It was yourmisfortune that brought Bim into the store.
The loss of either would have been a misfortune to himself and neighbors.
He lamented the undeserved misfortuneof youth and beauty.
The father of Damon, whose soul, in union with some amiable qualities, which served him for a disguise, had the misfortune to be exceedingly mercenary at the bottom, had proposed the match to his son.
But though misfortune had taught him asperity upon certain subjects, it had not corrupted his manners, debauched his integrity, or narrowed his heart.
Disappointment and misfortuneare calculated to inspire asperity into the gentlest heart.
Let me be unhappy--but may misfortune never disturb your tranquility.
Ignorance is the great misfortune of the world, its devil, and slavery is his hell.
If capitalism stands, of course the victims of the last of these robberies will belong, probably, to a remote generation; but this delay is a misfortune in store for many of all intervening generations.
It is a misfortune to pass at once from observation to conclusion, and to regard both as of equal value; but it befalls many a student.
This is why it has been said that, while the misfortune of the age caused his error, the force of his soul made him emerge from the error with glory.
Did ever a repining mood,' He added, 'a misfortune heal?
The shepherd deem'd it best to cast Off thought of all misfortune past, And each to do the best he could, In efforts for the common weal.
The brother who, through misfortunebecame dependent, was able the sooner to repay his loan and return to independence and to self support.
There is a possibility that the most honest, industrious and careful debtor may by some misfortune not be able to return the loan and it would therefore be lost.
It is unfortunate if there should be an idler in the home who, as a parasite, feeds on the industry of the others; it is a double misfortune if that idler proves a spendthrift to waste the thrifty gatherings of the diligent.
The list of proscription was swelled with four hundred names; and the misfortune of the sufferers was aggravated by the obligation of an oath to visit the Archbishop, and importune him with the history of their wrongs.
A second winter, with the same fearful additions of hunger and sickness, came upon the camp before Ptolemais, and the measure of misfortune was filled by renewed and bitter quarrels among the Frankish princes.
It was Henry's misfortune to have inherited the antipathy of his father to the charter of Runnymede, and to consider his barons as enemies leagued in a conspiracy to deprive him of the legitimate prerogatives of the crown.
Misfortune now pressed on misfortune; and the last anchor of his hope was broken by the defeat of his son Simon of Montfort.
This discrepancy caused the greatness and the misfortune of the mighty Emperor.
He is a tall, thin man; I found him in mourning for one of his daughters, of whom he has had the misfortune to lose three in a short time.
She married an American merchant, settled there, and had the misfortune to lose her husband three days after marriage.
The first information we received was, that fifty houses were burned down yesterday in the suburbs of the town, and that this misfortune fell mostly upon the poorer class, whose houses were not insured.
The road was marshy and very bad; and to complete our misfortune the night shut in.
To be placed in such a position was a misfortune which only a good man could bear in patience.
Misfortune is not near so ugly in a palace as in a cottage; and I do assure you that the tears which are shed in a softly-cushioned carriage are not half so bitter as those that fall from the eyes of the houseless beggar.
If I had had the misfortune to fall suddenly ill," said she, "I must have called in vain for succor.
He is the cause of every misfortune that has befallen our house for forty years past.
And I presume you would consider it a great misfortune for Austria if you were no longer able to unsheathe your goose-quill in her defence.
Austria, too, would esteem it a greatmisfortune if Russia should come into possession of the Crimea and the Black Sea.
By the right which misfortunegives to truth," replied she, proudly, "and by the right which your imperial word has given me to speak.
Some misfortune has befallen liim," cried the servants, hurrying up the stairs and bursting into the room.
What evil omens have you seen that lead you to apprehend misfortune to Louis XVI.
It would be a great misfortune for you, if she should resign her office; for her resignation would place on the list of your enemies all the most influential nobles in France.
And now, madame, as I still have the misfortune to be your husband, listen to my commands.
I, too, shall be obliged to march my troops into Poland, for every misfortune seems about to visit this unhappy land.
I come to express my profound regret for the great misfortune which has lately befallen you.
I come in the name of misfortune to ask of your majesty a favor," said the baroness, earnestly.
She inherits this misfortune from her deceased father, and, unhappily, her lovely and amiable mother did not long survive him.
