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Example sentences for "perpetuation"

Lexicographically close words:
perpetuam; perpetuate; perpetuated; perpetuates; perpetuating; perpetuator; perpetuators; perpetuel; perpetuelle; perpetuis
  1. This treatment was the enactment and perpetuation of a most barbarous and cruel law.

  2. Wherefore nothing forbids you to consider the whole legend of this Degree, like that of the Master's, an allegory, representing the perpetuation of the knowledge of the True God in the sanctuaries of initiation.

  3. Remember also, as another shoal on which States are wrecked, that free States always tend toward the depositing of the citizens in strata, the creation of castes, the perpetuation of the jus divinum to office in families.

  4. Deity; chief object of Masonry is the perpetuation of the character and attributes of, 137-u.

  5. I am a citizen who can foresee the inevitable result that will come from a perpetuation of Commercial Despotism.

  6. The method of the perpetuation of organic beings is of two kinds,--the asexual and the sexual.

  7. These are the processes by which the perpetuation of organic beings is secured.

  8. We have in this case a good example of nature's tendency to the perpetuation of a variation.

  9. The cases of asexual perpetuation are by no means so common as the cases of sexual perpetuation; and they are by no means so common in the animal as in the vegetable world.

  10. In the first the perpetuation takes place from and by a particular act of an individual organism, which sometimes may not be classed as belonging to any sex at all.

  11. But you are perhaps ready to ask, "What has this to do with the perpetuation of our political institutions?

  12. As a subject for the remarks of the evening, "The Perpetuation of our Political Institutions" is selected.

  13. End of The Perpetuation of Living Beings.

  14. The tendency towards the perpetuation of the short nectary is therefore stopped, while that of the longer nectary is insured.

  15. It was aimed at the strengthening and perpetuation of an institution which even its champions at that time only defended as a necessary evil.

  16. Our motto, and we would have you understand it, is the abolition of slavery and the perpetuation of the American Union.

  17. While, therefore, it is quite clear that the end that we should have in view is the non-perpetuation of the criminals and incapables, any proposal to segregate these would in the meanwhile probably be unfavourably received.

  18. Every scene involved the perpetuation of the memories and the valor of those who were dear to them; and as the record passed into the embroidered pattern, it was dwelt upon with words of glowing pride.

  19. The love of the tartan among the Scotch and the perpetuation of the Irish clans attest this fact to-day.

  20. The English system is therefore a war for the perpetuation and extension of slavery.

  21. If the first, then the laws of God tend to the perpetuation of slavery, and the English political economy is right in all its parts, and should be maintained.

  22. The fundamental idea of forestry is the perpetuation of forests by use.

  23. Their theory is, that there has been a constant, unbroken, perpetuation of the Christian Church from the days of the Messiah and His Apostles until now; and that the Roman Catholic church is that very Church so perpetuated through the ages.

  24. If there is a risk of escape or if liberty is conceded--undoubtedly sterilization to prevent perpetuation of the defect.

  25. Pauperism due to Transmission of Defect, and perpetuation of Low-type Stocks, E.

  26. The first looks ultimately to the perpetuation of life by providing new receptacles for it; the last looks ultimately to the enhancement of life by a sympathetic reflection of it.

  27. But perhaps the most fatal influence against the growth and perpetuation of vivid friendships between parents and children is the disenchanting effect of familiarity.

  28. It was generally felt that to such women as Mrs. MacAnder should we look for the perpetuation and increase of our best type of woman.

  29. If I get satisfaction for my senses, perpetuation of myself; good taste and good humour in the house; it is all I can expect at my age.

  30. Our present tax laws prevent reforestation on cut-over lands and the perpetuation of existing forests by proper use and economic cutting.

  31. To secure the perpetuation of forests on the scale essential to public welfare, the public must provide the private owner better fire protection and an equitable taxation system.

  32. We have seen that the perpetuation of hemlock is advisable only where fir reproduction is difficult to obtain or will be at too great a sacrifice of valuable existing hemlock.

  33. Its adoption by the States would remove one obstacle to the perpetuation of the nation's forest resources.

  34. National Conservation Commission: "Present tax laws prevent reforestation of cut-over land and the perpetuation of existing forests by use.

  35. Present tax laws prevent reforestation on cut-over lands and the perpetuation of existing forests by use.

  36. The result of such a system would be not only perpetuation of the forest and its attendant industries and payroll, but also a far greater tax return than the present one of encouraging potential forest land to become worthless and non-taxable.

  37. They approached the subject solely from the side of the people: Theodore Roosevelt: "Second only to good fire laws is the enactment of tax laws which will permit the perpetuation of existing forests by use.

  38. We have to study natural methods of forest perpetuation to see how they may be improved upon as much as to adopt them as models.

  39. He was a Democrat in politics, but loyal to the government in its struggle for the perpetuation of its life.

  40. A government that has a right to live has a right to the use of all the means that may be found indispensable to the perpetuation of its existence.

  41. Home Rulers that the Irish deficit is an argument for the perpetuation of the financial dependence which caused it, and an insuperable bar to the financial independence which alone can extinguish it?

  42. Celibacy makes no contribution to the perpetuation of the race, and unregulated sexual intercourse is a blight upon society.

  43. To this his sexual and parental instincts impel him; they are nature's provision for the perpetuation of the race.

  44. Mosheim's Church History, as evidence that the Bible not only sanctioned slavery but authorized its perpetuation through all time.

  45. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perpetuation" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    continuation; continuity; endurance; extension; lengthening; maintenance; perpetuation; perseverance; persistence; preservation; progress; progression; prolongation; protraction; pursuance; repetition; run; sustenance; way