Even as Lander uttered these words Grant pitched the first ball, and Whiting hit it--hit it humming straight into the hands of Chipper Cooper, who snapped it to third for a double play, before Berry could get back to the sack.
His face flushed, his under jaw outshot a bit further than usual, Roy returned to the box, ignoring Chipper Cooper, who was cackling with apparent great delight.
Chipper Cooper, as he watched the visitors pour in and fill up the generous section of bleachers reserved for them.
Chipper managed to get it and wing it across to Crane for a clean put-out.
Chipper Cooper hit the ball handsomely three times in succession, and relinquished the bat with a whoop of satisfaction.
Indeed, Chipper had bumped a Texas leaguer over the head of the second baseman, who made a desperate but futile effort to reach the ball; and Oakdale had every reason to cheer as Rodney Grant easily scampered home from third.
Chipper Cooper, Ben Stone, Sleuth Piper, Chub Tuttle, Sile Crane and Roy Hooker formed the remainder of the assemblage.
Chipper looked surprised, and then, as Crane was jogging back, in violation of the rules, the coacher ran out to first, grabbed Piper and whispered to him.
Crane, setting his teeth, made two fouls, and then sent Chipper into real convulsions by whiffing at a high one which Roy whistled across his shoulders with surprising accuracy.
Larkins led off by batting a dust scorcher against Cooper's shins, and once more Chipper marred his record by booting the ball and throwing wild to first when he finally got hold of it.
Well, Lordy Massy, folks that is so chipper and high steppin' has to hev their come downs; and the deacon he hed to hev his.
Huldy was a drefful chippersort o' gal; and work sort o' rolled off from her like water off a duck's back.
I remember how chipper an' cheery Bill looked when he was sayin' that, just as he was going down to New York with his load o' oysters.
These are much more substantial machines that combine both a big hammermill shredder with a side-feeding chipper for limbs and branches.
Feeding large hard branches too fast can tear up chipper blades and even break the ball-bearing housings holding the spindle.
Using a prefabricated bin can prevent a person from readily turning the heap and can almost force a person to also buy some sort of shredder/chipper to first reduce the size of the material.
I suggest you could do worse than to judge how long the maker expects their shredder/chipper to last by the motor it selects.
The chipperis designed to grind woody materials like small tree limbs, prunings, and berry canes.
At breakfast Mr. Ellins shows up more smilin' andchipper than I'd ever seen him anywhere before.
He has broken his leg, Chipper tells me, and has been shut up in his cavern for a week and more.
He tried once or twice to get up, but fell back again; and Chipper is sure there was nothing to eat in the cave.
Chipper didn't seem to think he could get any," replied the squirrel.
He was not sick or hurt, simply lazy; for when I went near him he flew away as chipper as a bird could be.
They had braved the storms of the preceding week, and were as chipper and active as myrtle warblers could be.
Chipper sed the reeson he pumped so hard was becaus he gnew that all the wind wood go into the squeel keys and sound awful.
Chipper Burley when he got mad and grabed it and toar it up and chased me almost down to front streete.
Chipper told Beany he done it and Beany he sed he dident hoap to die an cross his throte and then Chipper he held up the overhals and the hat and they both had I.
Chipper he sed he has stood moar from Beany than he had from enny feller and that a house of worship wasent a place for munky shines and this was the last chanct Beany shood have.
Beany he went up to Chipper Berleys to get his pay and Chipper told him he was lucky not to get arested for distirbing a religus meating.
Chipper Berley clim into the organ after chirch was over and found that sumbody had stufed a old pair of overhals and a old hat all spatered with paint into the big pipe.
July 26, i will never speek to Chipper Burley again.
Watson rote on them and so Beany has lost his gob this time forever so Chipper sed and he waulked Beany out by the ear.
Chipper and old Hen Dow jawed Beany like time after chirch.
They were nearly opposite the house when he heard Chipper Cooper laugh loudly and say something about frightening the Texan into fits.
Snow doubt about it,” punned Chipper Cooper, turning up his coat collar and pulling his cap down over his ears.
Peace, noble Osceola,” said another, with a shivery chuckle that might have come from the lips of Chipper Cooper.
Spotty, having gone to work in Belford and decided that he’d right likely never come back here, wrote Chipper Cooper, owning up to the shooting of Silver Tongue.
He’s a fake,” declaredChipper Cooper positively, backing up against the steam radiator to warm himself on the other side.
An hour later Chipper was puttering about in the woodshed when he heard a footstep and looked up to discover Chub Tuttle shivering in a turtleneck sweater outside the open door.
Chipper lost many spearheads; but he always found his loose shaft.
Chipper was sent to lie in wait at the spot where the trail crossed the river.
It was soon after Chipper came to the cave and said that two reindeer were in the pit.
He acted dreadful worried for a spell, but for the week afore he was married he seemedchipper as ever.
We should be able to do more of this kind of work than Darius, who has spent all his life aboard ship, an' yet there he is, humpin' along chipper as a sparrow.
You see, I reckoned my chances would be better to see him along with a cheerful, chipper fellow like you.
They're doing all this for YOU, you know; Almiry's just this chipperonly on your account.
These places were chuck full of allfired harnsome gals and spruce looking fellers, that were dressed off to kill, and talked and laughed as chipper as could be.
The tin pedler chap, he poked on arter, and gin the wheel-barrow a boost once in a while as chipper as could be.
DEAR PAR: Here I am agin, safe and sound, large as life, and chipper as a grasshopper on a high rock in a sunshiny day.
Here the other Queens and all the Kings and Nights come a crowding round us all in a twitter to hear what we were so chipper about.
But the man that I'd seen with her at the theatre, he sot down close by me, and begin to talk as chipper as if he'd known me a hundred years.
The President he was as chipper as a blackbird, with the gals around him a smiling and a twitterin as tickled as so many trout round a bait.
But sure's you live, boys, I never wounded a free game creature yet, and seed it get away to pull a hurt limb and a cruel pain with it through the woods, that I could feel chipper afterwards.
You've jest got to suck this water and try to chipper up, and--we'll make camp together again.
The experiment proved to be a mighty big success, for there in the tub the following morning the hunter found his trout as lively andchipper as ever.
Billy was as chipper as anyone when once he got started and held his end down in the conversation first class.
Sallie hopped into view chipper as you please, never caring a whoop who saw her, countryman or foreigner, and she began to throw diaphanous folds of cheese-cloth all over herself and around herself.
Felt quite chipper after it, too, the bunch of us .
Nobby'd got his leg bruk, but he seemed chipper enough an' chewed th' rag wid us awhile.
Well, we got out of the carriage as light and chipper as two birds.
The young fellow did seem to be taken aback a minute, for the forward creature had just cut her mother out; but he soon began to talk and laugh with her as chipper as could be, and only stopped to give me a nip of a bow when Cousin E.
Somebody gave him a cigarette and he grew morechipper in spite of his wounds.
I asked him if his wound hurt, and he said no, and that he was able to walk back, and felt quite chipper until the last mile.
The Rector had out his old coach, which Chippermanaged to decapitate for the occasion, and it did duty (like St Denis) with its head off, as an open barouche.
He said Sam flashed up 'bout an hour ago lookin' as chipper as you please, an' with cash in his pocket.