When I was least prepared to resist the impression, it was my misfortune to meet with a man of a soul congenial to my own.
Indeed she is a most excellent, a faultless character, and it is the misfortune of your Olivia not to love perfection as she ought.
If you had the misfortune to lose the affections of the man you love, and if you were quite certain of regaining them by following my recipe?
I make no pretensions to genius: but I am persuaded that melancholy is the habitual, perhaps the natural state of those who have the misfortune to feel with delicacy.
I am capable of all this, and more, for a woman I love; and it is my pride or my misfortune to be able to love upon no other terms.
She begins with a bold exclamation on "the misfortune of being born a woman!
Then she became thoughtful, and added in a tone of sadness, “My heart misgives me, Ruari; I feel the grip of misfortune and grief.
If this noble Spaniard love her truly, and she do not him, consider how terrible a misfortune has befallen him.
He visited that siege, but had the misfortune to die a bare week before the fall of the city.
He may be said, with some exaggeration, to have died in the misfortune of his separation from the security and sober tradition of his own walls.
Scrawler, though delighted to get hold of such a story to put into his book, could not help feeling a superstitious fear that the prediction might be verified, and some misfortune before the good Huggermuggers.
He would have been glad at almost any misfortune that could happen to them.
Travellers who have the misfortune to lodge in the same choultry or hostelry, as the Thugs, are often murdered during the night.
They were in mourning for the misfortune of their mistress.
When they had travelled many miles, displaying great courage under all sorts of trials, the general suddenly discovered that he had lost his secretary, which sad misfortune he began to bewail in right good earnest.
Indeed, he felt it a courtesy due from him, for he remembered how kindly the host took the disclosure of the misfortune that had made him a sufferer, which was proof of a man of tender heart.
This was indeed a misfortune that seemed to shut the past from his thoughts, and to increase his sufferings as the future appeared to him in all its loneliness.
I cried, understanding that some terrible trouble was on the soul of my companion, "if misfortune is upon you, tell it to me, and let me share your sorrow.
My readers must not think that I exaggerate, since he said all this to me very nearly as I repeat it; and those who have the misfortune to know him would most readily have faith in my veracity.
Until now no misfortunehas come near us, either now or in the other siege.
I gave the Arabs to understand that I regretted their perishing by hunger, but that I should bear this calmly, like any other misfortune not my own, that, in short, I was happily resigned to their fate.
I would condole with you when the misfortune has befallen your poor leg; but such is the blessed distance we are at from each other that I hope, before you receive this, you have forgot it ever happened.
Your friend's case was certainly a hard one, but he seemed to be the victim of misfortunemore than of an exacting master; but that does not show, because he did not succeed, that you or any other industrious man should fail.
Had General Braddock survived his terrible misfortune the result might well have been very different; for it is matter of history that the youthful officer had the undivided confidence of his commander.
Show not yourself glad at the misfortuneof another, though he were your enemy.
God grant I be mistaken, for if what I fear should happen it would be the greatestmisfortune I could meet with.
If the king dies, and there is no means of doubting it, it will be to me a misfortune of which you can form no just idea; and that because of certain reasons which must not be written down.
The mother constantly reproaches the daughter and tells her that if she had married her nephew the misfortune which has fallen upon her brother would never have happened.
If he should die, my son would be king, but he would not be in greater safety than he is at this moment, and that death would be a great misfortune for him.
She had that splendid carelessness of the people, from which misfortune of every sort seems harmlessly to glide.
But now they are able to let loose on us the nationalist Press, which roars 'Treason' and calls you a disloyal Frenchman because you happen to have the misfortune to be unable to go into ecstasies over the younger school.
And if the sick man persists in his misfortune and, indiscreetly, an echo of it penetrates to their ears, then they judge harshly his want of courage and inability to bear up against his trials.
It is the misfortuneof only too many Italian talents.
In the presence of real misfortune she had felt the wretched folly of her other sorrows: and the tenderness which Olivier showed towards her had revived her affection for him.
It is the great misfortune of the women of to-day that they are too free without being free enough.
It is a great misfortune for two people living together to have the ties which bind them to their past love broken!
Poor little Downy laid bewailing her sad misfortune in the cold damp grass, determining never to go home to her little tyrant again, so angry was she at his cruel conduct.