And so the doctor's modelsermon ends in proposing private confession!
I'll puff yoursermon beforehand, I assure you, and bring all I can to hear it.
To tell you the truth, your sermon last Sunday puzzled me.
Little did Tom think, as he went home that day in full-blown satisfaction with his sermon to Frank, of the misery he had caused, and was going to cause for many a day, to poor Grace Harvey.
A funeral sermon was pronounced upon him by his friend the duke, and beautiful monuments were erected to his memory.
The Sermon on the Mount makes the doing of this Father's will something quite other than servitude to written precepts interpreted by official authority and imposed under penalty.
It is no wonder that in the period of debate against Judaism the canon-makers gave to this anonymous sermon a title which ranks it first in the class of subsequent controversial pamphlets "against the Jews.
Had the writer conceived his task after the manner of a Matthew there is little doubt that he could have compiled catechetic discourses of Jesus like the Sermon on the Mount or the discourse on prayer of Luke xi.
But the sermon over, he none the less tranquilly resumed his course of seditions and enormities.
Legris, repeating to himself with anguish: "The sermonis sure, the crown is doubtful.
His sermon on doing good, though peculiarly adapted to Ireland, and Wood's design upon it, contains perhaps the best motives to Patriotism that was ever delivered within so small a compass.
That prophetic Sermon from the Deeps will continue with you till you wisely interpret it and do it or else till the Crack of Doom swallow it and you.
I have never read them my sermon yet, and I don't know that I shall, as some of them might take my convictions as a personal indignity to themselves.
When I preach that sermon I spoke of the other day, I shall have to lay down some principles not fully recognized in some of your text- books.
The story is often quoted of Whitefield, that he said a sermon was good for nothing until it had been preached forty times.
I preached my sermonfrom the lay-pulpit on this matter a good while ago.
Another fellow of Eton(185) has popped out a sermon against the Doctor since his death, with a note to one of the pages, that is the true sublime of ecclesiastic absurdity.
This is the text to the present sermon in politics, which I shall not divide under three heads, but tell you at once, that no minister was ever nearer the precipice than ours has been.
But the most extraordinary reflections on his death were set forth in a sermon at Mayfair chapel.
Hats are certainly very ugly, especially when they are tied on with strings, as Uncle BrĂ¼s wears his; and when a sermon lasts an hour it is tiresome.
If he had to wait for a dish of poached eggs, he must put in the time by playing on the flageolet; if a sermon were dull, he must read in the book of Tobit or divert his mind with sly advances on the nearest women.
It is either the tribune on the plain, a sermon on the mount, or a very private ecstasy still higher up.
A good sermon of Mr. Gifford's at our church, upon 'Seek ye first the kingdom of heaven.
Colville, indeed, began to be more tolerant of him; he succeeded in praising the sermon he had heard him preach.
Of the two, the sermon is much the easier to write: it does not involve the trouble of constant reference to one's authorities.
Perhaps, however, someone with practice in writing sermons will argue that the sermon without instances is as somniferous as the book-review with the same want.
Thanks, Your Excellency, in the name of His Holiness; for you probably intended that brilliant little sermon for him anyway.
Hans did not understand much of the sermon on that day and although it was rather long it seemed to him very short.
From sermon I have returned like the others, and it is my purpose to hold Christmas alone.
Madrid; a certain preacher, in a sermon delivered in presence of the king, advanced, that sovereigns had an absolute power over the persons as well as over the property of their subjects.
After a sermon by the Reverend Jesse Peter of Augusta, the candidate "underwent a public examination respecting his faith in the leading doctrines of Christianity, his call to the sacred ministry and his ideas of church government.
The Rights and Duties of Masters: a sermon preached at the dedication of a church erected at Charleston, S.
There not only would the quaint melody of the negro "spirituals" swell instead of the more sophisticated airs of the hymn book, but every successful sermon would be a symphony and every prayer a masterpiece of concerted rhythm.
There the sisters might sway and croon to the cadence of sermon and prayer, and the brethren spur the spokesman to still greater efforts by their well timed ejaculations.
He could see no value, therefore, even in the main point of the minister's sermon because of the minister's mistaken conception of nervous processes.
