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Example sentences for "inscribed"

Lexicographically close words:
insatiably; insatiate; insbesondere; inscitia; inscribe; inscribes; inscribing; inscription; inscriptional; inscriptions
  1. The site is marked by a marble inscribed slab.

  2. No legal document was valid unless the interested parties had produced their Cédulas, the details of which were inscribed in the legal instrument.

  3. After his departure I strolled to look at some short columns of marble standing on a slight swell of ground; they are now inscribed to the memory of certain Moslem martyrs in battle of our fourteenth century, i.

  4. Among these was the one remarked by Lord Lindsay in his Travels, bearing a Hebrew name inscribed in Greek letters, but which he has not [Picture: Fig.

  5. It was heard with acclamation, at once adopted, and inscribed upon a slate hung against the wall.

  6. Suddenly a new sound was borne upon the gale, an echo of military glories not yet forgotten; a new standard was unfurled, inscribed with the names of Austerlitz and Jena.

  7. Just then the pavilion bell rang loudly; the next minute there was a knock at the room door, and Celestin the tiger made his appearance, bearing a card inscribed with the name of M.

  8. At the top of each side, under the architrave, the name of the wind is inscribed in Greek characters.

  9. The prize tickets were inscribed as follows: Dieu vous a élue, or Dieu vous console.

  10. At first these were square pieces of wood or metal, but sometimes also balls of wood inscribed with the name of the article which the possessor was to receive from the magazine[1024].

  11. His labors wrought good results and his name should be inscribed high upon the roll of those who have reclaimed this great region, making it a habitable and safe place in which civilization may be still further advanced.

  12. Faithful and just, tender and true, might well be inscribed upon the stone that marks the spot where he sleeps till the final reveille.

  13. Upon its field there are but twenty-one stars and on the flag, inscribed in large letters, are the words, "Co.

  14. On this occasion, Antigenes the one-eyed got his name inscribed on the roll as a debtor, and produced a man who said that he was his creditor.

  15. All these injunctions to the people of Delos were inscribed upon a pillar which he left there to guard his bequest.

  16. When he expressed the wish to have the words "A friend to liberty" inscribed upon his monument, he expressed a wish which the whole tenor of his life, the whole tone of his utterances fully justified.

  17. Those words were afterwards inscribed in gold upon the monument of the mayor who spoke them.

  18. Upon the roof of the choir, are still to be seen the portraits of the first twenty-one bishops of Bayeux, each with his name inscribed by his side.

  19. Many other poets, we are told by Ordericus Vitalis, exercised their talents upon the occasion; but none of their productions were deemed worthy to be inscribed upon the tomb.

  20. It was composed by the learned Bishop Huet, and it is inscribed upon a black marble tablet, which was placed in the chapel by his direction.

  21. While all the rest had garlands hung on them, this one cross was quite bare; and, more extraordinary still, no name was inscribed on it.

  22. That paper was doubtless the leaf mentioned in the second's unfinished narrative as having been torn out of his pocketbook, and inscribed with the statement of how the dead man had lost his life.

  23. How is it that his name is not inscribed over his grave?

  24. He had inscribed it: "The Future Tomb of Bonaparte the Great.

  25. The figures, as well as the dove which is perched on the trellis, bear halos, their names being inscribed within.

  26. The date of the death of Beatrice is also inscribed on the frame.

  27. The decipherment of the Persian cuneiform texts thus became an accomplished fact; what was next needed was to decipher the two versions which were inscribed at their side.

  28. Judah as a writing material, just as it was at Babylon or Nineveh, the inner clay record of a contract being covered with an outer coating, on which was inscribed an abstract of its contents, together with the names of the witnesses.

  29. We possess, unfortunately, only portions of it, since many of the series of clay tablets on which it was inscribed have been lost or injured.

  30. A quaint example is that which was inscribed over an entrance of the city of Arras in Belgium.

  31. On the wall was inscribed the jingling verse-- "Ad mala patrata hæc sunt atra theatra parata.

  32. Herbert mentions that Dum spiro spero was a favourite motto with Charles, inscribed by him on many books.

  33. In one of the cemeteries near Bapaume there stands for the time being a large wooden cross inscribed "He is not here; he is risen," which has an astonishing effect amidst a thousand crosses which are dumb.

  34. Robinson of the Royal Scots, with 22 private soldiers' names inscribed on his cross.

  35. He made rules in regard to its execution, and ordered them to be obeyed and observed, and to be inscribed in the royal books for that purpose.

  36. The language inscribed upon them had come to be superseded by the universal use of the Greek tongue; there was no use therefore in making monuments for the reception of hieroglyphic records which nobody could understand or interpret.

  37. Pope the title of "Defender of the Faith," which has descended to the Protestant monarchs of England ever since, and is now inscribed on our coinage.

  38. Not far from it stood the Milliarium Aureum, or Golden Milestone, on which were inscribed all the distances of roads without the walls.

  39. It is itself a sepulchre of the dead; and the tragedies of the Dacian war are inscribed upon tragedies that took place long ages before there was any human eye to witness them.

  40. The oracles were inscribed upon palm leaves; to which circumstance Virgil alludes in his description of the sayings of the Cumæan Sibyl being written upon the leaves of the forest.

  41. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "inscribed" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
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