The resemblance in the shape of the body and in the fin-like anterior limbs between dugongs and whales, and between these two orders of mammals and fishes, are analogical.
The shell enveloping the anterior part of the body in Crustaceans generally; applied also to the hard shelly pieces of the Cirripedes.
In Pontella, for instance, the sexual characters are afforded mainly by the anterior antennae and by the fifth pair of legs: the specific differences also are principally given by these organs.
The anterior and posterior limbs in all the higher vertebrate classes are plainly homologous.
The length of the trunk was taken as the distance from the anterior tip of the neural crest of the last cervical vertebra to the anterioredge of an acetabulum.
The small lacrimal bone anterior to the plate articulates with the maxilla and the premaxilla.
The anterior edge of the keel forms the sharpest angle in B.
In Dulus, the keel is moderately deep, the manubrium short, and there is a distinct indented curve between the manubrium and the anterior angle of the keel.
The crest of the bone is flattened dorsally, and has a broad anterior surface that is thin and bladelike.
In the cranium, a measurement was taken from the anterior edge of the lacrimal bone to the posteriormost end of the cranium, and the resultant figure was employed for a constant in cases in which small bones were compared.
In Dulus, the spinous portion is extremely thin, and shows a decided curve dorsad from the centrum, and there is no flattened area anterior to the spinous portion as is seen in Ptilogonys.
The argument proving the existence of the human race thousands of years anterior to the date of Adam, may be found in "Pre-Adamite Man.
North China by land and Central China by sea, there is clear reason to detect, in the supposed pure Japanese language, as it was anterior to those importations, an admixture of Chinese words adopted much earlier than A.
There is no clear record of posthumous names and titles anterior to the Chou dynasty; the first certain instance is the father of the founder, whose personal name was Ch'ang, and who had been generally known as the "Earl of the West.
Some lingas discovered in India are said to be anterior to the Christian era.
The most celebrated of these is the Bhagavad-gîtâ, which is probably anterior to the Christian era.
Bhavaviveka was certainly anterior to the travels of Hsüan Chuang and perhaps was much earlier.
The date when these beliefs first became part of the accepted Mahayana creed cannot be fixed but probably the symmetrical arrangement of five Buddhas is not anterior to the tantric period[75] of Buddhism.
The scrolls differ very much, and in the earlier instruments of these makers are of a type anterior to that of the bodies.
The anterior of the three principal divisions of the brain, including the prosencephalon and thalamencephalon.
The kneelike bend, in the anterior part of the callosum of the brain.
Having five tarsal joints in the anterior and middle legs, but only four in the posterior pair, as the blister beetles and oil beetles.
One of the partially thickened anterior wings of certain insects, as of many Hemiptera, the earwigs, etc.
The anterior part of the alimentary canal, from the mouth to the intestine, or to the entrance of the bile duct.
Pertaining to both the hyoidean arch and the tongue; -- applied to the anterior segment of the hyoidean arch in many fishes.
A division of ciliated Infusoria, having fine cilia all over the body, and a circle of larger ones around the anterior end.
Anterior in age to the lowest rocks which contain organic remains.
They have four membranous wings, with few reticulations, and usually with a thickened, dark spot on the front edge of the anterior wings.
An order of Infusoria, having one or two long, whiplike cilia, at the anterior end.
An enlargement of the thyroid gland, on the anterior part of the neck; bronchocele.
A suborder of Hemiptera, in which the base of the anterior wings is thickened.
Line 1016, 'Cedo signum, si harum Baccharum es,' shows that the play is anterior to B.
Mommsen[8] believes, an anterior date, when it was not yet dangerous to speak of the Bacchanalia.
In this stage the anterior part of the body is relatively large, and usually bears three or four long spines.
One of the articular processes of a vertebra, of which there are usually four, two anterior and two posterior.
The caterpillars, when full-grown, have a grayish mottled appearance, with blue tubercles on the anterior and red tubercles on the posterior part of the body, all giving rise to long yellow and black hairs.
While I was in conversation with this spirit, some spirits introduced themselves towards the anterior part of the head where he was, and pressed upon him; wherefore he retired to one side, and gave place to them.
Wherefore, while they were with me, I sensibly apperceived a drawing back of the anterior part of the head towards the hinder part, thus of the cerebrum towards the cerebellum[kk].
After the anterior lock is fired, all the remaining shots incessantly follow, and cannot be withheld at will, as it is the case with the repeating gun bought by me in New York, already described.