This is really a gathering together and lifting on high of the doctrine of the Sermon on the Mount, that God maketh the sun to shine upon the just and the unjust, and causeth his rain to fall on the evil and the good.
A minister once sought in a sermon on the marvels of man's constitution to enforce his conceptions by speaking of the instantaneousness with which a message flashed to the brain through the nervous system is heeded and acted upon.
He evidently thought that if he could persuade this boy to take up the collection, the sermon must naturally end.
One day, shortly before my visit, a stranger-clergyman was preaching, and the sermon was longer than usual.
Finally, as this also failed, the dog put his nose under the lad's knee, and tried with all his strength to force him out of his place, continuing this at intervals till the sermon was concluded.
In the afternoon there was a sermon preached by a fiery little Capuchin monk, who banged his hands on the edge of the pulpit with such force that I am sure they must have been black and blue by the time he had finished.
It is so to this day with a majority of the lower and middle-class Genoese, who spend half their time in church, and are quite as well pleased to go and hear a sermon as their neighbours at Turin are to attend a new play.
There are two erroneous views held respecting the character of the Sermon on the Mount.
How deeply and essentially Christian, then, this Sermon on the Mount is, we shall understand if we are enabled in any measure to reach the meaning and spirit of the single passage which I have taken as my text.
There is not a Sermon that does not furnish evidence of originality without extravagance, of discrimination without tediousness, and of piety without cant or conventionalism.
Now you will observe that these two parties, so opposed to each other in their general religious views, are agreed in this--that the Sermon on the Mount is nothing but morality.
In opposition to both these views, we maintain that the Sermon on the Mount contains the sum and substance of Christianity--the very chief matter of the gospel of our Redeemer.
They sometimes regard the Sermon on the Mount as if it were a collection of moral precepts, and consequently, strictly speaking, not Christianity at all.
The deeper themes of the Gospel were reserved for a later time and a select body of hearers; and those aspects were presented which all men could at once comprehend, as the teaching in the Sermon on the Mount.
The number of events left on record makes a subdivision of this period necessary, and we find a convenient place at the Sermon on the Mount, which marks a point of departure in the Saviour's ministry.
The =Early Galilean Ministry= extends from the rejection at Nazareth to the Sermon on the Mount, and the =Later Galilean Ministry= from the Sermon on the Mount to the discourse on the Bread of Life.
PART TWO We now take up the second part of the Year of Popularity, from the Sermon on the Mount to the Discourse on the Bread of Life.
There he chose the twelve and gave to them and the multitudes around the Sermon on the Mount (Mark 3.
This sermon is omitted in Mark and abbreviated in Luke, but reported fully in Matthew.
This sermonwas never finished, being broken up by the riotous acts of the council.
The prominence of the man, and his discourse, the longest public discourse reported in the New Testament, except the Sermon on the Mount (Acts 7.
During the sermon he stepped stealthily up and down the nave and aisles and into the gallery marking down his prey.
He was much puzzled by the reference to "the leg end" of the story of the raising of Lazarus in a sermon preached by the Bishop of London, afterwards Archbishop Tait.
Frequently during the course of a long sermon the sound of a cane (the Tottenham clerk had a split cane which made no little noise when used vigorously) striking a boy's back was heard and startled a sleepy congregation.
No one objected, or thought anything about it, and the sermon proceeded as if nothing had happened.
Much relieved, the parson then told the clerk the story of the dog's misdemeanours, and of his fear lest the sermon should prove too short.
The ante-Communion Service was read from the desk, separated from the liturgy and sermon by such renderings of Tate and Brady as the unruly gang of volunteers with fiddles and wind instruments in the gallery pleased to contribute.
Every one has heard of that Irish clerk who used to snore so loudly during the sermon that he drowned the parson's voice.
He went up as usual to the singers' gallery just before the sermon and gave out the metrical Psalm.
The Lord Almoner Ely is thought to stand upon too narrow a base now in his Majesty's favour, from a late violent sermon on the 5th of November.
He made no allusion to the division of the men and women, nor to the sermon of the past Sunday.
It is my intention," said he, "to divide my sermon this morning directly in two, because my subjects are so entirely different.
On Sunday I shall make it the theme of my sermon and I hope before Wednesday, my dear Mrs. Hall, that you and some others will look upon the matter in a different light.