What was once an epithet describing divine filiation became later a personal name.
In trying to subject history to the order of logic they sometimes misconceive the filiation of ideas.
So, were the Son to proceed from the Father as out of nothing, then the Son would be to the Father what the thing made is to the maker, whereto, as is evident, the name of filiation would not apply except by a kind of similitude.
But filiation presupposes nativity; for the Son is so called because He is born.
Since then paternity and filiation are opposite relations, they belong necessarily to two persons.
Now it belongs to the very nature of paternity and filiation that the Son by generation should attain to the possession of the perfection of the nature which is in the Father, in the same way as it is in the Father Himself.
Thus paternity and filiation are real relations in God.
Therefore paternity and filiation in God, consequent upon generation, are only logical relations.
But the Son is compared to the creature by reason of filiation or generation, according to Col.
Therefore, if no real paternity or filiation existed in God, it would follow that God is not really Father or Son, but only in our manner of understanding; and this is the Sabellian heresy.
Therefore the subsisting paternity is the person of the Father; and the subsisting filiation is the person of the Son.
For this reason is the Son perfect, that the entire divine filiation is contained in Him, and that there is but one Son.
Dupont, combining the observations made in the three excursions (that to Namur had taken place the day before), established a filiation between the different peoples who inhabited Belgium in different periods of the stone age.
The filiation of modern European tongues is known to every one.
The danger lies in the possibility of mistake in the filiation of the languages, and especially in a mistaken belief in the antiquity of a plant-name which may have been introduced by another people.
In Japan, as among the Basques, filiation is subordinated to the transmission of property.
In the case of the commune, the principle of filiation enables us to accomplish this with remarkable success.
In case I should not have made sufficiently clear my views as to the filiation of the Domesday MSS.
Possibly only; but it is clear that the dissemination of the same doctrines caused the production of these obscene sects by inevitable logical necessity, whether an historical filiation be established or not.
The Pauline filiation of the sect can hardly be mistaken.
But, moreover, they claimed a filiationmore obvious than that of ideas--they asserted that they derived their doctrines from Theodas, disciple of the Apostle of the Gentiles.
This is an object I mean to pursue, as I am persuaded that the only method of investigating the filiation of the Indian nations, is by that of their languages.
In 1710 he took the Cistercian habit, according to the reformation of la Trappe, at Buon Solazzo in Tuscany, the only filiation of that Institute.
The filiationof the English copies has been determined by Zupitza in the exhaustive article mentioned below: he gives a critical text based on the Royal MS.
Neither the analogy nor the diversity of language suffice to solve the great problem of the filiation of nations; they merely serve to point out probabilities.
The duration, geographical distribution, origin, and filiation of conceptions belong to historical synthesis.
The results of the critical investigation of authorship, as applied to the filiation of documents, are of two kinds.
Paternity, Filiationand Procession, as was said above (I, Q.
Yet habitual grace in Christ does not make one who was not a son to be an adopted son, but is a certain effect of Filiation in the soul of Christ, according to John 1:14: "We saw His glory .
Eternal filiation does not depend on a temporal mother, but together with this eternal filiation we understand a certain temporal relation dependent on the mother, in respect of which relation Christ is called the Son of His Mother.
But if we consider the subject of filiation, which can only be the eternal suppositum, then no other than the eternal filiation in Christ is a real relation.
And thus in one way there is only one real filiation in Christ, which is in respect of the Eternal Father: yet there is another temporal relation in regard to His temporal mother.
But filiation belongs especially to the Person, since it is a personal property, as appears from what was said in the First Part (Q.
Therefore the filiationby which Christ is referred to His Mother cannot be a real relation, but only a relation of reason.
But the eternal filiation by which Christ is the Son of God the Father depends not on His Mother, because nothing eternal depends on what is temporal.
Temporal nativity would cause a real temporal filiation in Christ if there were in Him a subject capable of such filiation.
On the contrary, others, considering only the subject of filiation, which is the person or hypostasis, put only onefiliation in Christ, just as there is but one hypostasis or person.
This is an object I mean to pursue, as I am persuaded that the only method of investigating the filiation of the Indian nations is by that of their languages.
Undoubtedly the tradition which, in the general filiation of English poetry, connects Tennyson with Keats, is not wholly wrong.
Filiation through female descent precedes filiation through achievement, because it is a function of somatic conditions, in the main, while filiation through achievement is a function of historical conditions.
From the side of organization, the negative accretion of population about female centers and filiation through blood is very precious, since filiation based on relation to females prepares the way for organization based on motor activities.
If there had been no social grouping through reproduction, there would yet have been ultimately filiation of men for the sake of mutually profitable enterprises.
Does he not attribute to an immediate influence of especial inspiration even Peter's acknowledgment of his Filiation to God, or Messiahship?
But the consensus is so complete (especially in modern history), that in the filiation of one generation and another, it is the whole which produces the whole, rather than any part a part.