In order to which, I must, as I did with reference to the first, show you what things, as preparatory, were to precede the execution of it.
We received, by our thus being counted in him, that benefit which did precede his rising from the dead; and what was that but the forgiveness of sins?
The sacrifice, you know, must, as to the being of it, needs precede the offering of it; it must be before it can be offered.
But again, a third thing that was to precede the execution of the second part of this his priestly office was, the manner and order of his going into the holiest; I say, the manner and order of his going.
As to the possibility of a "philosophy of history," a real one, not the mockeries that have long been discredited by scientific students, the reader will find some pregnant remarks here in the epilogue and the chapters that precede it.
Solid philological study ought logically to precede historical research in every instance where the documents to be employed are not to be had in a modern language, and in a form in which they can be easily understood.
In speaking of the development of mind through organism, it was seen that the emotions precede the reason in point of time.
We can go a step further, and say that in the mental process the hope must necessarily precede the fear.
A desire, in other words, must precede either Hope or Fear.
These two parables, the hidden treasure and the costly pearl, are even more closely allied to each other than the two whichprecede them.
Recall the relation that subsists between this parable on the one hand, and the two that immediately precede it on the other.
The conviction of our own insufficiency and sinfulness must precede our casting ourselves on His mercy and righteousness.
The sense of our own emptiness must precede our grasp of His fulness.
Ours is but the echo of His, but the acknowledgment of the divine act, which must precede our recognition of it as the dawn must come in order that the birds may wake to sing.
And here the case is the same; for the verses which precede this final exclamation are various phases of the experience of a man who trusts in God, and are the ground upon which his faith is pronounced 'blessed.
And there is no way of getting that knowledge but through the faith which, as I said, must precede love.
But there may be observed a certain distinction of tone between those promises which precede and those which follow the cry.
If there be both inspection and review, the inspection may either precede or follow the review.
Each subordinate commander, after receiving his order for the action, should precede his command as far as possible, in order to reconnoiter the ground personally, and should prepare to issue his orders promptly.
The rector of the University will preside, whenever he thinks proper, at the examinations which precede the conferring of degrees in the different faculties.
It is not clear that the relation of efficient cause to effect, as applied to created causes, can precede and reveal, in our experience, the relation of what is really one to what is really other, in this experience.
This is a retrospective proof that the higher animals also pass in the ovum through the condition of the lower animals, but after birth through the classes which directly precede them.
The awaking takes place of itself through the origination of a new polarity in the brain during the afflux of arterial blood, whereupon the dreams follow which precede the act of waking.
As these are the highest plants of this class, and those that directly precede the tracheal formation, so the bark already resolves itself into individual leaves, which are, however, still destitute of spiral vessels.
A succession of cases of the malady often accompany or precede a change of weather from dry to wet, from a low to a high barometric pressure.
All manner of symptoms may precede those showing involvement of the heart, depending upon the location of the foreign body and the extent of inflammation caused by it.
The attempt to write a story had not only to precede the belief that she could write one, it had to reveal the gift.
It teaches that action has often to precede thought and feeling.
The passing of Bread Sticks, Olives and Radishes should precede the removal of the bouillon cup, and the placing before the guest of the warmed plates for the fish.
The preparation of the meal (not the process of its cooking, but its planning as a composite whole) and all the various details whichprecede the actual sitting down at the table of those who expect to enjoy it, must be seen to.
The exercise of the chace may well succeed, or should rather precede the fatigues of war.
At this time, we were travelling in the company of a small party of Thibetian merchants, who, like ourselves, had allowed the main body of the caravan toprecede them, in order to save their camels the fatigue of a too hurried march.
In the latter case, we made our animals precede us, and we hung on to their tails, a mode of ascending mountains which is certainly the least fatiguing of all.
When, however, it did precede me, I was never wearied watching how it dived down the little slopes, and rose again on the opposite bank, bending with each swell of the ground.
The order of events makes us pause to question: does Joel mean to imply that physical prosperity must precede spiritual fulness?
Mark that although the coming of the Angel is said to precede that of Jehovah Himself, there is the same blending of the two as we have seen in previous accounts of angels.
Rand made no attempt at speech, conciliatory or otherwise, but with a slight gesture of courtesy stood aside for the two elder men to pass and precede him.
Inasmuch as the mental image must always precede the material manifestation, the cultivation of the Imagination becomes a matter of great importance and worthy of the closest study.
Recollection (which is really a re-collection of percepts) must precede Representation in the shape of mental images or pictures.
The image of the direction to take to elude an obstacle must precede the actual laying of the pipe.
But such knowledge slowly and gradually develops itself; the notion of knowing in general must precede that of perfect knowledge.
The question, then, for one contemplating such a union is, can he have such a confidence in the character and sentiments as naturally ought to precede a union which is to last for life.
James calls this a motor discharge, which we will admit, but he wavers when he says, "Why any state of consciousness should precede a movement we do not know.
Page 495: "Why any state of consciousness shouldprecede a movement we do not know.
In the meantime every preparation was made by the party of gravediggers who were to precede us, and at nightfall they also left the ground, fourteen in number, with the two who knew the spot in company with them.
Ismail and Ganesha had been into the bazar, and returned with the joyful news that a party was about to set off towards Indoor, and that we were to precedethem by a march, and halt whenever we thought them secure to us.