Prior to the date to which our story more specifically relates, the United States had gone on perfecting her titles by the various means already described.
I would advise every person wishing to cultivate the higher psychic faculties, to begin by perfecting himself or herself in these simpler forms of mind-reading.
But, remember always, you must proceed step by step, perfecting yourself at each step before proceeding to the next.
It had met the ancient requirement for the mellowing and perfecting of good Madeira, that it shall "voyage twice around the world's circumference," and it was a thing reserved for his friends.
In Samson he thought he recognized twin gifts: a spark of a genius too rare to be allowed to flicker out, and a potentiality for constructive work among his own people, which needed for its perfecting only education and experience.
Their successors in later times have ably continued the work of perfecting the political structure.
She supported herself by giving French lessons, at a very early hour in the morning, to a young lady residing in the Rue de Miromesnil, who was perfectingher education in secrecy, unknown even to her maid.
He had at first come to Paris merely for the purpose of perfecting himself in the business, intending to return to Troyes, where his cousin, Augustine Landois, was waiting for him, and there setting up for himself as a pork butcher.
He himself was now thoroughly acquainted with his part of the business, and his cousin was perfecting herself in shop management.
Slowly but surely, Cochran's great team was perfecting itself into a machine.
I do not doubt but that you are surprised at my saying the arts can in their second function only be directed to the perfecting of ethical state, it being our usual impression that they are often destructive of morality.
For not Mankind only, but all that Mankind does or beholds, is in continual growth, regenesis and self-perfecting vitality.
It is also an unfinished land, and the challenge of perfecting it is the summons of the seventies.
They include a perfecting of our farm program to protect farmers' income and consumers' purchasing power from alternate risks of crop gluts and crop shortages.
In view of these conditions, I refrain from bringing before you at this time some suggestions that would otherwise be made, and most earnestly invoke your attention to the duty of perfecting the important legislation now well advanced.
Sufficient has been said to prove conclusively that the thought and labour expended in the perfecting of the Green engine have not been fruitless.
The demand is for materials which have already been subjected to the perfecting work of mind: a demand which shows itself in the subject matter of active occupations quite as well as in academic book learning.
Consequently the training of our original impulsive activities is not a refinement and perfecting achieved by "exercise" as one might strengthen a muscle by practice.
That science is the chief means of perfecting control of means of action is witnessed by the great crop of inventions which followed intellectual command of the secrets of nature.
Both logically and educationally, science is the perfecting of knowing, its last stage.
The usual way of stating this fact is that the more specialized the reaction, the less is the skill acquired in practicing and perfecting it transferable to other modes of behavior.
Narrow modes of skill cannot be made useful beyond themselves; any mode of skill which is achieved with deepening of knowledge and perfecting of judgment is readily put to use in new situations and is under personal control.
And the idea of perfecting an "inner" personality is a sure sign of social divisions.
Throughout the long course he was perfecting himself in holy learning, and writing commentaries upon the sacred books.
It is only the perfecting of the details which has transformed a dream into a very real thing.
The perfecting of the method of birth by Cesarean section offers much promise.
Thy centuries follow each other perfecting a small wild flower.
It will thus be seen how closely Telford was followed by the Stephensons inperfecting the highways of their respective epochs; the former by means of turnpike roads, and the latter by means of railways.
Mr. Swanwick remembers the vivid interest of the evening discussions which then took place between father and son as to the best mode of increasing the powers and perfecting the mechanism of the locomotive.
It was enough for him to accomplish the great work of perfecting his condensed engine, and with that he rested content.
But Watt was still a long way from perfecting his invention.
The dissolution of civilization with which we are threatened is likely to be worse in some respects than that of Greece or Rome in view of the success that has been attained in “perfecting the mystery of murder.
If the Rousseauist hopes to promote the progress of society by diffusing the spirit of brotherhood the Baconian or utilitarian hopes to achieve the same end by perfecting its machinery.
All that He is He puts in pledge for the perfecting of the society He has founded.
To limit its end to the perfecting of the man alone, is the highest stretch of masculine arrogance.
In its truest idea, marriage is an institution for the perfecting of the race, by the perfecting of individual men and women through their co-operating intelligence and affection.
Edison in bringing out and perfecting his system of incandescent lighting.
These patents were not by any means all that he applied for in the year 1880, which it will be remembered was the year in which he was perfecting the incandescent electric lamp and methods, to put into the market for competition with gas.
Durer invented several instruments forperfecting lineal perspective, his works exhibit no attempt at giving the indistinctness of distant objects.
The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "perfecting" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word. Other words: capping; closing; crowning; culminating; ending; finishing