Bobby's mistress darted into the house at the word, and reappeared again in a moment with a gilded palace that was surely all a bird could ask for.
For I think more of you than any other boy in the college, little or big,--I surely do.
It was surely nice of you all to give us this send off.
Perhaps he had blacked his shoes or sold him a newspaper in some half-forgotten past; for surely there was something in his tone, his glance, his friendly smile that Dan knew.
Surely he had seen a V shaped scar like it before, where or when he could not think; perhaps on one of the big football players at St. Andrew's.
Surely the fault was mine, to love and leave you Even a single night, you are so fair.
Her scarlet mouth and her onyx eyes, Her braided hair in its silken sheen, Were surely meet for a Lover's prize, But Fate dissented, and stepped between.
Surely you are not thinking--" She looked him steadily in the eyes.
But if he's too ill to notice--then surely I may stay?
His summary was surely at fault, since, despite the proof against her, he felt that here was a woman to be trusted, a woman who would be loyal to her friends and just to her enemies.
But surely he had little Reason to suppose, as he herein does, that Women could not otherwise than by Laws and Edicts be restrain'd from Learning.
That Man's chief and highest end is to glorifie God, and enjoy him for ever; is not surely very instructive of an ignorant Child.
With the wind northwest, the storm center was surely to the north and east-ward of him; and he knew that, according to the laws of storms in the North Atlantic, it would move away from him and out to sea.
Obviously the men were pirates, fully committed; they would probably repeat the performance; and as obviously they would surely be caught in time.
The men and women who gave him so much pleasure were surely marvelous beings, whom the newspapers treated with as much gravity as matters of national interest.
I thought that if you meant to make my successes yours, you would surely make my adversity yours also, and here we are going to part already.
It surely is not a fear of death that makes us blanch and shrink back at the oft-recurring mile-stones in the journey of life that brings all of us nearer the goal towards which we are bound.
That she does not do this is sometimes due to mistaken kindness, but oftener to self-indulgence or dread of disagreeable scenes, that brings a harvest of misery as surely as he who sows the wind will reap the whirlwind.
The love for drink is not more surely transmitted from father to son than is the habit of lying.
It may not be in this life, but it will surely come to pass in "the world that sets this right.
If this state of affairs is allowed to continue in the human body, the system takes up the poison which slowly but surely does its work.
Surely the giddiness occasioned by a tendency of blood to the head is no more romantic than the dizziness induced by gaseous fermentation of matter in the stomach.
The more asinine the speaker the louder is his bray, and the more surely do we encounter him in social and domestic haunts.
Until women get at the truth in this matter of self-deception, disappointment surely awaits upon awakening from Love's young dream.
The last words of the novel, the most biting surely that Turgenev ever wrote, contain the whole essence of On the Eve.
Surely some clue must be forthcoming as to the ruffian who did the deed.
My dear Archie, you don't surely expect me to believe that you possess sufficient political power to influence the fortunes of a French dynasty.
Surely she would take the earliest train back to London.
Surely the rheumatic butterfly is the most wretched of insects!
Then surely you must have perceived that a man's attention is turned away from one woman only by the appearance of another woman," said Edmund.
She was anxious to prevent his marrying Miss Avon; and surely this was a laudable aim, considering that marrying Miss Avon would be the worst thing that could happen to him--and to Miss Avon as well.
She was surely the loveliest thing yet made by God.
Surely he can't be the fellow that got run out for marrying people without a licence?
Surely people did not turn up their eyes and talk of virtue since the eighteenth century, Harold thought.
It was some moments before she could laugh, however; which was also strange, for the humour of the matter which called for that laugh, was surely capable of being appreciated by her immediately.
To deny the dignity and sanctity of the physical as the garment of the spiritual world is surely as blank a materialism as that which makes the physical sufficient and supreme.
Here first appeared “The Blessed Damozel,” for which we might surely paraphrase the words of Holman Hunt on Millais, and call it “the most wonderful poem that any youth still under twenty years of age ever did in the world.
If one were to ask the average inhabitant of South Africa whether the Bantu tribes have any national music, the reply would almost surely be in the negative.
Our nights were made hideous by the hyenas, whose yell is surely one of the most atrocious sounds in Nature's repertoire.
We sat up the whole night--he talking and I listening to what surely must have been one of the saddest and strangest tales ever poured into a human ear.
It is a bad sleep; it is the sleep of bad children, to whom the fiend comes, knowing that the older they grow the more surely are they his own.
Then, little Miss Byerly, I will try to throw off its guard thy saucy perversity; for surely these two women understand each other.
He was certainly not a coward by nature, and had proved this at various times in the past; still, there was an ugly scowl on that red-bearded face that surely stood for new trouble.
