He volunteered to enter That zone of certain death, And unafraidwent forth to aid, While thousands held their breath.
She was no longer the mysterious, defiant, unafraid person who had held him in a sort of awe that first hour in Kedsty's place.
Laughing and crying, Sibyl ran to meet him; and the mountaineer, who had so many times looked death in the face, unafraid and unmoved, wept like a child as he held the girl in his arms.
The blue eyes were gazing at him with that wide, unafraid look as she answered sadly, "No, sir.
Unconscious of any listener, as she gathered the fruit of Nature's offering, she sang to the accompaniment of Nature's music, with the artless freedom of a wild thing unafraid in its native haunts.
Jerry did not reflect that it was the unconscious effect of this humble creature's thoughtfulness for her that made her unafraid of him in this lonely spot.
And suddenly she dropped down on her knees beside Wapi and took his great head in her arms, unafraid of him--and glad that he had come.
She was marked a seeker; one of those who look unafraid into the face of life, and demand to know what it means.
He was simply writing down his gospel of his unbounded, unafraidfaith in all true men.
Naylor sent a badge over and with it a note: "Pin it on some husky youngster, unmarried and unafraid and tell him to shoot first.
Unafraid and still holding the stick the Mexican said: "You may kill me, but my friends will kill you.
With these they bedded the child in his plank coffin, unafraid of his waxen sleep.
Next morning Johnny Appleseed was gone from the fort, unafraid of war, bent only on carrying the apple of civilization into the wilderness.
Because he was unafraid to experiment and venture on fresh approaches to old problems, he risked misunderstanding and criticism.
It was a noble thing to see that delicate woman unafraid before the problems and evils of the world.
One of these days, our weary ways quite trod, Made free at last and unafraid of men, I shall draw near and reach to you my hand.
No more I see the small, dim shapes, So unafraid of wind and wave, Nestling beneath the tempest's roar, Cradled in what I deemed a grave.
It is to lay the veil of custom by, To be all unafraid of truth to talk, Face to face, eye to eye.
She was unafraid of the wolves and the storm and the mysterious pursuers from out of the north.
It amazed him more than ever to see how unafraid she was in this hour of great danger.
I have always been unafraid of life, but I never dreamed of being sated with life.
He was unafraidto die, bitter and cynical of all the ways of living; and yet, dying, he loved life, to the last atom of it.
The troops of reason, careful to persuade, Blackened love’s name, but love was more than these, For we had wills to venture unafraid The trouble of unnavigable seas.
Bad luck it brought to Eve and Petro, who had toiled patiently and unafraid beside the ladder-top, with faith in those who climbed quietly to watch the little feathered masons at their work.
Then they would swim up and up, until they floated close to his cottage, feeding unafraid near by, while he played softly.
If ye areunafraid to abide in this tomb for the few remaining hours of this night I shall take you to Nehapehu at dawn.
And she looked out of those deep blue eyes into the blood-red sunset on the opposite hills across the wide river, and he saw that there was in those eyes a light as brave and unafraid as fire itself.
A shadow flitted by--a fox, unafraid and in search of a belated meal.
Flocks of gulls rose and dipped and rose again, or rested unafraid on the wooden posts of the pier.
It was different from the other leaves, seemingly unafraid of its destiny.
I dare say it's more important to be unafraid of life than to be unafraid of death.
He sat there on the bleached skull, his head in his hands, trembling, pondering, yetunafraid in the face of the knowledge that here his wanderings must end.
Donna, proud, scornful, unafraid in the knowledge that she was an honorable wife, deemed it beneath her dignity to reply.