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Example sentences for "high prices"

  • The vessels accepted by Vanderbilt, and contracted to be paid for at high prices, were in shockingly bad condition.

  • These drugs were sold throughout the United States at high prices.

  • The algebraic analysis, even as verified, presents the relations between magnitudes without showing the cause of high prices.

  • Moreover, the indirect effect of high prices of food produces the most serious practical problem.

  • Nearly all mercantile business was regarded at least with suspicion, and much of it fell into the hands of people with no reputations to lose, a fact which certainly did not tend to relieve the community in the matter of high prices.

  • Thus we find at one time certain books quoted at high prices, which not many years afterwards have become drugs in the market.

  • In 1864 the fine library of George Daniel was dispersed, when many editions of Shakespeare's plays, and much valuable dramatic literature, were sold at high prices.

  • It will be seen from this that works of our early printers were beginning to come into vogue, but they did not fetch very high prices, varying from five pounds to eight guineas.

  • Chinese, who readily purchase it at high prices.

  • There was, however, a deal of trickery practised respecting the declared values, and the boletas were often quoted at high prices.

  • They poured their goods into America, so over-powering was the attraction of high prices.

  • The strength of the copper "corner," had it succeeded, would have lain in the hold it would have obtained over the early extractive stage, preventing the operation of the natural stimulus of high prices to increase production.

  • The stimulation which artificially inflated prices apply to the early productive processes, the activity of other speculators, and the check given to consumption by high prices, generally preclude the possibility of a "corner" lasting long.

  • The world offered a market, though not at high prices, for a greater volume of the crops than the plantation slaves could furnish; the farmers supplied the deficit.

  • First, it is true that high prices of articles which enter easily into international trade tend to repel gold from the country--meaning by "high prices" prices that are higher than the prices of the same goods abroad.

  • Since the average person will not only pay, but also receive, high prices, there is no reason why he should reduce his purchases.

  • These men use the surplus resources of the vastly greater number who go on through periods of high prices and of low prices with their steady toil and unvaried production.

  • All the commodities which Arab traders sold at high prices to Venetian merchants in the Levant were now known to be of little worth in the markets of India.

  • A good plan enough for the man of independent fortune, for the judge whose income was assured, or the thrifty merchant who, signing a non-importation agreement, had laid in a stock of goods to be sold at high prices.

  • The poor had to do the best they could in these days of high prices.

  • Most of them bought supplies for the regular channels of trade, but they were buying in a manner that was bound to lead to high prices.

  • In order to produce high prices the protectionists have obtained high tariffs, and still low prices have come to disappoint their expectations.

  • Contrary to all expectation, protection has frequently resulted in low prices, and free trade in high prices.

  • As sellers we are interested in high prices, consequently in scarcity.

  • He complained of the hardness of times, high prices of goods, and poverty of the Indians, and hoped that presents would be given to them.

  • In Pennsylvania, all the land around Philadelphia is held at high prices.

  • I find by inquiry among my neighbors that none of them get so high prices as myself.

  • For a long time there has been a ready market at high prices and it is rapidly reaching the point where we shall face an actual shortage of timber.

  • Unfortunately, however, there is no law that prevents its export from this country, and almost half of this found its way to Europe, where it is eagerly sought at high prices.

  • It makes a difference whether a garden furnishes all the fruit and vegetables needed by the family, or whether it does not even pay for cultivation, and the food must be bought at high prices.

  • The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "high prices" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.

    Some common collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    high chief; high degree; high education; high finance; high food; high glee; high grade; high life; high potential; high priest; high rate; high society; high temperatures; high tide; high treason; high velocity; high wages; high winds; higher culture; higher kind; higher level; higher position; higher rank; higher rate; higher type; passive obedience