But, above all things, aim at it in the two important arts of speaking and pleasing; without them all your other talents are maimed and crippled.
All the internal and external advantages and talents of an orator are undoubtedly his.
It is this alone that can give all your other talents their full lustre and value; and, consequently, it is this which should now be thy principal object of your attention.
Then he that had received the five talents went and traded with the same, and made them other five talents.
Herodotus says that it was recorded on the pyramid that the onions, radishes, and garlic which the labourers consumed, cost sixteen hundred talents of silver: an immense sum, equivalent to several million pounds.
The right direction of the talents which are dedicated to art and literature is all that is required from those who address themselves to these pursuits.
And the time my own brother-in-law had over the portrait painted by that man from Sweden!
I did not realize how little my poor hands could do toward untangling the tangled web of life.
There was no reason why Medora Giles should lend her talents to promote the success of Adrian Bond--Bond with his thin hair plastered so pitifully over his poor little skull and his insignificant face awry with a conventional society smirk.
At a time when he was thus deprived of the chief normal means of exercising his talents his attention was called to the condition of the colliers of Kingswood.
Of Parody: Of the Style, Figures, and Wit proper to this Sort of Poem, and the superior Talents requisite to Excel in it.
The other kind of attack accused Pope of wasting his talents in The Dunciad, but palliated blame by reminding him of his demonstrated ability in more worthy poetical pursuits.
And what, then," said Constance, "would you consider inactivity the happiest life for one sensible of talents higher than the common standard?
Why aretalents given at all, it may be asked, but for use?
Besides having talents of the highest order, the dear deceased possessed a nature peculiarly susceptible of good impressions.
A question of constitutional law, too, was, of all subjects, that one which was best suited to his talents and learning.
That explained why, in spite of his talents for impressing people both privately and from the platform, he was at the end of his political career.
So we must either go out of business and let the talents God has given us lie idle in a napkin, or pay the Dunkirks to prevent the people from having their ignorant wicked way, and destroying us and themselves.
In 196 peace was obtained by Philip, who agreed to withdraw from Greece, to give up his fleet, and to pay a thousand talents for the expenses of the war.
Upon the death of the dictator, he returned, having gained experience in war, and having developed his talents as an orator by study in a school at Rhodes.
Insomuch as we have more practical experience of life than other men, by so much are we bound to help their inexperience, and share our talentswith them.
True, it will find employment for a multitude of energies and talents which are now lying dormant, but, nevertheless, this extension will tax our resources to the very utmost.
Fame," said Napoleon, "had informed me of the talents of Fox.
Always good-humored, and enjoying sarcasm when of a grave, high class, he yet never talked from the loquacious instinct, or encouraged others so to employ their time and talents in his presence.
It is suspected that she turns some of these talents to advantage; but that is a secret, as she considers it more dignified to be known only as a teacher.
A formal protest from his hand and that of his close friends against such a movement was put in the Sangamon Journal: "His talents and services endear him to the Whig party; but we do not believe he desires the nomination.
General Linder states that then, for the first time, he began to conceive a very high opinion of the talents and personal courage of Abraham Lincoln.
Various side talentsin which he was versatile were also cultivated.
He was connected with a numerous gang, or set, of people, who had given up their minds and talents entirely to shortening.
As a prose writer he admires him, less, it is true, but his admiration for him in that capacity is very high, and he only laments that he prostituted his talents to the cause of the Stuarts and gentility.
So the beauty of our family never availed it, any more than itstalents and its courage; for there were clever and witty men, as well as very brave ones, in it.
His political talents are much praised, and he is particularly celebrated for the address he displayed while upon an embassy to the Greek Emperor at Constantinople.
The author of this poem was a hermit of Syria, equally celebrated for his talentsand piety.
Hatem was also a poet; but his talents were principally exerted in recommending his favorite virtue.
First, their great talentswere chiefly employed on controversy; secondly, and consequently, their images would excite dogmatical discord.
Against this Bill were arrayed the Moderate Republicans, and the talents of the orator Hortensius, whilst on behalf of it spoke Julius Caesar, either with an eye to a future precedent in his own case, or perhaps to create a reaction.
Some young men were remarking on the superior talentsof the white people.
Descended of a noble family in Liege, Tilly had formed his military talents in the wars of the Netherlands, which was then the great school for generals.
But the situation which his dignity, and the duties of administration, prevented the Emperor from holding, might be filled by his son, a youth of talents and bravery, and of whom the subjects of Austria had already formed great expectations.
I swear, 'twill not be with impunity that you have thieved so many talents from the Athenians.
When he handed in his accounts, he refused to explain the use of a certain twenty talents and simply said, "I spent them on what was necessary.
If I were to fall from up here and misfortune happened to me, the town of Chios[273]would owe a fine of five talents for my death, all along of your cursed rump.
Cleon had received five talents from the islanders subject to Athens, on condition that he should get the tribute payable by them reduced; when informed of this transaction, the Knights compelled him to return the money.
His talents were of a diversified and high order; and those who knew him only as the author of 'Singing for the Million,' were not aware of his general cultivation of mind.