Snapper Island is high and covered with a thick impenetrable mass of underwood, but no fresh water was found.
Snapper Island (so called by Lieutenant Jeffreys), but found the anchorage more open than had been expected.
Continue the examination of the East Coast towards Endeavour River; anchoring progressively at Rockingham Bay, Fitzroy Island, Snapper Island, and Weary Bay.
The boat which had been sent for the mate and two men belonging to the Snapper put them on board of the steamer; but the captain and the passenger were retained on board of the Chateaugay.
I heard him tell Flanger that he would lose the command of the Snapper if any harm came to you.
Perhaps you had better go on board of the Snapper on our return to the town.
Captain Chantor, after consulting with his naval passenger, determined to send the Snapper to Key West, from which she could readily be despatched to New York if occasion should require.
But if the Snapper went through the Providence Channel, the Chateaugay would not be likely to fall in with her.
She is called the Snapper, and she is a regular snapper at her business.
The Snapper continued to go ahead, and in a short time she made a sort of a plunge, as she went over the bar.
Christy was not disposed to converse on the subject, and he began to wonder in what manner the Snapper could give her pursuer the slip.
The captain of the Snapper was still in irons, and he and his companion had been put under guard in the waist.
I can make a trade with the captain of the Snapper to put you ashore at Key West.
The next morning the Snapper was on her voyage to Key West, and the Chateaugay headed for the Hole in the Wall, though she gave it a wide berth, and stood off to the eastward.
The Snapper is not a man-of-war, and she is engaged in a peaceful voyage.
Perhaps I know it quite as well as you do, at least so far as the voyage of the Snapper is concerned," replied the commander of the Chateaugay, who proceeded to explain international law in relation to the intention to run the blockade.
In the middle of the forenoon, with the light at Hole in the Wall on the starboard, and that on Stirrup Cay on the port, the course of the Snapper was changed to the north-west.
A related species is the Lutianus analis, the mutton snapper or pargo criollo of the West Indies.
Another red species is the diamond snapper or cagon de lo alto, Rhomboplites aurorubens.
Hoplopagrus guntheri is a large snapper of the west coast of Mexico, having very large molar teeth in its jaws besides slit-like nostrils and other notable peculiarities.
One of these, Lutianus aya, the red snapper or pargo guachinango of the Gulf of Mexico, is, economically speaking, the most important of all these fishes in the United States.
Glaucosoma burgeri is a large snapper of Japan, and a related species, Glaucosoma hebraicum, is one of the "jewfishes" of Australia.
Think of a whipper-snapper like you trying to capture a big chap like me.
We called it Snapper Bank, from the immense quantity of that fish which we found on it.
The summit of Snapper Island, bore South 7 degrees East six miles; by which we found that both it and the coast are placed on the charts too much to the eastward.
The whole group is abundantly supplied, though nowhere so plentifully as at Snapper Bank.
Saw that snapper of yours walking off an hour since.
Sometimes it's Snapper and sometimes it's Klick; I don't know which is which, but one of them has adenoids.
Snapper and Klick are continually worrying me to have Baby taken.
At last Mr. Snapper could blow no more, and with profuse thanks we gathered ourselves, together and departed.
Its eastern extremity resembled the head of a snapper and was known as Snapper Head.
At 9 o'clock on the 7th the ships passed Snapper Island and then Cape Tribulation, and at 6 P.
During his absence the Commander explored the banks of a creek "which opened abreast of the vessel" and Barrallier and Murray surveyed the harbour while Caley searched for new plants wandering as far as Snapper Island.
From its likeness, as above mentioned, to a snapper's head, I named itSnapper Island.
A cinder-snapper holds a shovel in front of the hole to keep the flame from his hands.
I heard a Sicilian cinder-snapper say with a blank smile.
It was a little odd during the afternoon to see a sweat-drenched cinder-snapper at his work with a long black cigar between his teeth.
A cinder-snapper brought up two, and held the bar while the keeper and first-helper sledged.
One who, or that which, snaps; as, a snapperup of trifles; the snapper of a whip.
One of several species of valuable food fishes of the genus Epinephelus, of the family Serranidæ, as the red grouper, or brown snapper (E.
Do you mean that young whipper-snapper with his big traction engine?
Mr. Damon, "Tom Swift is neither a whipper-snapper nor is his machine a traction engine.
But, Captain Brand, there had been three pairs of open eyes watching you through every mouthful of snapper you snapped, and every drop of fiery white rum you swallowed.
Glad was old Miguel Tortuga to have a strong man to assist him for the privilege of joining in a sip of aguardiente and catching a red snapper or two; so they jumped on board and spread the sail.
The red snapper is the most widely known, commercially, being shipped from Pensacola and Tampa to all Northern cities.
As it is taken only in deep water, on the snapper banks, by hand lines, it is of no importance to the angler.
Miami River, and at Arch Creek above, and Snapper Creek below.
But Temminck's Snapperis the wonder and gaping-stock of this house.
For the Snapper has been in this not very large tank for ten years, and has not yet become convinced that there are no fish in it.
The red snapper not infrequently attains a weight of twelve to fifteen pounds, and the larger individuals fight well.
The gray snapper runs up to forty pounds in weight and makes a good fight.
Alex, I want to ask you a thing that's got a snapperon it.
An exact and faithful rendering of the glance might be given in the words: "Look here, my dear; I hope you intend to send this little whipper-snapper about his business.
Then there is that whipper-snapper of a student, who gives me a couple of francs.
You had a snapper off, and you thought that would show less than an ordinary pin.
The rest looked at Gladys' cuff and, sure enough, there was a snapper off.
Snapper for the second time in his life turned on his back and closed his eyes, not knowing for a certainty whether he was to be kicked or petted.
And Snapperwould twist about, turn somersaults, and fall, amid merry, irrepressible laughter.
And they gathered together and laughed, and Snapper kept on twisting round, and turning somersaults and falling, and no one saw the strange entreating look in his eyes.
She was already dressed for the journey in the same cinnamon skirt, out of which Snapper had torn a piece, and a black jacket.