With such muskets, by means of the anterior lock, twelve consecutive discharges can be produced, and these being over, the gun is loaded again like an ordinary infantry musket, and fired by means of the lowest lock.
The anterior extremities of animals are in all respects analogous to those of the superior extremities of man; hence the second joint from the shoulder blade uniformly bends backward like the human elbow.
Heavisides, for insisting upon the similarity of the anterior limbs of animals to the human arm!
Their vulnerable points are the attachment of the anterior limbs, and, of course, the eyes.
Their position, when they move along the ground, is bent rather than erect, and they assist themselves by their extraordinarily long anterior arms.
The thumb of their anterior paws is nearly as "opposable" as that of the posterior.
Finally, the region of the Atlas and of the Aures Mountains is the country of the Ruffled Moufflon (Moufflon a Manchettes), so named on account of his long hairs, which fall from his shoulders upon the extremity of his anterior legs.
In the male the three first joints of the tarsi of the anterior legs (fig.
A minute red spot is also often seen at the anterior end of the body, which is supposed to represent an eye, and is called an eye-spot.
The cilia exist at the anterior end, and extend down a lateral fissure as in Vorticella.
Sertularia-like polypidom, consisting of rows of cells, each containing an oval monad with a single anterior filament.
The legs are long, especially theanterior pair, and terminated by two claws, with a delicate sucker-like appendage (fig.
The most characteristic organ, however, is a kind of rounded or oval disk, placed at the anteriorend of the body, and furnished with cilia.
On the anteriorpart of the body are frequently seen two or more red spots, which represent eyes.
Note the stout coracoid bones extending from the anterior end of the sternum to the shoulder.
Note on each side of it six prominent triangles or "Vs" with apex of each directed laterally, the posterior three smaller than the anterior three of each side.
Anterior to the caudal fin on the ventral surface is a median unpaired anal fin.
Overlying the anterior ends of the kidneys are the reproductive organs.
Note the dorsal blood-vessel lying along the dorsal surface of the alimentary canal, from the anterior portion of which arise several circumoesophageal rings or "hearts.
Note the tumid convex clypeus which composes most of the anterior aspect of the head.
At the anterior end of the body in front of the liver and between the sets of gills note the small pericardial cavity within which is contained the heart.
Note, by attempting to remove it, that the anterior part of the muscle mass is attached to a chitinous partition-wall between the meso- and meta-thorax.
The anteriorend of the alimentary canal is more or less protrusible, while the posterior portion is held more firmly in place by the septa which act as mesenteries.
Within the thoracic cavity anteriorto the heart note a mass of pinkish tissue, the thymus gland.
Just anterior to the eyes are two pairs of openings, one pair of each side opening into a closed sac.
Note just beneath the anterior adductor muscle a small opening leading into the soft visceral mass of the body.
They lie on either side of the anterior part of the alimentary canal, and open by a common duct on the labium.
It is probably anterior by a few years to the close of the century.
The rule in setting lepidoptera is to draw the anterior wings forward in such a way that their posterior margins form a right angle with the axis of the body, which rests in the groove in the middle of the setting-board.
It will be found, however, that the process of carrying a single wire through the heads of both ribs and the anterior portion of the body of the vertebra cannot be continued with all.
After the cheeks, form the eyebrow, fill the orbit with clay, and with a small wire nail fasten the skin down in that deep pit which is found in front of the anterior corner of the eye.
The vertebrae should be arranged, each in its place, and, then they should be numbered with pen and ink on the anterior articulating surface of the body of each one, beginning with the first vertebra in front of the sacrum.
In many ruminants there is a deep cavity in the bone directly in front of the anterior corner of the eye, called an "eye-pit.
Do not separate the ventral fins by cutting through the pubic arch, but with your small, curve-ended bone-scraper remove the flesh from the angular recesses of these bones, and leave the anterior end of the pubic arch attached to the coracoid.
The points at which the drill should come out on the anterior surface of a vertebra should be marked with a lead pencil.
In coloration, the hybrids lack the spot in the anterior base of the dorsal fin that is characteristic of Semotilus, but each has a poorly-developed dark lateral band, and a weak basicaudal spot.
There is less pigment underlying the anterior lateral-line scales in KU 3516 than in N.
Can I, in violation of the terms of the military convention already referred to, and under which I laid down my arms, be held to answer for any act of war committed anterior to the date of that convention?
The story of Manetho therefore goes to prove that the origin of animal worship is anterior to written records.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "anterior" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.