He was, judged by his writings, a man of considerable education, a good deal of a pedant, and shared the credulity and fondness for embellishment of the writers of his time.
It was also dismantled by Pope Donnus, and its materials were used in the restoration and embellishmentof the "Paradisus" or quadriportico of S.
Thousands of graves must have been sacrificed for the embellishment of one.
Though, during bygone ages, the fingers of the fair and noble were often sedulously employed in the decoration and embellishment of the church, and of its ministers, they were by no means universally so.
It became established as a form and was a favourite embellishment of the English stone-carver in the seventeenth century.
Lacquered work is the most un-English style of decoration that has ever been employed by the cabinet-maker in the embellishment of his furniture.
Hayman and Hogarth for the further embellishment of the gardens.
Sir James Clerk consented to the embellishment of his hall at Penicuik with a series of pictures illustrative of Ossian, by the hand of Runciman.
This is one of the finest aquatic plants which we can employ in the embellishment of pieces of water, streams, etc.
Suited for the embellishment of rough, uneven ground, and will grow well in almost any kind of soil.
In autumn and winter it may be advantageously employed in the embellishment of winter-gardens, the leaves being at their best during that part of the year.
Everything that had been invented for the embellishment of feminine charm was used about her person with the most exquisite fastidiousness.
The desire for artistic ornamentation which even the simplest souls always feel, had led to the embellishment of the underground dwellings.
James The Fruits of Disobedience, or The Kidnapped Child Dicky Random, or Good Nature Is Nothing Without Good Conduct Embellishment By Jacob Abbott The Oyster Patties Two Little Boys By Thomas Day I.
There are innumerable evidences of the best of Gothic workmen, and there is much decorative embellishment which, though not according to the accepted Gothic forms, is certainly not Renaissance.
Its preservation is wonderful, and it is an embellishment of which even a greater town might well be proud.
The whole monument was brightly coloured, where the use of different kinds of marble did not render such embellishment unnecessary, and the effect was striking in the extreme.
Sometimes the embellishment surrounding the door was in stone or even marble, which being less susceptible of minute detail was more soberly treated.
It is a compact drama, Of which spectacularembellishment Will form no part.
Uncommon expressions, strong flashes of wit, pointed similes, and epigrammatic turns, especially when laid too thick, are a disfigurement rather than any embellishment of discourse.
The great Painter of the Universe has not forgotten the embellishment of the Pole.
It is an exhibition of the success of the first attempt to rival the London and Paris publishers in woodcut embellishment and general beauty of execution.
There was something so ungrateful in the whole thing, just after he had taken so much pains, not only in the resuscitation, but the embellishment of the stocks.
Without embellishment or self-glorification, he recites in a few lines hairbreadth escapes which a writer of less steadfast soul would have amplified into a thrilling tale of heroism.
Pope that has most embellished ROME, has also most of all contributed to the Embellishment of the Palace of Monte Cavallo.
Embellishment of ROME at Heart; but 'tis not so now, since the indolent Popes have nothing more of that Work upon their Hands.
All these Houses are an Embellishmentto the Suburbs of Bonn, which are moreover very agreeably situate.
The varieties of the common wallflower afford quite a store of beauty in themselves for the embellishment of rocky places, old walls, etc.
It may serve to throw light on the possibilities of garden embellishment in one way at a season when there is a great blank in many gardens—the time of “bedding out.