Most of the quicksilver is then pressed out, and the silver submitted to a burning process, by which the remaining portion of mercury is expelled.
A suitable quantity of quicksilveris perfectly mixed with the mortar; to which are added some muriates, sulphates, and other chemical substances, to facilitate the amalgamation.
When a tube is as thin as that, even a tiny amount of expansion or contraction will make the quicksilver run up the tube or down.
This doughy mass is presently washed clear of all impurities, and is then squeezed in skins or cloths, through the pores of which loose quicksilver is forced, and saved for future operations.
Let us not omit noting the significance of the fact, that a quicksilver mine exists in California.
The quicksilver escapes by sublimation; but its owner does not wish it quite to escape out of his premises, because it is an expensive article.
The amalgam, therefore, being subjected to heat, thequicksilver escapes by sublimation, leaving the gold pure.
It is then pressed on chamois skins, and the quicksilver is separated from the gold by sublimation.
Near the head of the sluice is a vessel, from which quicksilver falls by drops into the box; and it follows the course of riffle-bars, overtaking the gold which takes the same route.
At the end of two hours the mass has taken the consistence of thick cream, when five hundred pounds of quicksilver are put in, and after the barrel has revolved four hours more, the amalgamation is complete.
The quicksilver and amalgam taken from the sluice are put into a buckskin or cloth, and pressed, so that the liquid metal passes through, and the amalgam is retained.
After a time thequicksilver pervades the copper, and gives it a silvery whiteness all through on the under side.
In many millsquicksilver is placed in the battery, two ounces of quicksilver for one of gold; and about two-thirds of the gold is caught thus.
After the sluicing has been in progress a couple of hours, some quicksilver is put in at the head of the sluice, and it gradually finds its way downward, most of it stopping, however, near where it is put in.
The annual yield of our gold mines is about forty millions of dollars, of our quicksilver two millions of dollars.
The quicksilvermay then be rubbed on with a rag; or, still better, it may be dissolved in nitric acid, and the liquid nitrate of quicksilver may be applied with a rag.
The paste is thus dissolved in the water, and the gold, quicksilver and amalgam have an opportunity to fall to the bottom.
The ore from which quicksilver is obtained is a sulphuret.
Near the bottom are horizontal iron arms, which revolve and stir the quicksilver and pulverized quartz together.
In the Enriqueta and Guadalupe mines the quicksilver is condensed in a close iron retort, and the sulphur is absorbed by quicklime.
Quicksilver is used in nearly all quartz-mill sluices.
As to the quicksilver running out, have you so soon forgotten that the air presses upon every body on the surface of the earth, in the proportion of about fifteen pounds upon every square inch?
Now then I understand it,” cried Tom; “the quicksilver runs down the tubes and alters the centre of gravity of the figures, and so makes them tumble over each other.
As the quicksilver is contained in a closed tube, I do not exactly understand how the air can act upon it; and if the tube were not closed, it would of course run out from its weight,” observed Louisa.
They obtained potash from wine lees, soda from sea-plants, and from quicksilver the mercuric oxide which played so interesting a part in the later history of chemistry.
At the lower (negative) surface small globules having a high metallic luster like quicksilver appeared, some of which burned with explosion and flame while others remained and became tarnished.
Mines of gold, quicksilver and sulphur are said to abound.
Iron and quicksilver are said to have been discovered, the former at various places in the island; and coal is reported to exist in Antique; but these are points which have hitherto received little attention.
He became a Captain in his Corps in 1852, but the opportunities in California were so tempting, that he resigned to enter the practice of the law and embark in various business enterprises of railroad building and quicksilver mining.
He was unusually successful in all these, becoming Director-General of the New Almaden Quicksilver Mining Company, President of a railroad, and a member of a leading law firm.
Quicksilver explained to Perseus how the Three Gray Women managed with their one eye.
At last, he happened to recollect that Quicksilver had spoken of a sister, who was to lend her assistance in the adventure which they were now bound upon.
Perseus looked about him, rather disconsolately, and asked Quicksilver whether they had a great deal farther to go.
Quicksilver laughed at his companion's involuntary activity, and told him that he must not be in so desperate a hurry, but must wait for the invisible helmet.
Quicksilver and the Nymphs, and found it very difficult to clamber down again.
I have more names than one; but the name of Quicksilversuits me as well as any other.
I told you she would be the first to discover them," said Quicksilver to Perseus.
Quicksilver looked at it with a smile, and nodded his approbation.
To say the truth, he had a singular idea that Quicksilver was furnished with a pair of winged shoes, which, of course, helped him along marvellously.
Quicksilver was so much tickled at beholding Shakejoint and Nightmare both groping for the eye, and each finding fault with Scarecrow and one another, that he could scarcely help laughing aloud.
He resolved to tell Quicksilver all his difficulties, since he could not easily be worse off than he already was, and, very possibly, his new friend might give him some advice that would turn out well in the end.
Or the exhibition of crude quicksilver two ounces every half hour, till a pound is taken, be particularly serviceable in this circumstance?
In the Report to the Visitors there is an interesting account of the difficulties experienced with the Reflex Zenith Tube in consequence of the tremors of the quicksilver transmitted through the ground.
He points the instrument at a star, or at the reflection of the sun's rays from a small round piece of glass or a globule of quicksilver several hundred yards away, and ascertains whether the rays are all brought to a focus.
The surface of quicksilver is exactly level and so at right angles to the true direction of the plumb-line or the force of gravity.
