Herodotus speaks of Hemp (Cannabis sativa) as a novelty in his time, lately introduced into Thrace from Scythia.
The Sicilians, indeed, employ Hemp as a charm to secure the affection of those they love.
In the Cotes-du-Nord, France, there is a belief that Hemp enrages those who have been bitten by dogs.
The Hemp Agrimony is the Holy Rope, after the rope with which Christ was bound; and the Hollyhock is the Holy Hock (an old word for Mallow).
In Piedmont, there is a belief thatHemp spun on the last day of Carnival will bring bad luck.
Perhaps the origin of this custom of Hemp-sowing is the fact that from Hemp is made cord, which is used to bind, attach, or secure an object.
Illustration: Section of Eighteenth Century Frigate, showing space occupied byhemp cables and other stores.
I was there once with mamma and papa to the Rope and Hemp Manufacturers' Convention.
This very day I turned over a memorandum to the head of my department, advising a certain buy in hemp rope, Becker and Co.
When the huge hemp cables were ready for the frigate, the workmen carried them to the shipyard on their shoulders, the parade led by fife and drum.
The basis of the prejudice against the san-hemp plant is not altogether clear.
In Bilaspur the Patharia Kurmis will grow san-hemp and ret it, but will not spin or weave the fibre; while the Atharia Kurmis will not grow the crop, but will spin the fibre and make sacking.
They live in the Seoni and Harda tahsils of Hoshangabad, the san-hemp crop being a favourite one in villages adjoining the forests, because it is not subject to the depredations of wild animals.
They sow and cut hemp on Sundays and Wednesdays, which are regarded as auspicious days.
The Pataria are an inferior group in Bilaspur, who are similarly despised because they grow hemp and will take their food in the fields in patris or leaf-plates.
They will not grow san-hemp nor breed tasar silk cocoons.
Since then the Hindus have been forbidden to grow san-hemp lest they should lose their tempers in the same manner.
In Raipur the Manwa Kurmis will also do this; Mana is a word sometimes applied to a loom, and the Manwa Kurmis may be so called because they grow hemp and weave sacking from the fibres.
Cultivators are often glad to sublet their fields for the purpose of having a crop of hemp grown upon them, because the stalks are left for manure and fertilise the ground.
A small caste of cultivators in the Hoshangabad and Nimar Districts, whose distinctive occupation is to grow san-hemp (Crotalaria juncea) and to make sacking and gunny-bags from the fibre.
In Mr. Greeven's account also, Lalbeg, the patron saint of the sweepers, is described as intoxicated with the hemp drug on two occasions.
The Narsinghpur Mallahs, a branch of the Kewats, have also adopted the cultivation of san-hemp as a regular profession.
But the question was, could they manufacture a cloth out of hemp that would be light enough when thus coated over?
By good fortune they had a large stock of hemp on hand all ready for twisting.
It finally increased the duty onhemp by about twenty-five per centum immediately, and by about eighty per centum in three years.
V) provided for the application of £1,200 currency to enable the inhabitants to “enter on the culture of hemp with facility and advantage.
The hempwas to be used for cordage for the Royal Navy.
Among the first important industries of Montreal also must be mentioned the hemp factory, established in 1825 and owned by Mr. J.
Premiums were offered to societies and in 1804 Mr. Isaac Winslow Clarke, chairman of the Montreal committee, received the gold medal from the Society of Arts for hemp grown in Lower Canada.
Hemp and netting are attached to the under side of the beams, to the middle of which is fastened one end of a strong rope, by which the apparatus is let down from a boat, and guided to the spots where the coral is most abundant.
The branches of the coral become entangled in the hemp and network; they are broken off from the rock, and are drawn to the surface of the water.
The dimensions of the fabric were doubled in the case of coarse silk, and quadrupled in the case of cloth woven from hemp or from the fibre of the inner bark of the paper-mulberry.
The Bang you ask for is the powder of the leaves of a kind of hemp that grows in the hot climates.
She gave it plenty of hemp seed to make it fat, and very often the yolk of a hard-boiled egg, and kept a nail in its drinking water, and gave it a few drops of alcohol in its bath every morning to keep it from taking cold.
I heard Carl tell her before he left not to give them much hemp seed, for that was too fattening.
The ring is packed behind with hemp packing, and the piece of metal which covers the joint is a piece of thick sheet copper or brass, and is indented into the iron of the ring, so as to offer no obstruction to the application of the hemp.
The upper edge of the metallic ring is sharpened away from the inside so as to permit more conveniently the application of hemp packing behind it; and the junk ring is made much the same as if no metallic packing were employed.
Small grooves are sometimes turned out of the piston rod above and below the cutter hole, and hemp is introduced in order to make the piston eye tight.
Penn employ for the piston packing a single metallic ring with tongue piece and indented plate behind the joint; and this ring is packed behind with hemp squeezed by the junk ring as in ordinary hemp-packed pistons.
The piston is accurately fitted to the cylinder, and made to move in it steam tight by a packing of hemp driven tightly into a groove or recess round the edge of the piston, and which is squeezed down by an iron ring held by screws.
The sheet brass speedily puts an excellent polish upon the rod, and such a packing is more easily kept, and requires less tallow than where hemp alone is employed.
Four rope walks, which work up 600 tons of hemp per annum.
The Fire Engines, and machinery forHemp manufacture made at this establishment are deservedly celebrated.
The great superiority of this city as a market for hemp and its products, bagging and rope, is so obvious, so well known and so widely acknowledged, that any dissertation upon these merits is unnecessary here.
Dewrotting; the process of decomposing the gummy matter of flax and hemp and setting the fibrous part, by exposure on a sward to dew, rain, and sunshine.