In part of the hilles east southeast of Alderleie, a mile from Kingswood, are stones dailie found, perfectlie fashioned like cockles and mightie oisters, which some dreame haue lien there euer since the floud.
If these chapmen be absent but two or three market daies, then we may perfectlie see these wares to be more reasonablie sold, and therevnto the crosses sufficientlie furnished of all things.
What discommoditie riseth by loosing the intercourse and exchange of our commodities (being in necessaries more aboundant than France) the Scots feele, and we perfectlie know.
Goropius dooth tell of a pearch perfectlie formed to be found in Britaine: but [Sidenote: * [Sic.
Certeinlie I maruell much whie they trauell not to come in with Cantaber and Partholonus: but I see perfectlie that this shift should be too grosse for the maintenance of their desired antiquitie.
The third thing they talke of is vsurie, a trade brought in by the Iewes, now perfectlie practised almost by euerie christian, and so commonlie that he is accompted but for a foole that dooth lend his monie for nothing.
And as he approched and marched toward him, he perfectlie knew his personage; by certeine demonstrations and tokens, which he had learned and knowen of others that were able to giue him full information.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perfectlie" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.