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Example sentences for "perspicacity"

Lexicographically close words:
persons; perspective; perspectively; perspectives; perspicacious; perspicuity; perspicuous; perspicuously; perspirable; perspiration
  1. It was probably this perspicacity on the part of Ada Grosvenor, coupled with a sense of humour, that earned for her the reputation of "trying to ape the swells.

  2. The extraordinary perspicacity of the police who had nailed and returned the violin instanter, this wizardry that would have thrown any one else into stupors of bewilderment, interested him not at all.

  3. The dear woman had known nothing of the kind and her perspicacity amazed her.

  4. I was in such a quiver; so struck with amazement at my own perspicacity in surmising that here was a place where a bundle of underclothing could be lost indefinitely, that I just stared while he turned over the clothes in the basket.

  5. Your perspicacity is amazing, but I will try and not show my sense of it, if it is going to make you stop.

  6. That night Manuel thought and suffered as perhaps he never thought and suffered at any other time; he meditated upon the usefulness of life and upon death with a perspicacity that he had never possessed.

  7. I am glad to see that illness has not robbed you of that perspicacity for which you are so remarkable, Elsmere.

  8. But she never confessed herself fully; she was even blind to what her perspicacity would have seen so readily in another's case--the little arts and maneuvers of those about her.

  9. Comines takes great credit to himself for his perspicacity in detecting the secret negotiations carried on at Venice against his master.

  10. Their credulity, however, may be pardoned in what has imposed on the perspicacity of so cautions an historian as Müller.

  11. No one gifted with the least perspicacity will confound the two operations.

  12. Shih-yin was gifted with a natural perspicacity that enabled him, as soon as he heard these remarks, to grasp their spirit.

  13. To do so, indeed, supposes that he himself has been lacking in perspicacity and in powers of observation.

  14. Increased perspicacity will enable the Thinker to manipulate the concepts and intuitographs with the same ease and readiness and withal the mind will have attained unto an almost unrealizable freedom in its search after truth.

  15. This would obviate the danger of calling into question either the sincerity or perspicacity of those whose enthusiasm tempts them to transgress the limits of propriety in their behavior towards the inquiry.

  16. I left the Countess at midnight; she was apparently calm, but depressed, and had some secret purpose which no perspicacity could guess.

  17. Instinct in women is as strong as the perspicacity of great men.

  18. The Marshal gave Hulot one of those eagle flashes which in its pride, clearness, and perspicacity showed that, in spite of years, that lofty soul was still upright and vigorous.

  19. It only made her resent the cruel perspicacity of their exposer, or possibly exercise a little more ingenuity in their inventions.

  20. In that fashion she fared toward the north, after she had forced a pledge from the old man that he would keep her secret until her work was done; she was guilelessly unaware that Flagg's perspicacity had penetrated her secret.

  21. She found it difficult to interpret the sudden look he gave her, but her perspicacity warned her that she was on the wrong tack with this man of the north country.

  22. This humble position afforded him the opportunity to show his great qualifications of perspicacity and tact.

  23. I have a pate de foie gras, but it's very expensive," said the decent creature, whose perspicacity did not go to the length of seeing a serious customer in this famished and dusty young man.

  24. Farinelli," after all, was the right thing, but what chiefly reminds me of your perspicacity was the encouragement in regard to my pianoforte playing.

  25. The latter had the perspicacity to encourage the relation, and from that moment possessed in the very center of affairs an able and congenial representative.

  26. The news of all these movements reached Melas at Turin, where, with the ordinary perspicacity of a good army general, he had expected the battle.

  27. Any one with an ounce of common sense and perspicacity knows when it is safe, and when it is sheer folly.

  28. Some one not very well off," she said, "who had the perspicacity to know I should value them from him more than the choicest blooms.

  29. What she so unceasingly loved and admired in Lorraine was a hidden something she alone had had the perspicacity to perceive, and could so instinctively rely upon.

  30. But of course Lorraine was a woman of the world, with a larger mixture of the other kind of womanliness, perhaps, than was usual, and he in his perspicacity had deftly appealed to both.

  31. I assure you that your perspicacity is at fault here.

  32. There is not much perspicacity in the world.

  33. But she never confessed herself fully; she was even blind to what her perspicacity would have seen so readily in another's case--the little arts and manoeuvres of those about her.

  34. I don't like to think that you fool yourself," she replied, with a perspicacity I should have found extraordinary.

  35. The Citizen Quartermaster was angry at this, and it did not require any great perspicacity on my part to discover that he did not love the Citizen de St. Gre.

  36. And, as an apostle of truth, I distinctly perceived that a reputation for perspicacity and sound judgment was essential to my mission.

  37. They forged many works, that afterwards passed for classical, and which have demanded all the perspicacity of comparative criticism to refute.

  38. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perspicacity" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.