But the house up there is full of crowners and constables, as if it was the county court house, and Cappin Pendulum managing everything.
Jes so, sir; it wer Capping Pendulum and yourself, which it hurt me to the heart as you should have trusted into Capping Pendulum and not into me--a old and valleyed servant of the family.
Bit by bit the days grew shorter; and then as a pendulum vibrates, lengthened shade by shade.
Mr. Ellicot indeed observed that the pendulum of one clock was even able to stop that of the other; and that the stopped pendulum, after a certain time, would resume its vibrations, and in its turn stop the vibrations of the other.
Illustration: Drawing of a pendulum and its movements.
Fourteenth week, attentive looking at person moving; one hundred and first day, at pendulum swinging (48).
It was necessary that the pendulum should swing in another direction.
A French epicurean, his pendulum swings between love and war--the adoration of energy and the adoration of pleasure.
This gyroscopicpendulum may be supposed to represent a ship among waves, or a carriage on a monorail, and so affords an explanation of the gyroscopic action essential in the apparatus of Schlick and Brennan.
ON) 2[pi] beating time with a pendulum of length l 4OM.
He stood there wagging his body from side to side like the pendulum of a clock and chuckling in an obstinate and teasing manner.
But even this clock, made of rosewood with twined columns and a pendulum of gilded brass, was being paid for in installments of twenty-two sous each Monday for a year.
There's one beat off by the pendulum every moment.
But now came the horror of death, for he seemed to see the little spirits glide down the pendulum far beneath him, rest for a moment upon the bob, and then as one was beaten off, up rose the hammer, and he felt its cold touch leave his temple.
The sky is a vast, immovable dial-plate of "that clock whose pendulum ticks ages instead of seconds," and whose time is eternity.
It was tried in Bunker Hill Monument a few years ago, and is to be tried in Paris, in the summer of 1879, with a seven-hundred-pound pendulum and a suspending wire seventy yards long.
Anyone can try the pendulum experiment who has access to some lofty place from which to suspend the ball.
This will be shown by the time of the change of the pendulum from east to west when the sun reaches the zenith, and vice versa when it crosses the nadir.
The plan of control which it was proposed to follow was to have some mechanism which would control the angle of the tail through the action of gravity on a pendulum bob.
Newer and stronger shafts and bearings were, therefore, constructed and further pendulum tests were made.
Many pendulum tests were made on both aerodromes, and it was found after repeated trial that each could be depended on to show a lift of sixty per cent of its flying weight.
On the right of this is another piece of apparatus for actuating windlass cylinders which turn one way or the other as the contact is made by one side or the other of the pendulum or the needle.
However reluctant the latter had been when the scheme was first propounded to her, the pendulum had now swung round the other way.
And then as in a mental flash he compared the two girls, the pendulum swung back again, and he reflected that however harsh and peremptory had been Alma's way of looking at things, he had got no more than he had deserved.
Forgotten for the moment was that grim pendulum that hovered over the bed in the presbytère yonder, and by the side of the grave Raymond stood and looked down on the coffin of Théophile Blondin.
He was swinging with that infernalpendulum between liberty and death.
He also fitted up a "simple" pendulum to vibrate in seconds and measured the length of this seconds pendulum several times every week for 10 months.
The thread of the pendulum was swung in front of a scale and Bouguer observed how long it took the pendulum to lose a number of vibrations on the seconds clock.
At the extremities of the stem of the pendulum were movable cylindrical disks, one of which was solid and heavy, the other hollow and light.
Kater invariable pendulums, of which 13 examples have been mentioned in the literature, were used in surveys of gravity by Kater, Sabine, Goldingham, and other British pendulum swingers.
Another historic "simple" pendulum was the one swung by Bessel (fig.
Huygens demonstrated (1673) that if such a pendulum were to swing with equal periods from either knife edge, the distance between those knife edges would be equal to the length of a theoretical or simple pendulum of the same period.
This document, together with certain manuscript notes on the pendulum experiments and six letters between Wilkes and Baily, is in the U.
In 1817, he designed, constructed, and applied a convertible compound pendulum for the absolute determination of gravity at the house of Henry Browne, F.
The pendulum was swung in a chamber from which air was exhausted and which could be maintained at any desired temperature.
The heavy pendulum of the clock swung to and fro with a monotonous tick.
He heard the clock striking the hours, and in the stillness the pendulum kept ticking in time with the loud beating of his heart.
I saw his glance held for a moment by the old English clock with its swinging pendulum and weights.
The pendulum of the mind should be brought to rest quietly and without shock.
Though the pendulummotion was first adopted by Galileo, he was unable to arrange its mechanism so that it should keep up a continuous movement.
Galileo was impressed with the regularity of its motion as it swung backwards and forwards, and was led to imagine that the pendulum movement might prove a valuable method for the correct measurement of time.
The oscillation of the pendulum ceased after a time, and a fresh impulse had to be applied to set it in motion.
The pendulumof his desire vibrates undeviatingly between two points only.
Extremes equalize themselves: the pendulumswings as far this way as it does that.
They are a variant of the impulse that makes Quakers and all those peculiar people known as Primitive Christians, who mark the swinging of the pendulum from pride and pretense to simplicity and a life of modest usefulness.
This is the full swing of the pendulum from dogmatism, or the uncritical conviction of truth.
The former has a practical ability to deal with a pendulum when he sees it.
He has found that the time occupied by an oscillation of any pendulum may be calculated exclusively in terms of its length and the acceleration due to gravity.
The latter, on the other hand, knows about a pendulum whether one be present or not.
Hang a pendulumfour feet long--let the pendulum swing parallel to the wall in the annexed figure.
Let B represent a larger magnet, hanging on an axis, pendulum fashion, between the two former.
If now pendulum be released at C, it will be found that when the cord strikes F the pendulum will swing to the point J, which is on the horizontal line D C.
It makes no difference where the interrupting peg or nail be placed, the pendulum will rise to the same horizontal from which it was released.
Let "A" represent the point from which the pendulum is suspended.
A vibratingpendulum in motion describes a segment of a circle, and returns on the same segment, and at every vibration its described segment decreases.
Illustration: Facing her he faced the pendulum which ticked out to him the cost of each new picture he had of her] And yet he did not count the time as ill spent.
He smiled at the strange chance which led her to seat herself almost directly in front of the grandfather's clock, so that facing her he faced the pendulum which ticked out to him the cost of each new picture he had of her.
The fortune of war had been oscillating with the regularity of a pendulum between England and France, when the Earl of Derby threw himself into the scale with tremendous weight, and turned it completely in England's favour.
The chain then formed a pendulum in front of their small-clothes, and the dignified oscillation of the appendages was considered to distinguish the gentleman.