Persevere in thinning the bunches, as it is a mistake to leave more on the Vine than it is likely to finish off to perfection.
Persevere in former directions as to general routine management.
She encouraged him "to persevere in his profession, and by gaining an honoured and distinguished name, he perhaps might remove the bar which parental authority had seen fit to interpose between them.
At all events, he determined to persevere with unremitting ardour and hope, and enterprise gave promise of success.
How many, after beginning well, have miserably fallen away because they did not persevere in the practice of humility!
How is it we live and persevere in being and do not always consider this fountain-Being in whom we live and have our being?
These reasons made me rather resolve topersevere in fasting; which remedy, though it could not be of long duration, appeared to be the wisest.
As far as I understand the human mind, there is and even should he persevere there always must be something to me enigmatical in this instance of its efforts in Clifton.
To bid you persevere were now to wrong you, for I think I dare affirm you cannot retreat.
Suffer me to bring hope to those from whom hope has fled, to give courage to those who are weak, to uphold those whom evil threatens, and to sustain those who would persevere in well-doing.
They are strengthened to persevere in righteousness under any stress of misfortune, in the assurance that they are being put to a temporary test and that the reward promised to virtue will eventually be theirs.
And thus, with exercise of such meditation, through men should never stand full out of fear of falling, yet must they persevere in good hope and in full purpose of standing.
How should I be able now to persevere in any path without your companionship?
There was a conflux of emotions and thoughts in him that would not let him either give thorough way to his anger or persevere with simple rigidity of resolve.
They alone persevere in the opinion, that the manhood of Christ was created, or existed without creation, of a divine and incorruptible substance.
Should I persevere in the same course, should I observe the same measure, a prolix and slender thread would be spun through many a volume, nor would the patient reader find an adequate reward of instruction or amusement.
This natural inheritance has been protected by the legislators of every climate and age, and the father is encouraged to persevere in slow and distant improvements, by the tender hope, that a long posterity will enjoy the fruits of his labor.
Seeing the mistake he had made, the doctor resolved not to undeceive him, but to persevere in the application of the thermometer.
But a democracy is unable to regulate the details of an important undertaking, to persevere in a design, and to work out its execution in the presence of serious obstacles.
Let us bear it with equanimity, and let us persevere in the station which fortune has allotted, until happiness everlasting put an end to our suffering.
Let Leonzio therefore persevere in his undertaking, and with the help of God may he restore to us Homer, who, as far as we are concerned, is a lost author.
Continue your efforts, perseverein your determination, and in the end you will win, for you are right, and the right always triumphs.
Danby, desirous to heal the schism which he had caused, exhorted the House, in a speech distinguished by even more than his usual ability, not to persevere in a contest which might be fatal to the state.
A pardon, it cannot be too often said, would have been of no use to Bunyan, because he was determined to persevere in disobeying a law which he considered to be unjust.
As on all other journeys, to persevere is the difficulty.
Well, the Government of India and myself have from the very first beginning of this unsettled state of things, never varied in our determination to persevere in the policy of reform.
We can either withdraw our reforms, or we can persevere in them.
Equally proper is it to persevere in our efforts to extend to them the advantages of civilization.
If we persevere in the career in which we have advanced so far and in the path already traced, we can not fail, under the favor of a gracious Providence, to attain the high destiny which seems to await us.
It is one which I have still a hope you will notpersevere in.
And again, 'I will persevere in my course of loyalty, though the conflict be sore between that and my blood.
This natural inheritance has been protected by the legislators of every climate and age, and the father is encouraged to persevere in slow and distant improvements, by the tender hope that a long posterity will enjoy the fruits of his labor.
Thence he encouraged his Saxon compatriots, some to persevere in their resistance, others to repent them of their show of submission.
He would not persevere in his alliance with either nobles or the parliament.
Soon after the bonfires and illuminations for these victories were ended, Mr. Burke died urging, as his end approached, the ministry to persevere in the great struggle to which the nation was committed.