We will see in a few years the result of the competition between the American perfectionism and the European spirit.
Perfectionism means rejecting basically all the models, except one created by specialists.
When the perfectionismof transmission of the message is exagerated, people will allocate less energy to understanding its meaning.
We have situations when perfectionism is in conflict with the European tolerance (the Americans are less tolerant than Europeans).
But the analogy thus suggested between Perfectionism and two popular reforms is by no means to be regarded as defining the character and methods of Perfectionism.
This single question brings the whole subject before the mind's eye, in its political bearings, and suggests the folly and madness of that doctrine, which attempts to introduce perfectionism into the social system.
As Unitarianism ripened into Transcendentalism at Boston, and Transcendentalism produced Brook Farm, so Orthodoxy ripened into Perfectionism at New Haven, and Perfectionism produced the Oneida Community.
One ruled by perfectionism finds no happiness, and must also face the future in a similarly uncompromising light.
Perfectionism is best met by proper statements of the nature of the law and of sin (Ps.
Some of the greatest advocates of perfectionism have been furthest from claiming any such perfection; although many of their less instructed followers claimed it for them, and even professed to have attained it themselves.
The third error of perfectionism is its exaggerated estimate of man's power of contrary choice.
The fundamental error of perfectionism is its low view of God's law; the second is its narrow conception of sin.