Salt is manufactured in great abundance at the Kenhawa salines, 16 miles above Charlestown, Va.
It is beautifully situated on the west side of the river Detroit, 18 miles above Malden in Canada, and 8 miles below the outlet of Lake St. Clair.
The River Column, which was intended to clear the country along the Nile, to occupy Berber, and thence to join the Desert Column at Metemmeh, was assembling at Hamdab, 52 miles above Korti.
Mernat Island lies about 35 miles above Gubat by land, and nearly 40 by river.
Polk was moving to take Paducah, at the mouth of the Tennessee River, 45 miles above Cairo.
Matinggawan is located at the junction of the Kabakan tributary and about 30 miles above Piket.
Libungan is built at the junction of a river of the same name with the Pulangi, about 9 miles above Cotabato.
The Malitigaw or Malidigaw is a large tributary of the Pulangi, about 15 miles above Piket.
Miles above is (3) an Island the Channel formerly run on the right with Sand.
Saw about 6 miles above 2 Indians who came to the bank and looked at us a about 1/2 an hour & went over the hills to the S W.
On the east bank of the St. John's, 162 miles above Jacksonville.
The Greyling River site, right bank, 22 miles above Anvik; site and graveyard (male skeleton) from top of knoll.
Crossjacket village," on left bank, about 45 miles above Tanana, 40 miles below Hot Springs.
The Indians have a big potlatch at the mission, 2 miles above.
This language read, "Thence down the Cumberland River to a point from which a southwest line will strike the ridge which divides the waters of Cumberland from those of Duck River, 40 miles above Nashville.
This day a party of Indians struck the river behind Bradley and before us, but left it 10 miles above Raven [Crow Wing] river.
The river broke up at my stockade, 600 miles above here, on the 7th inst.
The first I met with on the voyage up was at Lower Red Cedar Lake, about 150 miles above Isle de Corfeau [Corbeau], on the east side of the river, and distant therefrom six miles.
Mr. Catlin spent eight years in the most intimate intercourse with the tribes which occupy the territory lying 2000 miles above St. Louis.
Then we have bold and admirable sketches of the scenery of the prairies and the hills 2000 miles above St. Louis, presenting a richness and brilliance of verdure of which the Atlantic resident has never formed a conception.
Captain Clarke then had the canoes unloaded and sent back, but the high wind prevented their floating down nearer than about eightmiles above us.
The above list will hopefully provide you with a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "miles above" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this group of words.