Oh, it's because I so covet that I will not tether it!
Feeling sure that we were in for it for the night, he unfastened the straps that secured the tent in front, and crept out to hammer down the tent-pins and tether the ropes.
In addition to the cumbersome load, there were sometimes lariats and iron pichet-pins slung on one side of the saddle, to tether the animals when they grazed at night.
The upshot, however, proved to a moral certainty, that such a length of tether is not chancey for youth, and that a master cannot be too much on the head of his own business.
A long tether was then passed with a slip-knot through each rattan belt, so that the slaves were firmly secured to each other, while a small coil was employed to link them more securely in a band by their necks.
Why, wouldst thou put the lad into the noose that thou mayst slip tether thyself?
Footnote: A romancer, to use a Scottish phrase, wants but a hair to make a tether of.
Nor clog nor tether can be worse Than the dead palsy of the purse.
It is not very likely that I shall ever read The End of theTether again.
If the sportsman can procure baits, a good plan is to select a good place for a machan before tying up; tether lightly so that the tiger may drag the carcase away.
So the bargain was made; the price was ten pounds, Bob giving in the saddle, bridle, a pair of hobbles, and a tether rope.
It was Loughnan's turn that day to tether the sheep on some grassy spot, and to look after it; the animal by this time had become quite a pet, and was called Jimmy.
Maintaining a firm grip on Ben Akbar's tether rope and keeping pace with the dalul, Ali ran with them.
Ben Akbar, who sported neither tether rope nor rein but who was amiably willing to walk behind Ali where the path was narrow and beside him where space permitted, came up from behind and thrust his long neck over his friend's shoulder.
Mimico had received and was holding the tether rope of the single beast that had been transferred to the pier.
Tether ropes slipped off either end of the broken line as the herd ran forward.
He took hold of thetether rope while he stooped to whisper in its ear, "Rise, my little one.
At present I am at the end of my tether and I mean to be off to the Engadine a fortnight hence--most likely not to return before October.
Deluge; but I suspect I am getting to the end of my tether physically, and shall have to start for the Engadine in another month's time.
When the deed was done the shelty was brought back to its tether as mysteriously as it had been taken away.
She then went on to say that when they took away any cow's milk they did so by twining and platting a rope the wrong way and in the devil's name, drawing the tether in between the cow's hinder feet, and out between her fore feet.
The minute Dave got mounted he managed to form the tether into a kind of a nose loop, but he could get no control of the animal under him.
Dave tried to form the loose end of the tetherinto some kind of a bridle.
The float guided him; for, no matter where the cow went, the tether was still attached to her, and the movement of the log along the surface betrayed to the eye of her pursuer every change of direction.
Gabe was not in sight, and when they reached the animals, they saw that they had broken their tether ropes, and had evidently strayed from the camp.
They walked a little way behind each horse, keeping hold of the tether ropes.
As they were about to start off, Jed, who picked up from the ground the end of the broken tether rope, uttered a cry of surprise.
They are taken to the coast by horse-dealers, who tether them in much the same way as they do their horses.
Sleepily I decided in my mind that our donkey had loosened his tether and was trying to pay us a friendly visit.
Those who have horses tether them in front of their tents, and allow them to eat grass to their hearts' content.
Then we'll unsaddle, tether the horses and take to our blankets, though, if you say so, we will first draw a little on the commissariat.
He untied the tether and laid his hand on the horn of the goat.
Whenever the white goat had broken her tether she had flown from it to the lowlands.
To swim horses across a river, to sleep by their side when there is danger, to tether them, and to water them from wells, are all described elsewhere.
The woodcut shows how a makeshift swivel can be fitted to a tether rope.
Let your horse go free, or tether him to a pine; in either case he will not wander far," said the girl.
You and I," continued Lord Alston, without apparent attention to the last words which Sir Peregrine had spoken, "have nearly come to the end of our tether here.