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Example sentences for "homework"

Lexicographically close words:
homesteaders; homesteading; homesteads; homeward; homewards; homey; homicida; homicidal; homicide; homicides
  1. To honor this irony, he called the program Expensive Desk Calculator, and proudly did the homework for his class on it.

  2. Wagner experienced this clash of computer versus anti-computer even more vividly when he took a Numerical Analysis class in which the professor required each student to do homework using rattling, clunky electromechanical calculators.

  3. Rates paid for homework are, if anything, a shade less than those paid for work done in the factory.

  4. Opinions differ as to the amount of homework done nowadays.

  5. Miss Brown closed the hated, brown-covered book and turned to write the arithmetic homework on the blackboard.

  6. Their homework done, the children from the loft Bring down the nuts and have their nightly feed; The noise they make their mother chideth oft, To which, alas, they give but little heed.

  7. Sheppy should be taught to work off his superfluous energy on one of those treadmill churns they advertise in the farm papers, and the children should be doing their homework or reading improving books.

  8. Well, you have your fun, but I still expect you to be getting your homework and regular chores done.

  9. Homework had been some math, and some biology, and some geology.

  10. I never had to much homework in school because I could remember everything I read.

  11. The homework of the College was stiff, and certain games were compulsory.

  12. After the interval of the holidays, the yoke of homework seemed doubly heavy, and undoubtedly the prep.

  13. In the end, there is no program or policy that can substitute for a parent, for a mother or father who will attend those parent-teacher conferences or help with homework or turn off the TV, put away the video games, read to their child.

  14. Only parents can make sure the TV is turned off and homework gets done.

  15. I should worry about my homework if I got killed.

  16. He does his homework as soon as he gets home every day, so in case he gets killed it will be done.

  17. One's homework is quite enough just now without learning pages of blank verse.

  18. It was a large order, thought Gwen, when already their homework had about reached its outside limit.

  19. You know you never have time to do homework before school.

  20. I suppose you have your homework all done," he snarled at Cathy.

  21. The word was befitting of my study habits; all my work was homework this year.

  22. I would have forever been involved with past homework because of frequent absenteeism, as well as further depleting my energy level through normal, daily activities.

  23. This type of person would then take pains to be sweet and gush with special affections, adding to his repertoire a request for one's notes or the answers to certain homework assignments.

  24. Time was no longer a surplus commodity, for the homework was more difficult and life seemed to demand more of my energy.

  25. While Norm hurried through his homework to pursue more pleasing objectives, Todd sat behind his books in angry defiance, as if the homework which he declared "unreasonable busy work" would somehow shrink before his abomination.

  26. I generally did no homework on days I went to school, saving my energy for days off and weekends.

  27. Narli's students did all their homework assiduously and, in fact, put in more work than had been assigned.

  28. They would despise him and jeer at him, and he, in his turn, would give them long, involved homework assignments and such difficult examinations that they would fail.

  29. Do you know, I've discovered why they never did the homework I used to give to them.

  30. I just can't make them do the homework I give them.

  31. On the one hand, homework for the sake of homework may be eliminated.

  32. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "homework" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    assignment; charge; chore; commission; discourse; duty; errand; exercise; exposition; harangue; homework; homily; instruction; job; labor; lecture; lesson; mission; moral; morality; project; recital; recitation; sermon; service; stint; talk; task; teaching; work