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Example sentences for "teaching them"

  • Go ye therefore and teach all nations baptizing them in the name of the Father, and of the Son, and of the Holy Ghost: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.

  • Go ye therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them into the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit: teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I commanded"; 1 Cor.

  • Much of the time that is spent in teaching boys to walk upon stilts, might be more advantageously employed in teaching them to walk well without them.

  • You are fond of children and learned in the new systems of teaching them," said Mr. Jackson.

  • Dickens taught comparatively little about the subjects of instruction or the methods of teaching them.

  • To that I reply, that there are mysteries which the heart of man can neither conceive nor believe, and I see no use in teaching them to children, unless you want to make liars of them.

  • Generosity may be found among all sorts of people, and I earn my pay by doing my tricks not by teaching them.

  • But if one must be teaching them this or that at every opportunity, it cannot be done without constraint, vexation, or tedium.

  • Let us, therefore, set our children an example, by teaching them to submit to the will of Providence, instead of teaching them to repine at his decrees.

  • It is too often the case with parents, when they take their children abroad, to amuse themselves with their gossiping tales, instead of teaching them to reflect upon the different interesting subjects that fall within their view.

  • The mastery of the alphabet by the Montessori method will be of great assistance in teaching our children to write, but of only incidental assistance in teaching them to read and to spell.

  • Then she has them rise on their feet in order to sing the hymn, teaching them that in rising and sitting down it is not necessary to be noisy.

  • He considers that Christians do a greater benefit to their country than all other men by teaching them piety to the one God, and "gathering up into a certain divine and heavenly city those who have lived well in the smallest cities.

  • Fifthly, there is marked the manner of the teaching, the nature of the magisterial office created as that of a living body of men: "teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you.

  • Some of them do not even desire to have such things spoken of, that their ignorance may not be known; and hence there is much labor in teaching them, and it is a great service to God not to refuse this labor.

  • He spent thirty-eight years in laboring for those poor people, teaching them, and protecting them against wrong.

  • They did not content themselves with the labor of teaching them--which was not small, for soon many were converted and began to be baptized; but they proposed to build a hospital where the sick poor could be cared for.

  • That the laws which prohibit the instruction of slaves and free colored persons, by teaching them to read the Bible and other good books, be repealed.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "teaching them" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    cuneiform inscriptions; gain ground; good scholar; govern themselves; just estimate; knowing look; little country; little money; little olive; necessary for; never ceased; own that; perfectly right; road leading; rudimentary organs; soon arrived; teaching children; teaching school; teaching them; tell lies; three minutes; three spoonfuls; went with; will know