It surely does pay to be cautious, even if people call you an old woman.
It was soon over, and a second victim had been added to the score, much to the delight of the blacks, who knew they would surely have their share of the spoils of the night hunt.
Surely the ordinarily alert Dixie must have barked had any stranger been moving about on the deck while they sat in the cabin.
A gray ball, the color of the twilight, might escape observation, where a white missive fluttering down from an upper window would surely be seen by someone.
Peter's cup mustsurely have brimmed over that Christmas night.
Surely you wouldn't prefer me to tell them that cats DO go to heaven," protested Uncle Blair.
I've been forgiven to seventy times seven, sosurely I can forgive a little, too?
It is surely a lot of nerve," admitted Platt, "but it is rank nonsense to say that the man had anything to do with this catastrophe.
You surely were cut out for high finance," he told her.
He said he must teach them not to forget, and their punishment began; surely the most hideous and depraving sight, except a hanging, that could be offered to children's eyes.
When he brought them back, it seemed to my boy that he had committed the unpardonable sin, and that something awful wouldsurely happen to him.
Life has a good many innocent joys for the human animal, but surely none so ecstatic as the boy feels when his bare foot first touches the breast of our mother earth in the spring.
He walked off to a distance to get it in perspective, and the boys ventured so close to the paints which he had standing about by the bucketful that it seemed as if he must surely hollo at them.
You're surely handsome enough for any man," I said, looking her over.
Yet surely it was Miss Hartill's voice in the form-room?
Surely Alwynne could finish off her work some other time.
Surely Alwynne would not desert his aunts till peace reigned once more.
She would look at them furtively as she entertained them, and shudder at the lapse from taste that surely must have explained her former affection.
He could see her handling surely enough a crowd of schoolgirls.
Surely Alwynne was old enough to be away from Elsbeth for a fortnight, without leave granted!
Surely a page of Shakespeare is more real than dozens of real people's lives.
It surelydid require patience to instill anything into that head of Porter's.
Many of the customers made small deposits, after blocking the way to leaf over their money with badly soiled fingers (surely they needn't have been quite so dirty!
The so-called social diseases, over which eugenists raise such a pother, are surelynot the worst curses that mankind has to bear.
This Oriental extravagance, of course, makes for beauty, but as interpreted by pundits of no imagination it surely doesn't make for understanding.
I may kiss a girl or I may not kiss her, but surely it would be absurd to say that I am, in any true sense, a free agent in the matter.
Surely there must be an enormous mass of instructive stuff about kissing in his card indexes, letter files, book presses and archives.
But the gratifying improvements so plainly visible are surely not to be credited to me.
The annual bill must surely run into millions; one is constantly hearing how much beef a lion downs at a meal, and how many tons of hay an elephant dispatches in a month.
One even finds some trace of it in Anatole France, surely a man who should know better.
The other worlds were just two: one the city of the golden gates and pearly streets, the other the bottomless pit of liquid fire into which Satan would surely plunge all who failed to make their peace with God in this life.
Surely any one who knew the actual conditions of 1829, the ambitions and the smouldering animosities of the Jackson lieutenants, must have faced the future with more than ordinary doubt and anxiety.
Business men were appealed to to help avert the further catastrophes which a Democratic Administration would surely inflict.
And yet in face of the judge's summing up, in face of the terrible speech which Mr. Bakewell had delivered, it seemed as if the gallows would surelyclaim their victim.
Surely a piece of true plastic art, constantly before a child for it to learn to love, would do more than much after study.
Surely such gather round me to-night, part of that atmosphere of peace and love which it is paradise to breathe.
Surely the dangers which might assail a young man thus thrown on the world and alienated from his family by this disgrace might have received more consideration.
Mary at least learnt to love literature and poetry, and had, by her love of reading, a universe of wealth opened to her--surely no mean beginning.
Surely all this scene is well described in "The Fugitives"-- While around the lashed ocean.
Surely there is enough weird imagination for the subject.
Life, too, has its earthquakes, and the eruptions of its hidden depths seen through the minds of its poets, though causing at times agony to those who come in contact with them, work surely for the good of the whole.
They sleep at Langres, which ramparted town surely ought to have left a pleasant reminiscence; but they had hitherto found the route uninteresting and fatiguing.
Surely we may ascribe to this time, in the spring of 1821, the poem written by Shelley to Lieutenant Williams, whose acquaintance he had made in January.
Surely the tortures of the lowest pit of Dante's Inferno might have sufficed for the occasion.
I have been in their country, and if the cur dog follows, plotting treachery, as I think he will, the Senor Maxwell will surely kill him.