We may add that there was no basis for the assumption that "he had an uncommon, finely constituted nervous system" or was possessed of a "high degree of nervousness".
He thought that he was thus giving his pupil an ever firmer grasp upon the principle of the structure of our number system, in which all higher numbers are constituted of tens and digits.
Natural laws are often treated as if they constituted a cause; but they are not entities which control nature: they are merely forms by which we express nature's constancy, uniformity.
To learn really to appreciate the general bearings of moral conduct is to learn to be moral in the normally constituted man.
If your government is to be a constituted anarchy, what issue can it have?
In a well constituted slave society, there should be no idlers.
But they must always meet on their path, and combat the constituted powers of tradition, custom, privilege and error.
The one essential is that a society be constituted in which the exploitation and domination of man by man are impossible.
Mrs. Booch was a smaller woman, brown haired, with queer little curls on either side of her face, large blue eyes and a small set of stereotyped remarks that constituted her entire mental range.
This route, the one which I followed, has now been marked a considerable part of the way by stone monuments erected by the "Daughters of the American Revolution" andconstituted the chief inroad from the East to the Far West.
Virtue, however it may be neglected for a time, men are so constituted as ultimately to acknowledge and respect genuine merit.
This same principle also operated in appropriating names to the purpose of attributing qualities to other names of objects; and in this way was constituted the class of words called adjectives or attributes.
I should have been sorry if your sense of humour had not prompted you to ask whether the drinking of too much milk-punch constituted a withdrawal from the common life, a profound and lonely ecstasy.
I think I remarked that I had seen something of very high significance in the evening paper, and the glare of disgust with which you greeted my observation constituted an interruption, and an interruption that had to be dealt with.
It witnessed the dethronement of constituted authorities—intellectual, ecclesiastical, and political; the constant struggle of religious factions; and on two occasions civil war and revolution.
The imparting scientific definition to the immemorial doctrines of the Church constituted the defence.
The narrow strip of alluvial soil which constituted the real land of Egypt was practically inexhaustible.
In this endeavor he was aided by the renegade Jews, who constituted a strong Greek party in Jerusalem.
At length left to herself, in the Fifteenth Century, Russia constituted her own art from these various sources.
First of all there must be one or more dams which contain the water supply for the cattle, and which are usually constituted so as to drain a considerable area of watershed.
Notice had been given of a multiplicity of works that were to be undertaken, involving in the aggregate an enormous expenditure of capital; and Parliament had pointedly constituted itself the censor and approver of these projects.
The state of this deck may be said, indeed, to haveconstituted the chief source of anxiety; and, at this period, to have occupied by far the greatest share of attention.
This land, with a similar purchase made by a Mr. Flower, constituted part of a beautiful and rich Prairie, about six miles distant from the Big Wabash, and the same distance from the Little Wabash.
The Bulgarians alleged that during the strike Turkish troops were able to travel on the lines which were closed to all other traffic, and that this fact constituted a danger to their own autonomy.
The third natural division of Burma is the old province of Tenasserim, which, constituted in 1826 with Moulmein as its capital, formed the nucleus from which the British supremacy throughout Burma has grown.
The Calcutta University was constituted in 1857, as an examining body, on the model of the university of London.
This curve, then, represents the position which the nation assumes when the constituted monarchy, the centre of the system, has been banished to infinity.
But the nation is only an assemblage of individuals; and since individuals are so governed, it is only natural to suppose that the nation, composed of individuals, is so constituted and controlled.
On the 21st of April the members of the House of Commons resolved that the damages inflicted by the Dutch in India, Africa, and elsewhere constituted a very great obstruction to English trade.
All laws authorizing liens on crops for advances constituted on articles other than those of prime necessity at moderate profits, where such advances are made by landlords, planters or merchants, should be discontinued and repealed.
During much of the time of the late unhappy difficulties, Florida had a greater number of men in her army than constituted her entire voting population.
The Commons closed the House of Lords, and constituted a High Court of Justice for the trial of the king.
He made an aggressive war against the Dacians on the Danube, and constituted a new province of Dacia.
A people was constitutedto be the guardian of this light, kindled in the midst of the surrounding darkness, to carry it down to later ages, and to make it finally, in its perfected form, the heritage of mankind.
By the "Little Parliament" which he called together, he was constituted Lord Protector, with a Council of State composed of twenty-five members.
The great magistrates thusconstituted wore robes of ermine, or of scarlet adorned with velvet.
The army was re-constituted after the example of the Prussian military system.
Amsterdam was constituted a town in the middle of the thirteenth century.
He constituted Reunions, or courts of his own, to decide what these places were, and enforced their decrees with his troops (1679).
Lands ceded by conquered places were divided among poor Roman citizens, who constituted the ruling class in the communities to which they were transplanted.
The western part of Sicily was now constituted a province, the first of the Roman provinces.
They constituted the ruling class in the community where they were established.
The Hungarian constitution of 1848 was restored, and a separate ministry was constituted for Hungary; while, as regards the army and foreign affairs of both divisions of the empire, an imperial ministry was established.
The mass of building whereof this court occupied the centre, is believed to have constituted the hareem or private apartments of the monarch.
There is reason to suspect that the spearmen of this description constituted the royal bodyguard.
Rosettes and bands constituted their most usual adornment; but sometimes these gave place to designs of a more artistic character, as wild bulls, griffins, and other mythic figures.
Nor would it be much less wrong if judges very differently equipped and constituted were to refuse him a high place among great writers.
Two hundred sous constituted the composition price for killing a priest, and four hundred for killing a bishop; so that a bishop was worth exactly two priests.
It is at least positively certain that these rates were never authorized by any council; that they constituted an enormous abuse, invented by avarice, and respected by those who were interested in its not being abolished.
We cannot be at all surprised if this employment of symbols extended to the Hebrews, as they constituted a people near the Desert of Syria.
He had now thirty-two canoes, all well loaded with men, which made quite an imposing little fleet as they moved into order on the lake, and constituted a strong force.
The question is, whether you have such conscientious scruples against capital punishment as would prevent your finding the prisoner guilty, if the facts were proved, and the Court instructed you that those facts constituted the offence?
They believed that a letter of marque from the Confederate States constituted as good authority for privateering as the letters which were issued by our revolutionary fathers in '76, or as if they were issued by the United States.
We felt no solicitude whatever that this great structure of our constituted liberties should pass away as a scroll, or its firm power crumble in the dust.
The marsh and fenlands of the south-eastern counties constituted tracts alike favourable for food and nesting, and for the most part the birds were undisturbed.