Dropsy, which I have mentioned before, is one of the sequels that frequently prove fatal.
Beside the ulceration of glands and deafness, some of the sequels of scarlatina are white swelling of one or more of the joints, usually the knee, chronic inflammation of the eyes and eyelids, and partial paralysis.
Sometimes also severe rheumatic pain, or rather neuralgia, in the joints, swelling of the glands, and other sequels prolong his sickness.
Blindness and nervous disorders are among the rarer sequels including paralyses and St. Vitus's dance.
It is not surprising that sequels promptly appeared, but the writers of these unfortunately lacked the genius of the author of the original Lazarillo.
No further sequels were printed until 1620 when Juan Cortes de Tolosa's book, Lazarillo de Manzanares, was published.
VI A Story with Four Sequels It was Saturday, and Patty had been working ever since breakfast, with a brief pause for luncheon, on a paper entitled "Shakspere, the Man.
Dent's almost complete translation of the Comédie, with shorter sequels for each book, the other an article in the Quarterly Review for 1907.
The worthlessness of these sequels is the more remarkable when we consider the excellence of the other books which make up what may be called the Simplicissimus-cycle.
One of its immediate sequels was the incursion of American ladies into London.
Sequels Requested Dear Editor: I was out of reading matter so I bought the August issue of Astounding Stories, and it was so good that I have been buying it ever since.
Russjuchi Sequels to stories are few and far between, and the reasons for writing sequels are still fewer.
Should we consider the stories that had sequels because of popular demand we will have a list of some of the best stories that have been written (in the fantastic field).
The sequels of Amadis descend by stages of lessening excellence until at length they approach the limits of drivel.
The subject is an extraordinarily beautiful statue of a woman which Cyrus sees in Croesus's gallery, and which will have sequels later.
The contrasted youth--Panurge--Short view of the sequels in Book II.
They may be quite intelligent men and responsible citizens, who happened to grow to manhood precisely in the years when the war and its sequels upset the whole system of public education in the South.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "sequels" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.