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Example sentences for "justly"

Lexicographically close words:
justis; justitia; justitiam; justle; justling; justness; justo; justs; justum; justyce
  1. Koch, or even with the justly eminent Professor Pasteur.

  2. Very few of our justly famous sex can afford to brave the public gaze without their stockings on.

  3. Dulcie had sure put one large crimp into Bohemia, even if she could not be justly called an intellectual giantess.

  4. It attracted vast sums of money from the east, as well as the west part of the metropolis;--but was more justly appreciated when the season of acting was over, and the playhouses closed.

  5. The absolute selfishness of his feelings wronged him of what was justly his due.

  6. I would sell the shirt off of my back before I would allow a man to ask me for a dollar justly his due, without promptly paying him.

  7. They told him that he never came upon the desert with merchandise to exchange, but only with camels, to be driven away laden with property, justly belonging to them, the real owners of the land.

  8. You are welcome to all you can justly claim," answered a tall man, who appeared to be the leader of the party of wreckers.

  9. Barrackpore, the Viceroy of India's official country house, is justly celebrated for its beautiful gardens.

  10. That night an engagement, or it might more justly be termed a skirmish, did take place between the Fenians and the troops at Tallagh, some twenty miles from Dublin.

  11. Their whole lives might justly be called a pilgrimage.

  12. Men have a habit of depending much upon men's judgment, whether justly or unjustly I will not stop to inquire.

  13. Very justly is he classed among the sporting dogs.

  14. In reference to the deterioration of almost all the necessaries and comforts of existence, it may be justly observed, in a civil as well as a religious sense, that "in the midst of life we are in death.

  15. Lambe very justly observes, to these things, "is so great, that to repeat them again and again cannot be wholly useless.

  16. The former was a prominent minister in the Virginia Conference, and was justly esteemed by his contemporaries as an orator second to but few, if any, of his time.

  17. Now if we increase the instrumentality by the addition of an axe, spade, or hammer, still the effect is justly attributed in the same way.

  18. And therefore those that cite this verse against Homer, The season, not the field, bears fruit, do not justly reprehend him.

  19. For these are the very words of Colotes, though neither justly nor truly spoken.

  20. For as a motion of a circle is a circle, and the time that measures it is also a circle; so the order of things which are done and happen in a circle may be justly esteemed and called a circle.

  21. And at private entertainments among friends, for whom doth the table more justly make room or Bacchus give place than for Menander?

  22. Chilo said: Aesop hath very justly revenged himself upon us, who awhile ago stopped his mouth; now he observes how we prevented Mnesiphilus's discourse, when the question was put why Solon did not drink up his wine.

  23. Justly thinking men consider that gods exist, and first of all Homer.

  24. Nay, those little mischiefs which we complain of in these house-creatures, a weasel or fly, none can justly lay upon the greatest fish.

  25. And Hesiod justly commends The water of a pure and constant spring.

  26. How justly so Is known to all the Greeks both young and old.

  27. Homer used Tropes and figures of this sort and handed them down to posterity, and justly obtains glory beyond all others.

  28. Anaxagoras says that animals have only that reason which is operative, but not that which is passive, which is justly styled the interpreter of the mind, and is like the mind itself.

  29. Homer, who was in time first among most poets and by his power first of all poets, we justly read first, thereby gaining the greatest advantages for our language, for our intellect, and for practical knowledge.

  30. Their jewelry is celebrated, and the few valuable ornaments which escaped the rapacity of the Conquistadores are still justly admired.

  31. I have therefore decided to abridge the description of this city and its chief monuments from the admirable work of Nadaillac: The monuments of Palenque are justly reckoned amongst the most remarkable in Chiapas.

  32. Their colors," says Cronstedt, "are commonly supposed to depend upon metallic vapors; but may they not more justly be supposed to arise from a phlogiston united with a metallic or some other earth?

  33. It would seem they had no faith in Christ when sleeping, though not destitute of it when awake; but for this he justly reprimanded them.

  34. Our author very justly states, that the gaseous state of the atmosphere is owing to the quantity of caloric in combination, the entire abstraction of which would render our atmosphere a body as solid as the diamond.

  35. This insect has justly rivalled the bee in the admiration of the philosopher, and, on some accounts, is considered a more interesting creature.

  36. The air is justly reckoned among the number of fluids, because it has all the properties by which a fluid is distinguished.

  37. A pious expositor very justly observes, By faith assenting to Divine revelation, and not by reason we understand the truth and wonders, the reasons and causes, the manner and end, of the creation of the world.

  38. Since the time of this justly celebrated philosopher, it has been objected, that the seven colors above mentioned are not primitive.

  39. You set out a humble missionary you return a glorious martyr--and we are justly proud to reckon you amongst our number.

  40. The soldiers felt, and justly too, that it was an outrage that preparations for the arrival of so large a number of troops had not been perfected in the spring, before the whole country was in a state of siege.

  41. My husband was justly incensed, but could promise no immediate redress.

  42. General Hancock says that it looks as if you would be in the Department of the Platte for several months--at which he is justly indignant--but he is promised your return before the summer is ended.

  43. A vague but sure instinct warned me that they would set me down for a rebellious boy who wanted to escape from justly severe paternal authority, and that they would at once send me back to Ivy Cottage.

  44. As an author he was not justly appreciated by Aunt Mary, who, on account of her aristocratic loyalty, did not forgive him for "The Four Georges.

  45. He had probably heard my opinions discussed in his family circle--how justly and how intelligently his exclamation shows.

  46. He drank freely and caroused with his fiends; and he soon quarrelled with one of the other side who denounced him freely and justly for the murder of Corn Tassel and the other peaceful chiefs.

  47. Amongst all games, none, perhaps can so justly lay claim to the honor of antiquity as tennis.

  48. He justly considered that it was paying too high for her successes, her magnificent establishment in life.

  49. Close to it stands a purple Dracaena, such as are put on English dinner-tables in pots: but this one is twenty feet high; and next to it is that strange tree the Clavija, of which the Creoles are justly fond.

  50. At length, upon the vacancy of the see of the Isle of Man, he was made bishop thereof, but when, I cannot justly say; because he seems to have been bishop in the beginning of King Edward VI.

  51. Justly punished for trifling with my better thoughts, my escape shall not be without its acknowledgment.

  52. Certain phases of the character assumed might be justly conceived and well executed; others manifestly lacking in the expression of what was naturally suggested, or sufficiently obvious.

  53. How can we, in this allotted space, deal justly with our crowding memories?

  54. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "justly" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    decently; dispassionately; duly; equally; evenly; fair; fairly; fitful; honestly; justly; nicely; properly; right; rightfully; rightly; truly; well

    Some related collocations, pairs and triplets of words:
    justly proud; justly regarded