Confirmation, communion, all the episodic mile-stones of the professing Christian's life had been experienced and passed decorously enough.
It is only the smallest minority, even of professing Christians, whose faith is strong enough to keep them from an utter denial of our Lord's Divinity.
And depend upon it, mightier than all direct effort, and more unusual than all utterances of lip, is the witness of the life of all professing Christians to the reality of the facts upon which they say they base their faith.
It speaks a universal truth, never more needed than in our days, when wealth has flung its golden chains round so many professing Christians.
We have to learn the lesson which we who live amidst a widely diffused, professing Christianity sadly need.
I do believe that hosts of professing Christians have no firm grip of this truth, and, alas!
Why is it that such multitudes of you professing Christians are such icebergs in your Christianity?
These truths have a sharp edge for us as well as for the 'Pharisees who were covetous'; and they are wofully forgotten by professing Christians.
How different is such an hour of rapt communion with the living God from the miserable notions which so many professing Christians have of prayer, as if it were but spoken requests, more or less fervent and sincere, for things that they want!
The feeling of shame at professing faith and devoutness was the growth of a later day; it was unknown in those times.
Whairupoun a great part of the Baronis and Gentilmen of Kyle and Cunynghame and Carrik, professing the treu doctrine of the evangell, assembled at Ayre; and after exhortationis maid, and conference had, subscrivit this Band.
First View of Wyoming 339they were only different candidates professingthe same political faith.
But thoughprofessing much gratitude and great regard for me, I had no power of controlling the poor girl's actions.
Without formally professing to receive, on one evening in the week her salon was open to those who had eagerly sought her acquaintance--comprising many stars in the world of fashion, as well as those in the world of art and letters.
But he had hardly gone five paces, when, with a sort of eagerness, Don Benito invited him back, regretting his momentary absence of mind, and professing readiness to gratify him.
These Gitanos, less idle and less wanderers than their predecessors, are afraid of publicly professing the art of fortune-tellers; but their manner of life is scarcely different.
We can easily understand how two individuals can be two distinct individuals, notwithstanding their being members of the same family, and professing the same religion.
Thus, while professing to be eager for labor, they are standing in the market-place, “all the day idle.
Will they join in a war professing to have for its object what they would consider (and justly too) as the sacrifice of their maritime rights, yet affecting to be a war for the protection of commerce?
By some of the other belligerents, although professing just and amicable dispositions, injuries materially affecting our commerce have not been duly controlled or repressed.
He called upon those professing to be republicans to make good the promises held out by their republican predecessors when they came into power--promises which, for years afterwards, they had honestly, faithfully fulfilled.
I never deceived the people whom I have the honor to represent, either by giving a vote to the propriety of which my judgment was opposed, or by professing opinions which I did not entertain; and, sir, I trust in God I never shall.
This is why so many professing Christians are so eager to go to the card-party, to the dancing-party, and to the theater.
The Churches need not expect a widespread revival of religion until professing Christians do their duty with respect to the saloon.
It is an easy matter to talk about ministry; to set up to be ministers of Christ; but oh, how has the professing Church departed from the divine reality of ministry!
It tells the professing church, in accents not to be mistaken, to beware of human intrusion upon a domain which belongs only to God.
There are the true and the false, the genuine and the counterfeit, the real and the hollow, in professing Christianity.
This is the very thing which so many professing Christians are doing (or attempting, rather, to do) at this present time.
Shall I turn to those great standards of orthodoxy which rule the religious thought and feeling of millions throughout the length and breadth of the professing Church?
It remains for us now to consider the subject of the remnant of Israel, and the history of professing Christianity, whether genuine or spurious.
Personal salvation seems to form the very highest object with ninty-nine out of every hundred professing Christians, as if we were left here to be saved; and not, as saved ones, to glorify Christ.
Faith is the same mighty principle, whether it act on the plains of Palestine, on the top of Carmel, by the rivers of Babylon, or amid the ruins of the professing Church.
It is that thing which Satan has made of professing Christianity.
This must ever hold good, spite of all the ruin and failure of the professing Church.
Silly, self-exalting creatures, ever ready to vaunt ourselves, while professing to be nothing in ourselves, and to deserve nothing but the flames of an everlasting hell.
That the enemy has succeeded in doing all this, throughout the length and breadth of the professing church, is, alas!
Without speaking ofprofessing Christians, many heads of families, even lukewarm, indifferent or skeptical, judge that this mixture of the two is better for children, and especially for girls.
He loved a glass of wine, and could drink it without professing his connoisseurship, after the manner of those learned wine-bibbers of the present day who are addicted to talking so much unmeaning buzz on the subject of bees-wing.
Of course they had their other work to do, professing physics, professing religion, organising research, and so forth.
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For while professing merely to abstract from the problem of efficiency they have tried equivalently to deny its existence by proclaiming it superfluous and insoluble, besides consciously or unconsciously misrepresenting it.
Now these are questions in regard to which not only every professing physical scientist and every professing metaphysician, but every thinking man, must take up some attitude or other.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "professing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.