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Example sentences for "precedents"

Lexicographically close words:
precede; preceded; precedence; precedency; precedent; precedes; preceding; preceeding; preceesely; precentor
  1. On every side the Government was forced to expand its activities, and Cleveland was occupied in getting new machinery into operation and meeting conditions for which no precedents existed.

  2. He listed the precedents in which it had been advanced since 1823, finding none in which it had been flatly checked.

  3. Not only had the corporations to establish customs and precedents among themselves, but courts, legislatures, and city councils had to face the need for an amplification of American law.

  4. The entire system has each time to be explained to busy men, precedents to be found, and, however willing and anxious, no one can be quite certain if he is right.

  5. A manifesto was then read, exhibiting in glowing colors the tyrannical conduct of the king, and the consequent determination to depose him; and vindicating the proceeding by several precedents drawn from the history of the monarchy.

  6. Mr. Otis then continued: "Your Honors will find, in the old books concerning the office of a justice of the peace, precedents of general warrants to search suspected houses.

  7. Your honours will find in the old books concerning the office of a Justice of the Peace, precedents of general warrants to search suspected houses.

  8. All precedents are under the control of the principles of law.

  9. To the next division of his argument he confuted the position taken by Gridley with respect to the alleged legal precedents for the Writs of Assistance.

  10. The Thornes and Dueros were dead, and had left no precedents for a case like this; and Lucian Spenser was alive (particularly so), and with Garda almost all the time.

  11. This Commission, like the other, was composed of honourable men; it is only just to remark that it was bound by the bad precedents made by the tribunal which it had replaced.

  12. For the future, realizing that England is no longer conservative, but is now the land of startling experiment, it would be at least prudent to accept its political and legal precedents with caution.

  13. Not without reason, not without a profound purpose, did Providence ordain that our two great precedents upon earth should be Greece and Rome.

  14. Voltaire praised; and, with the exception of the doughty Dennis, English critics seemed agreed that here at last was an English tragedy in full accord with classical precedents and the rules of reason.

  15. In the Middle Ages nearly all knowledge of the drama of the Greeks and Romans was lost, and the medieval drama developed without aid from classical precedents or models.

  16. The precedents of respectable authorities, and in good times.

  17. Had these well-attested precedents been in his mind, the gallant captain would not, even for a moment, have been seduced from allegiance to those principles which constitute part of our country’s glory.

  18. We were guided also by the precedents of our Government.

  19. Technically and judicially it may be so; but according to all legislative precedents and all the rules of common life it is obviously sufficient, for it is beyond all practical doubt.

  20. But I cannot doubt that it is better to follow the authoritative precedents of our history, and proceed as Congress is accustomed to proceed in the organization and government of other territories.

  21. New occasions teach new duties; precedents are made when the occasion requires.

  22. On this question British policy may change with circumstances, and British precedents may be uncertain, but the original American policy is unchangeable, and the American precedents which illustrate it are solemn treaties.

  23. At the same time he has steered almost entirely clear of the track marked out by Secretary Seward, the great body of his argument being drawn from events and precedents in the history of our own country.

  24. There is no single point where the seizure is not questionable, unless we invoke British precedents and practice, which, beyond doubt, led Captain Wilkes into his mistake.

  25. A motion was made for a committee "to search for precedents of ancient as well as later times that do concern any messages from the sovereign magistrate, king or queen of this realm, touching petitions offered to the House of Commons.

  26. They reported that there was a series of such precedents from the time of Henry VIII.

  27. Several precedents indeed might have been opposed to those of the Earl of Salisbury, wherein the Commons, especially under Richard II.

  28. He first directed Bacon and others to search for precedents of cases where relief had been given in chancery after judgment at law.

  29. Perhaps in strictness the king's right to alter a sentence is questionable, or rather would be so, if a few precedents were out of the way.

  30. But it is an unhappy consequence of all deviations from the even course of law, that the forced acts of over-ruling necessity come to be distorted into precedents to serve the purposes of arbitrary power.

  31. It was too late, after the precedents of Bacon and Middlesex, to dispute the right of the Commons to impeach a minister of state.

  32. There are curious precedents on record for the printing of unspoken speeches.

  33. Neither can the experience of one man's life furnish examples and precedents for the event of one man's life.

  34. All which authorities and precedents may overweigh Aristotle's opinion, that would have us change a rich wardrobe for a pair of shears.

  35. Judicial decisions are of greater or less authority as precedents according to circumstances.

  36. I rather think, that they will not attempt to garble: because, supposing the precedents to apply, the major part are certainly in their favor.

  37. There was then a person in the kingdom, different from any other person that any existing precedents could refer to,--an Heir Apparent, of full age and capacity to exercise the royal power.

  38. But by associating those precedents with a superstitious reverence for ancient things, as monks show relics and call them holy, the generality of mankind are deceived into the design.

  39. They feel that he is arriving at knowledge faster than they wish, and their policy of precedents is the barometer of their fears.

  40. If the doctrine of precedents is to be followed, the expenses of government need not continue the same.

  41. The generality of those precedents are founded on principles and opinions, the reverse of what they ought; and the greater distance of time they are drawn from, the more they are to be suspected.

  42. The error of those who reason by precedents drawn from antiquity, respecting the rights of man, is that they do not go far enough into antiquity.

  43. Among the materials of judgment in such an instance, it seems right to reckon precedents for what they are worth; and I cannot find that from the time of Archbishop Sheldon any one has assumed the primacy at so great an age as seventy.

  44. He recalled other leading precedents of national crisis.

  45. Liberal members with a historical bent ran privately to the Speaker with ancient precedents of dictatorial powers asserted by his official ancestors, and they exhorted him to revive them.

  46. Gladstone, I learned both from himself and others, searched into all precedents from the Commonwealth to the present day for a primate who began his work at seventy, and found none but Juxon.

  47. It could not be denied, therefore, that all infringements of these acknowledged limits were illegal, even if they had a hundred fold more actual precedents in their favour than can be supposed.

  48. But, as has been observed, the actual entries, as far as quoted, do not afford many precedents of equity.

  49. In the actual circumstances of civil blood already spilled and the king in captivity, we may justly wonder that so much regard was shown to the regular forms and precedents of the constitution.

  50. These precedents conspiring with the weakness of the executive government, in the minority of Henry VI.

  51. In fact the principle of this commission, without looking back at the precedents in the reign of John, Henry III.

  52. Elizabeth's reign,[304] and has since been too fully established by repeated precedents to be shaken by any reasoning.

  53. These precedents taken together seem to have resulted from no partiality, but a true sense of justice in respect of treasons, animated by the recent statute.

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "precedents" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.