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Example sentences for "professionally"

Lexicographically close words:
professeurs; professing; profession; professional; professionalism; professionals; professions; professorial; professors; professorship
  1. Do you think that will be professionally appropriate?

  2. Mulbridge and I are acting professionally in unison, as you call it, you are mistaken.

  3. Only those who have written verse professionally can realize the extent to which music acts as a solvent upon apparently insoluble difficulties of rhyme and sentiment.

  4. I can't leave Madame Fontaine," said the doctor; "I am professionally interested in watching the case.

  5. In all callings probably, certainly in the navy, social aptitude is professionally valuable.

  6. It involved no detraction from their professional excellence, the excellence of men professionally self-made; but none comprehend the advantages of education better than candid men who have made their way without it.

  7. When a man became a lieutenant, he was something fixed and recognized, professionally and socially.

  8. The seamen, though professionally more liable to dispersion than the land forces, were not yet scattered.

  9. Doctor Barnes, alone at the bedside of his patient, was not professionally surprised when she opened her eyes.

  10. His face, professionally grim, showed no token of a smile.

  11. Our two innovations at Her Majesty's were Marie Roze from the Paris Opera Comique--later destined to be associated with me professionally and with Mapleson personally--and Italo Campanini.

  12. In fact, the girl who aspired professionally was almost unknown.

  13. And I think of the politicians who were professionally "surprised" but who had had a long preparation for what was coming.

  14. Several years passed; his career appears to have been unsettled and undetermined--one while studying professionally at Woolwich, the next visiting Gibraltar and Lisbon, and subsequently the principal cities of Spain.

  15. With a ream of writing-paper, a pint of ink, and sixpennyworth of pens, he is professionally provisioned for half a year.

  16. The man who deals professionally with the emotions of other people cannot preserve the simplicity of his own; it would be out of nature to believe it.

  17. On the right, our well-known sporting authority, Mr. Gutter Pup Lazelle, known professionally as the Crouching Kangaroo.

  18. The regular and healthy home life, which has kept so many an idle man straight in the world, was denied to these men, who were professionally pledged to live as the angels of God, while they stood exposed to every worldly temptation.

  19. Frankel was desirous of transferring to the Theological Seminary the rigid discipline and detailed supervision of an elementary school,[47] because his dearest object was to turn out thorough Talmudists and professionally well-equipped rabbis.

  20. Others, not professionally engaged for the moment, sit unconcernedly in the ditch with their backs to the proceedings, frying bacon.

  21. And certainly he required all the social success he could win, for professionally Peter found life a rigorous affair.

  22. The late Sir Benjamin Brodie delighted to remember this saying, and he used to congratulate himself on the fact that professionally he was self-taught.

  23. At that time there were, very few musicians of ability in Montreal, and Mr. Grandison soon became quite popular, both professionally and socially.

  24. He was too professionally honorable to lend Government funds to speculators for the sake of a share of the profits.

  25. Professionally if not personally, as a soldier if not as a man, he had an imperious conscience; and his aristocratic breeding and tolerably hard heart enabled him to obey it in this matter of discipline without hesitation or pity.

  26. But it seemed to me that a sudden flame lighted their professionally indifferent eyes, that the spark of some swift excitement leaped between them.

  27. This is what the doctor was naturally curious, and professionally anxious, to know.

  28. For special occasions we hired an unnumbered carriage, with professionally equipped driver and footman.

  29. He is in consultations occasionally with Number Five, too, but whether professionally or not I have no means of knowing.

  30. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "professionally" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.