My late reverend predecessor was, I would humbly affirm, as free from prejudice as falls to the lot of the most highly favored individuals of our species.
They were rapped out on the evening of Thursday last past,' he says, 'by what claimed to be the spirit of my late predecessor in the ministry here, the Rev.
Have you ever,' he now himself asked, 'heard of any keys that mypredecessor is said to have handed over?
Your predecessor had it made," answered the Governor, "so that he might inspect the prison without being announced.
My predecessor had this door made, so as to convince himself, from time to time, that the prison officials were doing their duty.
A drawing from the best of them by Miss Violet Common[569] represented a corona differing from itspredecessor of January 1, chiefly through the oppositely unsymmetrical relations of its parts.
But the most astonishing circumstance connected with this body is the identity of its path with that of its predecessor in 1843.
The idea from fossils that existing species of animals were modifications of predecessor animals conflicted with the religious belief that Noah's ark had preserved all the varieties of animals.
After a few unfruitful years on Nolin Creek, Thomas relinquished the place for a better farm, in the Knob Creek region, about fifteen miles distant, acquired like its predecessor on easy terms.
No predecessor had carried the rewarding of friends and the punishing of enemies to such an extreme.
Hesiod alludes to it, and the account of the marvellous bird given by Herodotos was "stolen," we are told by Porphyry, from his predecessor Hekataeos.
Herodotos had not the time to imitate the example of his predecessor Hekataeos and visit Upper Egypt, nor, indeed, was the summer a fitting season for doing so.
He was, in fact, a priest-king, like his predecessor Melchizedek, to whom Abram had paid tithes.
We know that you were greatly distressed at the death of our uncle and predecessor Conrad, but we assure you, beloved father, that we have succeeded him not only in the kingdom, but also in the love which he bore you.
Excelling Lope de Vega at many points, Calderón falls below his great predecessor in the delineation of character.
Leon, before his accession to the throne of Castile in 1072, to swear that he was innocent of the murder of Sancho his brother and predecessor on the throne.
Robertson's insipidity without its freshness, and restored an element of vulgarity which his predecessorhad laboured to eradicate from theatrical tradition.
Which is the better, this actual year 1858, or its predecessor a century back?
There was hispredecessor by Vandyck, and his Viscountess.
We could not afford the fine mansion in Hill Street, which my predecessorhad occupied; but we took a smaller house, in which, however, we spent more money.
Hunger will drive to much, but even when the risky encounter with one's predecessor had been successfully accomplished, what enjoyment could there be in meals eaten in bitter haste, with one hand upon the sword?
His predecessor was Sandy Urquhart, well remembered for his stupendous loquacity.
She was married first to Ercinwald, Mayor of the Palace, the predecessor of Ebroin (v.
In this king's reign, the blessed Archbishop Laurentius was taken up to the heavenly kingdom: he was buried in the church and monastery of the holy Apostle Peter, close by his predecessor Augustine, on the 2nd day of the month of February.
He was nephew to King Edwin through his sister Acha; and it was fit that so great a predecessor should have in his own family such an one to succeed him in his religion and sovereignty.
I was soon let off and taken into the first room, where several buckets of water each cooler than its predecessor were thrown over me.
The pyramid of Meidoon in this vicinity is supposed to be older than any of the pyramids of Gizeh, as it was probably erected by the predecessor of Cheops.
This function undoubtedly consists in sending his predecessor a big subsidy for his support, and consolation in the shape of slaves and goods.
The honors of the occasion were unanimously accorded to him, whose eulogy of his predecessor in the leadership of the liberal party was a masterpiece of its kind.
For the pontificate of Leo the Thirteenth has differed from that of his predecessor in that it has been active rather than passive.
All the wives, goods, and children of hispredecessor belong to him.
It was precisely the same with its immediate predecessor, the Turanian system, and before that with the Malayan, the predecessor of the Turanian in the order of derivative growth.
In 1749, the deputy postmaster general resided in Virginia, and his predecessor in North Carolina.
But wings had been added to the original building, and that on a plan which conformed to the shape of a structure in square logs, that had been its predecessor on its immediate site.
Yes, I know it--that's why my predecessor lost his job.
From the way he acts and talks I think my predecessor got into some kind of trouble, but no more trouble for your Uncle Dudley.