They could not even exercise the freedom which is conceded to the most abject in other countries--that of selecting their own wives.
We now come to the all-important task of selecting the glass.
In order to seize the essential facts quickly great economy of means is necessary, and practice and experience alone can teach us facility in selecting the leading points and most expressive lines.
She had something she wished to say, and she probably found some difficulty in selecting her words, for she left them unsaid until the last moment.
Well, I am selecting some books that you must read carefully.
Ronald assisted Mr. Burns in selecting and packing the few things they were to take with them, and their household effects were distributed among the Indians who were to compose the guard.
The object in selecting reading for children is to make it impossible for them to see any evidence except the best.
The editor has the more than royal power of selecting the intellectual food of a large public.
The responsibility of selecting the mental food for millions of people is serious.
In selecting a portrait of His Majesty the Prince decided to rely upon a photograph giving a true likeness of the King as we know him, in lieu of an idealised representation by an artist.
Laborde to remark on the extraordinary taste of the people of Petra, in selecting a place of amusement, encircled on all sides by the mansions and memorials of death!
Last fall papa saved his seed corn, selecting it very carefully, and hung it up in the granary to dry.
Cincinnati in selecting the latter course has opened a school for the education of every important group unable to attend the high schools who wish to avail themselves of advanced educational opportunities.
It is very fond of selecting a perch on the top of a hill, and often engages in violent encounters with Vanessa gonerilla.
True, the respectable women, being always locked up and having no choice in the selecting of their partners, had no occasion for the exercise of any sort of coyness.
Before selecting a tent, consider the number of people to occupy it and their dunnage, and the furniture.
What are the essential things to be considered when selecting vegetables to be canned, fruit to be preserved or made into jelly, jam or marmalade?
Ryerson, to his great powers of discriminating and selecting what he found most valuable in the countless methods he examined, and to his combination and adaptation of them, that the colony is mainly indebted for its present admirable system.
Around him nobles wearing jeweled turbans and silk trousers were selecting elephants.
Tonight I begin the always-pleasant task of selecting the women who will dance.
They did not seem frightened, as had the first, and they watched the line coolly, as thoughselecting a strategy.
When to Bleed Selecting a time for bleeding usually depended on the nature of the disease and the patient's ability to withstand the process.
Natural events outside the body served as indicators for selecting the time, site, and frequency of bloodletting during the Middle Ages when astrological influences dominated diagnostic and therapeutic thought.
It soon was evident, however, how well they had done in selecting your father as their leader.
But my garden was not full enough to please me, and I once more went up the ravine, selecting other plants which had no flowers on them, and one or two other shrubs, which I had not before observed.
The parochial board, with whom rests the administration, needs to exercise the greatest vigilance in selecting families to whom children may be assigned.
One evening in the public garden a military band furnished creditable music, and I was told that it was formed by selecting men from the ranks, most of whom had never played a single note on any instrument.
I noticed that the horses were quite skillful in selecting the best parts of the road.
During that week, in addition to those decisions, you will start selecting your team members.
Mike was developing a good ability to anticipate the way she intended to work on a subject, and had been careful selecting the areas to sensitize.
Selecting one of the pack ponies, he tied it to a pine tree and the others he hurried off with Little Thunder down the trail.
We will give you a better mount to-day," he continued, selecting a stout built sorrel pony.
Do you mind selecting sashes by way of reminding, thanks.
All along and the day, the prize is not driven and the selecting of all the coal is that.
Whether or not he would find himself at liberty to choose which room he should be cognizant of, would depend of course on whether he was maintaining the same point of view throughout his story or was selecting it anew for every scene.
Every artist, in his own way, simplifies life: first by selecting essentials from the helter-skelter of details that life presents to him, and then by arranging these essentials in accordance with a pattern.
The Angel stepped beside him, and selecting a tall, flaring glass, of almost paper thinness, she stooped and rolled it in a tray of cracked ice.
They had done well, too, in selecting purple as the emblem of royalty.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "selecting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.