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Example sentences for "foregoing"

Lexicographically close words:
foregather; foregathered; foregathering; forego; foregoes; foregone; foreground; foregrounds; forehand; forehanded
  1. For the sake of ready reference, the foregoing is condensed in the following simple table of plant insects and diseases.

  2. The foregoing is a good example of exposition, the third of the four forms of prose composition.

  3. If we accept as true the foregoing statements, then methods of teaching the subjects become clear as we think of them.

  4. An Application of the Foregoing Principles.

  5. Other plays may well be read, but everyone should know the foregoing list.

  6. Of course, the foregoing is a mere outline of the general principles of the plan.

  7. No doubt it can be shown where every detail of the foregoing plan leaves loop-holes for abuses to creep in.

  8. In carrying out the foregoing responsibilities, ensuring the speedy, orderly, and efficient flow of lawful traffic and commerce.

  9. According to the foregoing official statement the average is 130 a year.

  10. Listen: "From the foregoing it is self-evident that polygyny based upon the rivalry of men for women (analogous to the animal kingdom) presents the natural sexual practice of mankind.

  11. The foregoing may be elucidated by the examples given above.

  12. In the foregoing discussion it has been shown how deeply the liberal idea of freedom is imbedded in the unchristian philosophical view of the world.

  13. The foregoing is true also in the sense that public avowal of opinion must not be hindered by individuals.

  14. The foregoing lines are a description of a very monotonous but a very contented life, and Mr. Lathrop justly remarks upon the dissonance of tone of the tales Hawthorne produced under these happy circumstances.

  15. I use the epithets "ancient" and "near" in the foregoing sentence, according to the American measurement of time and distance.

  16. The foregoing remarks roughly apply to preeminence given to outward distinction, and the conditions under which mainly it impresses and is accepted by men not yet arrived at the [200] essentially intellectual stage.

  17. Except in the sense embodied in the foregoing sentence, we cannot, in these days, conceive with what intent persons of one section should so specially combine as to compel combination on the part of persons of any other.

  18. No wonder, then, from our foregoing detail of facts, that whiteness of skin was both redoubted and tremblingly crouched to by Negroes on whom Europeans had wrought such unspeakable calamities.

  19. We hope that the foregoing hints may prove of service to our readers.

  20. There is nothing in the mounting of fish skeletons that has not been fully described in the foregoing pages.

  21. During the course of the foregoing work, you have had a blacksmith at work making your four iron squares (see previous chapter) according to a hoop-iron pattern furnished by you, and now they are ready to use in attaching the leg irons.

  22. The foregoing principles, which have been described in detail for small mammals, apply so fully and with such complete general similarity to birds, that it is only necessary to add the two accompanying illustrations.

  23. After all the foregoing directions, it surely is unnecessary to describe, in detail, the skeletonizing of reptiles.

  24. Bigelow's work, we find this sentence was eliminated from the foregoing quotation.

  25. One reads almost with a feeling of amazement the sentences we have italicized in the foregoing quotation.

  26. In view of the foregoing quotations, it would appear almost impossible for Dr.

  27. The words italicized in the foregoing quotation are of special significance to-day.

  28. It may have been noted in the foregoing I have said that my cats were always awaiting my coming.

  29. As may have been gathered from the foregoing remarks, the points of the tortoiseshell he-cat are, black-red and yellow in patches, but no white.

  30. I have just seen a beautiful black Persian whose mother was a clear white; this, and the foregoing example, prove either colour represents the same for the purpose of breeding to colour.

  31. This, as a corroboration of the foregoing letters and the photographs, is, I take it, eminently satisfactory.

  32. While the foregoing was about being printed, Mr. Edward Hamilton, M.

  33. The foregoing is enough to show the great poet's opinion of the cat.

  34. I would add to the foregoing that I should use Naldire's dog soap, which I have found excellent in all ways, and it also destroys any insect life that may be present.

  35. Cats live to various ages, the oldest I have seen being twenty-one years, and the foregoing is the greatest age at which I have known one to breed.

  36. I insert the foregoing as being of much interest, it having been frequently stated that the wild Cat will not mate with the domestic Cat.

  37. Be that as it may, I think there is little doubt that the foregoing was the origin of the term.

  38. The foregoing details are found in the oration, spoken as well as composed by himself.

  39. This comparison shows the most inclined orbits to be also very eccentric; Bertha and Eunice being the only exceptions in the foregoing list.

  40. The foregoing facts suggest the inquiry, What effect would be produced by a large planet on interior masses abandoned by a central spheroid?

  41. The foregoing passages from The Virgin of the World show a remarkable resemblance between the Hermetic philosophy and modern higher-space thought.

  42. With the symmetry of solids, or symmetry with relation to an axial plane, no such simple movement as the foregoing suffices to produce or explain it, because symmetry about a plane implies four-dimensional movement.

  43. The mention in the foregoing letter of the Napoleon effigy is the beginning of what proved to be a rather interesting episode.

