The two cylinders are very fine: on the first, extreme exactness is to be noticed in the details of the costume, and great delicacy in the features of the two genii.
The exactness of these descriptions, which at first might seem hyperbolical, has been confirmed, as far as the thickness of the walls is concerned, by the excavations at Khorsabad, the ramparts of which are 78 ft.
Yet these works have not prevented the painter's name from gradually losing its hold upon the public memory, nor his pictures from sinking far beneath the valuation originally set upon them.
Ossian was the rage--quotations from the blind bard of Morven were in every one's mouth.
Finally, the president and his followers, finding themselves caricatured and opposed, locked out their opponents and closed the Academy.
But persons of taste and quality were of opinion that his visit to Italy had wrought marvels.
West was then deputed to wait upon the greatest English painter, and to leave no means untried in the way of persuading him to join the new association.
The ways of Nature are always the same, but Nature does not ask exactness of form.
True Delicacy, as I take it, consists in Exactness of Judgment and Dignity of Sentiment, or if you will, Purity of Affection, as this is opposed to Corruption and Grossness.
Her Care andExactness in her Habit, convince her Father of the Alacrity of her Mind; and she has of all Women the best Foundation for affecting the Praise of a seeming Negligence.
You see he carries on an unaffecting Exactness in his Dress and Manner, and strives always to be the very Contrary of Strephon.
But leaving the Consideration of what might have been, I shall now endeavour at least with great Exactness to set down some of the most remarkable Events from our taking to the Relief of Barcelona.
Of all Diversions the King takes most delight in that of Shooting, which he performs with great Exactness and Dexterity.
Shelley possessed two remarkable qualities of intellect--a brilliant imagination, and a logicalexactness of reason.
But I found that, if I should gain something in exactness by this method, I might lose much of the newness and energy of imagery and language as it flowed fresh from my mind.
His ownexactness made him ruthless in exposing any inexactness in his adversaries, and there were few disputants who left an argument with Huxley in an undamaged condition.
Of Wharton Jones Huxley writes: "The extent and precision of his knowledge impressed me greatly, and the severe exactness of his method of lecturing was quite to my taste.
His brow was, perhaps, rather too large and prominent for the exactness of perfect symmetry, but it had an expression of great mental power and determination.
Abstemious to habitual penance, and regular to mechanical exactness in his frequent and severe devotions, he was as little inwardly addicted to the pleasures and pursuits of youth, as he was externally possessed of its freshness and its bloom.
The only way in which to treat the elements of an exact and rigorous science is to apply to them all the rigor and exactness possible.
The theory of probabilities is at bottom nothing but common sense reduced to calculus; it enables us to appreciate with exactness that which accurate minds feel with a sort of instinct for which ofttimes they are unable to account.
There remain, therefore, algebra and arithmetic as the only sciences, in which we can carry on a chain of reasoning to any degree of intricacy, and yet preserve a perfect exactness and certainty.
The degree of exactness of the intuition of space may be different in different individuals, perhaps even in different races.
In applying this method it must not be forgotten that the mathematical developments transcending the limits of exactness of the science are of no practical value.
The "elements" of the Great Alexandrian remain for all time the first, and one may venture to assert, the only perfect model of logical exactness of principles, and of rigorous development of theorems.
But if so much may be traced out in the twilight of Natural Religion, it is obvious how great an addition in fulness and exactness is made to our mental image of the Divine Personality and Attributes, by the light of Christianity.
According to him, sureness and exactness and a striking truth of impressions are her characteristics as a writer.
Nothing could surpass the scientific exactnessof his methods and the unwearied diligence with which he conducted his researches.
His Life of Spenser was far better than any previous biography, and his notes, though brief, were marked by a philological exactness to which former editions could not pretend.
Our estimate of the influence of the system under which men were thus living as a regulator of their passions may at this point derive much exactness from incidents such as those offered by the history of syphilis and the usages of war.
All the stipulations contained in the Constitution in favor of the slaveholding States ought to be fulfilled; and so far as depends on me, shall be fulfilled, in the fulness of their spirit and to the exactness of their letter.
There are those of my profession who have a credulity about the action of drugs, a belief in their supreme control and exactness of effect which amounts to superstition, and fills many of us with amazement.
But the spirit did not correspond to the exactness of research--the results showed by their oscillations that nothing was being measured--that the object to be measured escaped.
The extraordinary exactness of the seer's vision of the inside of the tomb had not been without its effect.
No other artist had ever done the same work with his delicacy of touch and exactness of detail.
This judicious Poet Translated that most exquisite Poem of Torquato Tasso, the Prince of Italian Heroick Poets, which for the Exactness of his Version, is judged by some not inferior to the Original it self.
Rossi holds too high an office to give his language all the precision and exactnesswhich science requires when monopoly is in question.
Every year the economists report, with an exactness which I would commend more highly if I did not see that it is always fruitless, the commercial condition of the States of Europe.
The Sense of hearing can serve at the most only to confound and surprize a Horse, and you will never give him Exactness and Sensibility by surprizing him.
The requirement here that orders shall be addressed to those who are to execute them might seem superfluous but for some former looseness in this respect and the necessity for exactness in prescribing each step in the process of issue.
If additional copies are wanted, theirexactness is assured by tracing from one of those made at the first writing.