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Example sentences for "physical science"

  • I'm a Doctor in Physical Science, you know, as well as in Theology.

  • The immense part which those laws take in giving a deductive character to the other departments of physical science, is well known; and is not surprising, when we consider that all causes operate according to mathematical laws.

  • When a state of mind is produced directly by a state of body, the law is a law of Body, and belongs to physical science.

  • If we could thoroughly comprehend these actions, we should no doubt be in a position to fill up the gap which separates the two regions separately conquered by physical science.

  • Neither Mr Whetham, in his Recent Development of Physical Science (London, 1904) nor the Hon.

  • On the contrary, Professor Huxley declares that he finds himself "wholly unable to admit that either nations or individuals will really advance, if their outfit draws nothing from the stores of physical science.

  • And here, I confess, I part company with the friends of physical science, with whom up to this point I have been agreeing.

  • Moreover, it is quite true that the habit of dealing with facts, which is given by the study of nature, is, as the friends of physical science praise it for being, an excellent discipline.

  • But to follow the processes by which those results are reached, ought, say the friends of physical science, to be made the staple of education for the bulk of mankind.

  • Whether there be or be not a localized hell of material tortures lies not within the domain of revelation, but is a problem of physical science.

  • At the present time, in Christendom, the one conquering power in literature, the one fascinating absorption of thought in society, is that connected with the cultivation of physical science.

  • The religious skepticism nourished by physical science is in all respects really as irrational and baseless as it is actual.

  • Geology is as thoroughly a physical science as either geography or astronomy.

  • The result was that, in keeping geometry pure from ideas which did not belong to it, it failed to form what might otherwise have been the basis of physical science.

  • Physical science, if we can apply that term to an uncoordinated body of facts, was successfully cultivated from the earliest times.

  • And yet, to-day, if any professor of physical science is asked to explain the magnetic property of the earth, he will acknowledge his inability to do so to his own satisfaction.

  • It is, in fact, difficult to show why some exact results could not be as certainly reached in economic questions as in those of physical science.

  • But, in truth, after much deliberation, I have been unable to think of any topic which would so well enable me to lead you to see how solid is the foundation upon which some of the most startling conclusions of physical science rest.

  • Experiment, the great instrument for the ascertainment of truth in physical science, answers this question for us.

  • My own impression is, that the best model for all kinds of training in physical science is that afforded by the method of teaching anatomy, in use in the medical schools.

  • But if I were to content myself with the enunciation of these dry definitions, I should ill exemplify that method of teaching this branch of physical science, which it is my chief business to-night to recommend.

  • Physical science is clear that the non-living or inorganic world was before the living or organic world, but that the latter in some mysterious way lay folded in the former.

  • Sir Oliver Lodge, famous physicist that he is, yet has a vein of mysticism and idealism in him which sometimes makes him recoil from the hard-and-fast interpretations of natural phenomena by physical science.

  • The cast-iron conclusions of physical science do pinch the Harvard professor a bit, and he pads them with a little of the Bergsonian philosophy.

  • All there is outside the sphere of physical science belongs to religion, to philosophy, to art, to literature.

  • I said in my first Lecture, that even if royal influence be profitable for the prosecution of physical science, it cannot be profitable for art.

  • Sidenote: The Development of the Conceptions of Physical Science.

  • The Development of the Conceptions of Physical Science.

  • Absolutism has long since ceased to speak slightingly of physical science, and of the world of perception.

  • To certain historical phases of physical science, in so far as these bear directly upon the meaning of naturalism, we now turn.

  • The more startling the proposition, the more rigorous should be the proof; we have never seen the tests which are applied to the most trifling novelty in physical science applied to mesmeric clairvoyance, and withstood.

  • Moreover, Mr. Ogilvie had a lecturer from London to give weekly lectures on physical science to his boys, and opened the doors to ladies.

  • Tell me one thing, old man: I always thought, when you took to using your brains and getting up physical science, that you must get beyond what satisfied you as a soldier.

  • Now I shall be able to get the very best instruction in physical science, and make some great discovery.

  • At present we are but beginning, sharpening our educational tools, as it were, and, except a modicum of physical science, we are not able to offer much more than is to be found in an ordinary school.

  • There is another profession, to the members of which, I think, a certain preliminary knowledge of physical science might be quite as valuable as to the medical man.

  • Now the value of a knowledge of physical science as a means of getting on, is indubitable.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "physical science" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    against him; diverse forms; each commune; general orders; its walls; life after; physical appearance; physical astronomy; physical beauty; physical characteristics; physical characters; physical constitution; physical culture; physical defect; physical defects; physical environment; physical exercise; physical features; physical geography; physical laws; physical matter; physical objects; physical properties; physical science; physical signs; who wished