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Example sentences for "pedigree"

Lexicographically close words:
pedicels; pedicle; pedicles; pediculi; pediculus; pedigreed; pedigrees; pediment; pedimental; pediments
  1. With a pedigree as long as your own," said Goby.

  2. And he was very thick with Goby, who had given him the pedigree bull-pup.

  3. Perhaps some of your correspondents could give me some information relative to the pedigree of Robert Johnson, Esq.

  4. Wanted, the pedigree of Richard Boyle, Dean of Limerick, and Bishop of Leighlin in 1661.

  5. When I was in the Holy Land I saw several that laboured under Gehazi's distemper, but none that could pretend to derive his pedigree from that person.

  6. Daniel, the son of Chisdai, who bears the titles of Prince of the Captivity and Lord, and who possesses a pedigree which proves his descent from king David.

  7. A pedigree traces up the line of descent to the individual from whom the name was derived.

  8. The historical use of these genealogies is very great, not only because they give an authentic pedigree and approximate data for chronological calculation, but from the immense amount of correlative information which they contain.

  9. In a pedigree of the MacCarthys of Cooraun Lough, county Kerry, a daughter of Sir John de Courcy is mentioned.

  10. All flocked to inspect the pedigree except Mr. Gordon, who resumed the "Times" newspaper.

  11. They were still by far the oldest family in the county; and traced in their pedigree alliances with the most illustrious houses in English history.

  12. For this reason I have ordered the family pedigree to be suspended on yonder wall.

  13. In event of the above story being verified, a pedigree may possibly be extracted hereafter from the parish registers of the town.

  14. The pedigree prefixed to the Dialogue in Bonucci's edition would help the student in his task.

  15. The pedigree of the Christian Emperors from Constantine to Charles the Great formed an integral part of the Carolingian romance as it took form in Italy.

  16. For instance, the poor nobleman covets wealth, because wealth would bring him comfort, whereas the nouveau riche covets a pedigree, because a pedigree would make him of what he is merely in.

  17. My dog is descended, doubtless, from prehistoric wolves; but you could hardly decipher his pedigree on his mild, domesticated face.

  18. His pedigree was of the best, and now, in the approaching Derby to be run in Louisville the following month, Shirley and Mr. Willing both looked to him to maintain the supremacy of the Willing stable.

  19. Straight to the stall of the young animal of splendid pedigree Shirley led the way.

  20. Upon the occasion of this marriage, the Pope, in order to render the pedigree of Napoleon more illustrious, proposed the canonization of a poor monk, by the name of Bonaparte, who for centuries had been quietly reposing in his grave.

  21. Indeed the silence of Baldinucci, who annexes no Venetian branch to his Tuscan pedigree of Art, gives probability to the presumption, that a native school existed in the Adriatic long before Cimabue.

  22. The two masters of Michael Angelo," says Fiorillo, "descend in equidistant degrees from the School of Cimabue and Giotto: the following scale shows the technic pedigree of M.

  23. If he placed his money on a horse, he knew the horse's pedigree and the pedigree of the horses against it, also of their riders.

  24. From 1797 the first Lord Yarborough kept journals of the pedigree of hounds in his own handwriting; and since his time by the father, the grandfather, and great-grandfather of the present huntsman.

  25. The pedigree of Cervantes is not without its bearing on "Don Quixote.

  26. In truth, if the pedigree of his forefathers were rightly traced, that realm was his by ancestral right!

  27. Hapless am I, to whose pedigree is bound the lowliness of a peasant!

  28. This Jon and Rose Ken are represented, in Mr. Markland's Pedigree of the Ken family, as still living in 1683.

  29. The pedigree of this family will be found in two copies by Munday of the "Visitation of Devonshire," A.

  30. The pedigree of Zephaniah is carried back to his great-great-grandfather, Hezekiah.

  31. Such books as these would form the dearest heirlooms of a family, helping to knit its bonds firmer, and giving an insight into individual character which would supplement the more tangible data for the pedigree in a most valuable way.

  32. In a small country like Great Britain, for instance, every Englishman (excluding new immigrants) is related by blood to every other Englishman, as would become clearer if every man possessed his pedigree for a thousand years back.

  33. Indeed, there would seem to be few better attested facts in the whole range of natural history than the pedigree of this white or brown thread-like creature which is found in summer shallows and pools.

  34. Following a frequent, quiet pastime of mine, of tracing the pedigree of such vagrant waifs of thought, I fell to pondering what could have summoned my unbidden friend, and I soon discovered.

  35. It is notorious that the Arabs have long been as careful about the pedigree of their horses as we are, and this implies great and continued care in breeding.

  36. Footnotes lx: 'Offensive most to men with house and land Possessed of Pedigree and bloody hand'.

  37. Footnote xiii: 'Some generations hence our Pedigree Will never look the worse for him or me.

  38. I feel induced now to describe, for the benefit of posterity, the pedigree of a Dandy in 1820.

  39. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "pedigree" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    ancestry; blood; class; descent; directory; extraction; family; lineage; nationality; origin; parentage; pedigree; root; stock; strain; thoroughbred; tree; tribe