Finally, as there seemed to be no other remedy, our old friend Quicksilver was sent post haste to King Pluto, in hopes that he might be persuaded to undo the mischief he had done, and to set everything right again, by giving up Proserpina.
Now, it happened, curiously enough, that, just as the servant was bringing the pomegranate into the back door of the palace our friend Quicksilver had gone up the front steps, on his errand to get Proserpina away from King Pluto.
While he was speaking, Quicksilver seemed to be in search of something; he went stooping along the ground, and soon laid his hand on a little plant with a snow-white flower, which he plucked and smelt of.
The instant I tasted it, King Pluto and Quicksilver came into the room.
Quicksilver accordingly made the best of his way to the great gate, took a flying leap right over the three-headed mastiff, and stood at the door of the palace in an inconceivably short time.
For now I know that thou art he of whom Quicksilver forewarned me, the most prudent of mortals, against whom no enchantments can prevail.
Quicksilver then gave him some further advice how to behave, and bidding him to be bold and prudent, again assured him that, powerful as Circe was, he would have a fair prospect of coming safely out of her enchanted palace.
I know not how many kind things she might have said to the disconsolate king of the mines, had not Quicksilver hurried her away.
Ulysses had been looking at that very spot only just before; and it appeared to him that the plant had burst into full flower the instant when Quicksilver touched it with his fingers.
There are also quicksilver mines, and lead, tin, and manganese are found to some extent.
Down plumbed the shuttled ledger, and the quill On the quicksilver water lay dead still.
If quicksilver were gold, And troubled pools of it shaking in the sun It were not such a fancy of bickering gleam As Ryton daffodils when the air but stirs.
With the black powder, we are told, he converted great quantities of quicksilver into the purest gold, and that he did this in the presence of the Emperor Rudolph II.
We took leave of our friends an hour or two ago, but do not expect to set sail till the afternoon, as they are discharging the quicksilver which our vessel brought, and loading the silver which we carry away.
The next day we visited the works, which are like all others, excepting that here they do not use quicksilver to extract the silver from the lead, but do so by the process of oxidation, by the means of a reverberatory furnace.
The Italian put a quantity of tin into one crucible, and a quantity of quicksilver into another.
Thus he says, that a mine of quicksilver had been recently discovered in Scotland: the fact however, is, that no quicksilver-mine ever existed in any part of Britain.
Had they been aware of the method of distilling the quicksilver ore into a receiver, this imperfect mode of collecting only a small portion of the quicksilver, separated from the cinnabar, would never have been practised.
Cinnabar was occasionally used as an external medicine; but Pliny disapproves of it, assuring his readers that quicksilver and all its preparations are virulent poisons.
This was done by pounding a piece of ore to powder in a little hand mortar, then putting in a drop of quicksilver to pick up the gold, and then evaporating that fluid by holding it in an iron ladle over a fire.
The bottle of quicksilver he had used all winter was found to be "loaded.
And manipulating a specimen of quartz by pulverizing and the use of quicksilver to see if it contained gold was also prospecting.
On these polished plates, quicksilver was sprinkled and it was held to the copper by the affinity of the two metals for each other.
The pan was now put at the bottom of the cradle, a plug pulled out, and the quicksilver run into it.
As the quicksilverin the concentrator was squeezed by Harry or Tom, and the blankets washed by them, none but themselves knew what the returns were.
As the pressure on the quicksilver increased it ran through the pores of the leather in tiny streams, until at last a lump of pasty metal remained.
You see, as the stuff in the cradle is shaken, the gold being heavier than the sand finds its way down to the bottom, and every particle that comes in contact with the quicksilver is swallowed up by it.
The ball, which was of the consistency of half-dried mortar was then taken out, and the process repeated again and again until the whole of the quicksilver had been passed through the leather.
And how do you get the quicksilver out of those lumps?
This was squeezed again and again, until not a single globule of quicksilverpassed through the leather.
It thickens the quicksilver, and as it is squeezed through the leather the quicksilver is as it were strained out, and what remains behind becomes thicker and thicker, until, as you see, it is almost solid.
There is what is called an affinity between quicksilver and gold.
The moment gold touches quicksilver it is absorbed by it, just as a drop of water is taken up by a lump of salt.
That's cinnabar--quicksilver ore--and a big per cent.
Scopoli is physician to the wretches that work in the quicksilver mines of that district.
The Rothschilds worked the mines and realized their profits, the Spanish Government receiving a royalty of so much money for each flask of quicksilver sold.
These mines are said to be the greatest quicksilver mines in the world, and yield an immense profit.
The sun pours down a vivid light, which spreads quicksilveriridescence over the cloud-tops.
The sun brightened the kaleidoscopic earthscape below us, so that rivers and canals looked like quicksilver threads, and even the railway lines glistened.
These was another kind of marine engine that I think should not be passed over without notice; I allude to Howard's quicksilver engine.
The vessels were packed in a furnace heated with wood, about 60 pounds being used per pound of quicksilver made.
During this period, the consumption of fuel is four parts to every part of quicksilver produced.
Though known from remote times, the date of the first opening of the famous mines of quicksilver of Almadén has not been precisely determined.
The loss of the quicksilver during the operation has been vary variously estimated, some stating that it is 50 per cent.
Nothing definite is known concerning the methods of the Moors; we possess only as a proof that they produced mercury, an account of a quicksilver fountain in the marvelous palace of Abderrahman III.