But Wolfframb's songs came from the depths of a loving soul, and found their way to Mathilda's heart like glittering, sharp-pointed arrows.
The soft expression of thy gay design Ill suits the sadness of a heart like mine-- A heart like mine, forever doomed to prove Each tender woe, but not one joy of love.
Cursed be the wretch who could wound a heart like yours.
Rodin, with an inimitable expression of simplicity; "it is quite a matter of course when one has a heart like M.
Nothing must astonish you from a heart like hers," answered the hunchback.
The great load of mental agony which had been lifted up and held aloof by the daily applied power of opium sank back upon my heart like a crushing weight.
On the eve of a long farewell to England, a friend whom he loved with all the devotedness that belonged to a heart like his, showed the utmost indifference at his departure.
All these testimonies furnished by his conscience, and so consoling in every case, must have been doubly so to a heart like his, which, by his own avowal, could not go to rest with the weight of any remorse upon it.
Lying at the feet of that high-souled Rishi as the latter sat, the dog, with a heart like that of a human being, became exceedingly attached to him in consequence of the affection with which he was treated.
While in Yoga, the Supreme Soul displays itself in the Yogin's heart like a blazing fire, or like the bright Sun, or like the lightning's flame in the sky.
A heart like Daniel's heart, when he confessed before God that, to him and all his people belonged shame and confusion of face.
Give me a heart like Thine, Give me a heart like Thine, By Thy wonderful power, By Thy grace every hour, Give me a heart like Thine.
Indian; "Your words fall on my heart like a refreshing dew; they rejoice me, and restore me the hope of vengeance.
This thought constantly burning in my heart like a sharp arrow, by reviving my hatred, gave me the necessary strength to accomplish my heavy task.
Little by little this became a gnawing anxiety until at length every pleasant word Helga exchanged with Finsen, and every smile she gave him, seemed to go to Oscar's heart like a stab.
It frightens me to hear you repeat those threatening and angry words; they fall upon my heart like a terrible accusation against you!
I thank you for your kind words, which heal all the wounds of my heart like a soothing balm," replied the prince.
Here you imprinted the first kiss upon your wife's lips, and, like a heavenly smile, it penetrated deep into my soul, and it has remained in my heart like a little guardian angel of our love.
The sound of his voice did warm my heart like wine.
His scorn is lying on my heart like snow, My eyes are weary, and I fain would sleep; The quietest sleep is underneath the ground.
I never thought that he would have taken it all to heart like this.
But this morning little Grace had begun to cough, a little dry cough that struck on the father's heart like a knell.
That went through the true-lover's heart like a knife, and poor little Percy leaned in despair against Hope's workshop window transfixed by the poisoned arrow of jealousy.
Dear Margaret, with this knave saying, 'your poor old dad,' it had gone to my heart like a knife.
He started for Tergou with a royal favour promised, with fifteen golden angels in his purse, a golden medal on his bosom and a heart like a lump of lead.
It ended as nature has willed all such discourse shall end: young Richart went to Amsterdam with a face so long and sad as it had never been seen before, and a heart like granite.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "heart like" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.