persuaded by their Patriarch, Arsen IV, to rise against the Turks, they only did so half-heartedly.
After short negotiations, he persuaded it to dissolve in favour of a national convention, which was able to meet in March 1910.
In 1353 the Pope, Innocent VI, persuaded King Louis of Hungary to undertake a crusade against Serbia in the name of Catholicism, but Stephen defeated him and re-established his frontier along the Save and Danube.
I am quite persuaded that this room will shortly receive a visit from some individuals who will not court recognition--their interests are all against that--and they certainly will not be anxious to meet me here!
In any case, I am persuaded that, before long, she will take me to some receiver or other who is in possession of your pearl collar.
We will suppose, too, that of all this Iphigenia was as firmlypersuaded as every one else.
He talked large and wild for a space," said Judith, coolly, "but soon I persuaded him there was no great harm in the stranger gentleman.
Then the two gentlemen were called in, Prudence was easily persuaded to stay, and, after a lengthened grace, the good preacher fell to, seasoning his food with much pious conversation.
So he persuaded Clement to remain indoors, while he set off on his round, with no apparent object but to gossip.
He discovered the suspicions of Sir Hubert and Lady Galindo, and that they had persuaded their daughter to share in them.
He had, by dint of coaxing (he said, with his enchanting laugh), persuaded the old housekeeper to show him the rooms.
Mr. Vigors persuaded Mrs. Ashleigh to come at once with him and see this clairvoyante herself, armed with a lock of Lilian's hair and a glove she had worn, as the media of mesmerical rapport.
And at moments it has gained its inherent ascendancy, persuaded revenge to drop the prey it had seized, turned the mind astray from hatred and wrath into unwonted paths of charity and love.
Persuaded that it was no natural sleep, and that he had become useless to me, I passed him by.
Sorry to hear from Mrs. Ashleigh that she has been persuaded by Mr. Vigors to consult Dr.
However, I disguised my participation in her fears, soothed and sustained her as I best could, and persuaded her to retire to rest.
Many weak men in the Legislature were intimidated by threats; and some who could not be persuaded to vote for the sale, were paid to go home, and remain away from the Legislature.
One of these traders persuaded young McGillivray to go with him.
In this way the representatives of the people werepersuaded and bribed to support the scheme of the land grabbers.
The conductor was finally persuadedto allow Andrews to go ahead with his powder train.
But you persuaded him to labor there, and paid him in whiskey, and it ruined him, and ruined us all.
Be persuaded to make the trial, at least for one year, before you reject so much substantial testimony.
Right onward they went to drunkenness and crime; for, alas, it was too true in their case, as in all others, that any one may be ruined who can be persuaded to drink intoxicating liquors.
I am now fully persuaded that you are right; and so I'll follow your good example, and sign the teetotal pledge.
Barousse persuaded us to go to an exhibition of pictures.
Still they were persuaded that time was on their side, and, assured as they were of their literary immortality, they chafed at the suggestion that the most splendid renown must grow dim within a hundred thousand years.
But Henri is quite persuaded that he's drawing out of it.
Her father persuaded her to try the effect of a cupping-glass.
In fact, it is possible that Evil-Merodach might have been persuaded to allow the exiles to return home, with Jehoiachin as king of Judaea, had not his own death intervened.
With this prospect before him, Amasa determined to accept David's offers, and he persuaded the elders to accede to the king's proposal.
She kept her word, for she secretly persuaded her fellow-citizens to separate Sheba from his few followers, and to kill him.
The faction of idolaters persuaded themselves and others that God had become powerless, and that He could neither bring them good nor bad fortune.
Entirely duped by so flattering a reception, he was persuaded by Tryphon to dismiss the greater number of his troops, and to follow his host into the fortified seaport city of Acco (Ptolemais), which Tryphon promised to surrender to him.
In order to win them to his side, Rab-shakeh called aloud to them that they should not be persuaded by Hezekiah into the belief that God would save them.
He was unwilling to do so at first, but in the end I persuaded him to slip it into his pocket.
Therefore, while waiting for the agent's return, he not only himself refrained from seeing Gabriel, but persuaded George not to do so.
The only individual in the world who could have divined it, had persuaded himself in a flush of anger and mortification that she did not care.
She had not ceased to hold to that hasty and unwise financial arrangement into which the doctor was persuaded to enter when Fred's pipe had exasperated the landlady into rebellion.
He made no attempt to conceal the possession of his boasted secret, but openly talked of it wherever he went and performed certain experiments, which he persuaded the people were actual transmutations of base metal into gold.
It seems (continued he) that you should be but ill read in Physicks, that cannot be persuaded of the existence of these people?
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "persuaded" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.