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Example sentences for "proverb"

Lexicographically close words:
proven; provenance; provenant; provender; provenience; proverbe; proverbial; proverbially; proverbs; proves
  1. Nothing ever showed the wisdom of the proverb about half-done work, children and fools, better; and, alas!

  2. They were passing a cleared field or two, one of which seemed yet under cultivation and shewed corn stalks and pumpkin vines, but the other was in that poverty-stricken state described by the proverb as 'I once had.

  3. The proverb heading this chapter, implying that women should not enjoy the least education or liberty, expresses the universal treatment of the weaker sex among Mohammedans.

  4. Your English proverb says," rejoined Lieberg, "that 'a bird in the hand is worth two in the bush.

  5. That proverb is indeed wholly inapplicable to matters of private interest.

  6. But then, if we ought to forget ourselves so much, how did the old Greek proverb 'Know thyself' come to be so highly esteemed?

  7. It may be but a shallow proverb of the Justice's; but it is a shrewdly wide one.

  8. But they themselves have been all the time doing those very things before him, and there is no proverb that strikes a truer balance between two things than the old one which weighs example over against precept.

  9. The sins of youth are expiated in age," is a proverb which daily examples illustrate.

  10. There is a sort of proverb that a woman loses one tooth every time she has a child.

  11. The proverb says that marriages are made in heaven, but this does not hold of forced marriages, nor of such as are made for money or are deemed to be completely sanctioned as soon as the parents have given their consent.

  12. The proverb holds good, more especially where a woman's resistance is concerned.

  13. Footnote 85: The proverb is, "Ventre affame n'a pas d'oreilles.

  14. Let me add, at the same time, that there is no more silly proverb than the one 'Like father like son.

  15. The conduct of affairs was in the hands of a 'council of war;' but it was a council which, contrary to the old proverb about such bodies, was always ready and willing to fight.

  16. The old proverb that 'God was on the side of the Confederates' was ever ringing in their ears, and so they were half beaten before a blow was struck.

  17. There is a French proverb which says that "the years of joy count double.

  18. For once a proverb is justified, "a self-invited guest is thrice welcome.

  19. And good Mr. Governour, as another old Proverb says, do not let the Kettle call the Pot black-arse!

  20. The proverb says that a Polperro jackass is surprised at nothing, and this one, which had been browsing on the edge of the ditch, merely gazed.

  21. False as a bulletin," became a proverb in Napoleon's time.

  22. An Italian proverb declares that if you would succeed you must not be too good.

  23. All the quainter in that the Western proverb is a quotation from the sacred wisdom of the East.

  24. Her voice was loud and firm, and Sir George glanced uneasily at the door of his secretary's room; for the fear of a certain proverb about grey mares lingered with him.

  25. The one who by giving a bad answer gives the clue, in turn becomes guesser, and is then obliged to go out of the room while another proverb is chosen.

  26. In the answer, no matter what question is asked, one word of the proverb must be given.

  27. One of the company goes outside the door, and during his absence a proverb is chosen and a word of it is given to each member of the company.

  28. But I know this proverb to be foolish; and I am candid and liberal enough to say so.

  29. Villars that his proverb has been parodied, and that it has been said, 'Scratch a Frenchman, and you find a dancing-master.

  30. L'homme propose, as the French proverb has it and things do not always turn out as he wishes.

  31. Did not the proverb say that it was ill-work waiting for dead men's shoes?

  32. I thought that that proverb applied to children," he retorted.

  33. All the upper boughs are more or less united, and the old proverb of "In union there is strength," seems to have in it a unique illustration and confirmation.

  34. Then he would cry out the three words that have since become a proverb of the Legion: "March or die!

  35. An old French proverb says: Business is getting the other man's money!

  36. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "proverb" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    adage; aphorism; apothegm; axiom; byword; catchword; dictate; dictum; epigram; expression; gnome; maxim; moral; mot; motto; oracle; phrase; precept; prescript; proverb; saw; saying; sentence; sutra; teaching; text; verse; wisdom; witticism; word