  44. The following letter is closely related to those of the foregoing chapter, only that this one was mailed--not once, but many times, in some form adapted to the specific applicant.

  45. We discover in the foregoing letter that the long European residence was drawing to an end.

  46. The Reid and Simmons mentioned in the foregoing were Robert Reid and Edward Simmons, distinguished painter--the latter a brilliant, fluent, and industrious talker.

  47. Three days after the foregoing letter was written he wrote, briefly: "Great Scott but it's a long year-for you and me!

  48. The article mentioned in the foregoing letter was one which Twichell had been engaged by Harper's Magazine to write concerning the home life and characteristics of Mark Twain.

  49. It will be seen by the foregoing that Mark Twain's interest in the Kellgren system was still an ardent one.

  50. In a brief note following the foregoing letters Clemens wrote Hall: "It is now past the middle of July and no cablegram to say the machine is finished.

  51. The "novel" mentioned in the foregoing was The Extraordinary Twins, a story from which Pudd'nhead Wilson would be evolved later.

  52. The Henry Robinson mentioned in the foregoing letter was Henry C.

  53. We now proceed to examine the various objections which will doubtless be set in array against all the foregoing conclusions.

  54. From the foregoing statements we obtain the following comparative view of the past and present state of sentiment in Antigua.

  55. We conclude this Inquiry by touching briefly upon an objection, which, though not formally stated, has been already set aside by the whole tenor of the foregoing argument.

  56. In the foregoing calculation, besides making a generous donation of all the fractions to the objector, we have left out of the account, those numerous local festivals to which frequent allusion is made, as in Judges xxi.

  57. Resolved, That the Governor transmit to each of our Senators and Representatives a copy of the foregoing preamble and resolutions.

  58. We conclude this inquiry by touching upon an objection, which, though not formally stated, has been already set aside by the tenor of the foregoing argument.

  59. After the foregoing facts and evidences, we ask, what becomes of the dogma, that slaves cannot be immediately placed under the government of equitable laws with safety to themselves and the community?

  60. The foregoing advertisements are sufficient for our purpose, scores of similar ones may be gathered from the newspapers of the slave states every month.

  61. Some of the prominent points established by the foregoing evidence are, 1st.

  62. The ideal court would include in connection with the foregoing functions, adoption of children, the issuing of marriage licenses, and bastardy cases.

  63. This last question is after all the most important one of the foregoing series.

  64. The flexibility of method and the readiness to see and utilize new resources which are displayed in the foregoing account are great assets to the one who must institute search for a missing husband and father.

  65. It would be easy to criticize the foregoing on the score of grouping.

  66. When social workers use such methods it should be in the full realization that they are foregoing any future advantage of straight dealing with the man.

  67. My mother was very intimate with the Sheridan family, and many years agone she informed me that Miss Jane Linley (afterwards Mrs. Ward) told her that young Tom Sheridan composed the foregoing lines on Dr.

  68. The foregoing announcement was intended to be sent to "N.

  69. Lubbock, yet from the foregoing and several other lines of evidence it seems certain that the habit of marriage has been gradually developed, and that almost promiscuous intercourse was once extremely common throughout the world.

  70. Guenther, to whom I am indebted for the foregoing details, does not believe that such peaceable creatures would ever become pugnacious.

  71. Professor Owen, who is likewise a musician, confirms the foregoing statement, and remarks that this gibbon "alone of brute mammals may be said to sing.

  72. Some of the foregoing statements are taken from L.

  73. From the foregoing facts we clearly see that the plumes and other ornaments of the male must be of the highest importance to him; and we further see that beauty in some cases is even more important than success in battle.

  74. In the foregoing cases sounds are made by the aid of structures already present and otherwise necessary; but in the following cases certain feathers have been specially modified for the express purpose of producing the sounds.

  75. The chief interest in the foregoing story lies, of course, in its faithful and glowing picture of scenery in the midst of a tropical forest.

  76. The foregoing narrative was written by J.

  77. The foregoing description of manners and customs during the age of feudalism has been adapted from a popular "History of England," by W.

  78. In the foregoing account, the Oriya-speaking Kalinjis, and Telugu-speaking Kalingis, are both referred to.

  79. In connection with the foregoing account, I am informed that, among the Nattar Kallans, the brother of a married woman must give her annually at Pongal a present of rice, a goat, and a cloth until her death.

  80. The foregoing remarks only refer to the northern shore of the lake; on the eastern and southern sides things were very different, and about them we enjoyed good sport.

  81. A variation of the foregoing birth-ceremony is yet more savage.

  82. I have remarked in the beginning of the foregoing letter that there is a twofold condition of determinableness and a twofold condition of determination.

  83. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "foregoing" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    antecedent; anterior; anticipatory; chief; earlier; early; elder; first; fore; foregoing; foremost; former; front; heading; headmost; last; lead; leading; named; older; past; precedence; precedent; preceding; precursor; precursory; previous; prime; prior; priority; said; same; senior; van