It was in his mother's maimed writing, on a slip of paper, and contained only these words: 'I hope it is enough that you have ruined yourself.
As if the difficulty were contagious, Young John soon pushed away his own plate, and fell to folding the cabbage-leaf that had contained the ham.
The principal chimney-sweep of that fashionable quarter lived at the blind end of Mews Street; and the same corner contained an establishment much frequented about early morning and twilight for the purchase of wine-bottles and kitchen-stuff.
Itself a close and confined prison for debtors, it contained within it a much closer and more confined jail for smugglers.
There was certainly a considerable disparity between the amount of their respective contributions to the volume, which, in fact, contained nineteen pieces by Wordsworth and only four by Coleridge.
The volume contained also three sonnets by Charles Lamb, one of which was destined to have a somewhat curious history.
The discussion was not only free but most interesting, as the committee contained men of all kinds, sentenced for all sorts of offenses--first, second and third termers.
The men were strangely moved by the whole situation, and I had the feeling that the room contained a great deal of explosive material that a chance spark might ignite.
The inspection and analysis of coal and lignite purchased under specification for the use of the Government, to ascertain its heating value, ash, contained moisture, etc.
In the description of this experimental furnace it has been said that the side walls contained a 2-in.
But if the condition of France was bad it contained the germs of improvement.
First, it contained a statement that the Act of Union ought to entail important consequences in the formation of any measure relating to the Irish Church.
In one important point, however, it was inconsistent with itself; it contained a full admission that a State might, by its nature and circumstances, be incapacitated from upholding and propagating a definite form of religion.
No; but as it seems to have contained some sort of accusation against my capacity, do you not think it but fair to tell the accused what it was?
But Jeffrey really did underlie the accusation contained in the words.
A tolerably experienced student of human nature might almost, without knowing the facts, guess the amount of truth contained in this fling.
The problem, therefore, is to discover and define, if possible, the critical standpoint of a man whose judgment was at once so acute and so purblind; who could write the admirable surveys of English poetry contained in the essays on Mme.
Seventy-three waggon-loads of supplies, eleven of which contained hospital comforts, began to wind into the town.
Very useful information was received of the Boers' whereabouts from papers contained in a Boer mail-bag captured between Sequani and Sauerpoord.
The news of the battle and the list of the dead in the papers having contained David's name, he hastened home.
The Fairy Queen steamed up and steered in the direction of the small boat, and found that it contained but two persons.
The statements it contained as to the proposed schemes were so revolting that they struck terror to my very soul.
During that trip some thieves got into the express car and threw out the iron money-chest and Mr. Banger's aunt, supposing that the casket contained treasure.
Furthermore, it was for some time very doubtful whether the spermatozoon really contained true nuclear substance, and even in 1879 Fol was forced to the conclusion that these bodies consist of cell-substance alone.
But if one group of ancestral germ-plasms is expelled from one egg, and a different group from another egg, it follows that no two eggs can be exactly alike as regards their contained hereditary tendencies: they must all differ.
It is an error to suppose that we gain any further insight into the formation of germ-cells by referring to these cells of so-called ‘embryonic character,’ which are contained in the body of the mature organism.
The co-operation of the two tendencies of development containedin the two conjugating germ-cells produces of necessity a certain form of nose.
It can hardly be doubted that mutilations are acquired characters: they do not arise from any tendency contained in the germ, but are merely the reaction of the body under external influences.
The tendency of the germ-plasm contained in the nucleus cannot make itself felt so long as an excess of ovogenetic nucleoplasm is also present.
My objection to such a view was valid when I said that the quantity of idioplasm contained in the egg-nucleus is not, as a matter of fact, reduced to one half, but to one quarter, inasmuch as two successive divisions take place.
Between the two divisions is a landscape with a shrine in the centre, and the whole composition is contained in an upright oval, the corners being filled up with later painting.
The consiglio maggiore contained all the nobles above twenty years of age inscribed in the golden book called "Lo Specchio" (which was compiled in 1440).
There are four towers, two towards the sea and two towards the hill, which probably contained double staircases, but no sign of them remains, though the doorways and grilles of pierced stone testify to their usefulness.
Blaise is contained in a beautiful filigree reliquary, and is kept under glass.
The reliquaries were contained in a stone chest some three feet below the ground level.
It contained seven bits of a statuette of Bacchus, which have been put together, and three bits of a larger figure.
A couple of the carts contained provisions, and on the top of these Frobisher had placed a bundle containing a tent and blankets for his personal use.
Intoxicated by his success, the young man continued, and unfortunately the last verse contained words about the "bread of dishonor" gained by young girls who had been led astray.
The manuscript contained yet other pages, but without relating any new crime.
While temporarily ignoring it, dwell upon the idea that its chaff contains about as much wheat as any similar quantity of chaff hascontained wheat.
It had a crew of fifteen, and it was powerfully engined, and it contained a respectable amount of engineering experience and ability, plus some spare parts and, much more important, the tools with which to make others.
The wall opposite the door contained a huge fireplace, sunk in the thickness of the masonry.
In reciprocating the wishes contained "in your address, be persuaded that I offer a sincere "prayer for your present and future happiness.
Further, it contained a serious flaw, in that it allowed nothing for the possibility of Alan's making a fresh will.
The man restored the glittering trays to their places with as much emotion as if they had contained samples of bird-seed.
It contained shallow trays, divided into compartments, each a blaze of light.
But for Caw's assurance to the contrary I'd refuse to believe that the box contained anything worth having.
The first fundamental principle deals with the relation of the parts contained in a complex psychical process to the unified resultants into which they form.
At the same time this spatial image itself is something new, which as regards the resulting qualities is not containedin those elements.
Thus in the light sensations of the retina, combined and fused with the sensations of strain in the eye in its movements and adjustments, are contained the essentials for the production of a given spatial image.
At the same time, during the impression on consciousness of such a rhythmical whole we notice phenomena that are not contained in our definition of sensation or idea.
They follow in the general laws of their construction exactly the same laws of apperception, which we observed in the productions of thought contained in speech.
He is extremely glad to find that the proposalscontained in his last note meet with the approval of the Commander-in-Chief.
He says that they had six villages on or near the Missouri, of which the one seen by him was the smallest, though he thinks that it contained a hundred and thirty houses.
It contained a massive stone tower, mounted with cannon to command the lake, which is here but a musket-shot wide.
In Footnote [156], a period is contained within the superscript and was left unchanged.
The historical facts of her life and the legend of her fate and death are contained in the pages of "The White Doe.
Isabella of Spain offered her jewels to aid Columbus, and the deed has been lauded and celebrated as of international value, yet it contained no touch of personal sacrifice.
The latter, surprised and confused to find his father was there, told him he wanted to find out this and that, mentioning the different parts contained in that theorem.
The information itcontained was treated as a revelation of the most interesting facts, and the tale of the hero was regarded as surpassing that of Robinson Crusoe, in point of interest.
The letter to the officer, above mentioned, contained no satisfactory information.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "contained" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.