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Example sentences for "precision"

Lexicographically close words:
precisamente; precise; precisely; preciseness; precisians; preciso; precium; preclude; precluded; precludes
  1. He did his task thoroughly, making record of things that had passed, with the precision of a physician who knows a patient but as material.

  2. Swiftly, with the precision of absolute knowledge, the two physicians did their work.

  3. The wasp suddenly moved with that ghastly skilled precision of a creature performing an incredible feat instinctively, apparently unaware that it is doing so.

  4. Its sting entered the jointed armor of its prey just beneath the head with all the deliberate precision of a surgeon's scalpel.

  5. We have made the attempt in a previous chapter[443] to give precision and definiteness to the concepts which these terms should connote.

  6. Notwithstanding the boasted mathematical precision of the inductive method, and the rigid exactness of its results, scientific men are not wholly exempt from the common infirmity of hasty generalization.

  7. He possessed in a high degree that accomplishment, too little cultivated, I think, by the present generation, of expressing himself with perfect precision and fluency.

  8. He expounded with clearness of thought and precision of language the creed of his Church, showing where it agreed and where it differed from that of the Roman Catholic.

  9. He had, however, a fatal lack of precision of thought.

  10. It had nothing of the Spanish exaltation of Teresa, of the German vehemence of Luther, of the French passion scarcely veiled by the logical precision of Calvin.

  11. Under Stockmar's tutelage he was constantly engaged in enlarging his outlook and in endeavouring to envisage vital problems both theoretically and practically--both with precision and with depth.

  12. She demanded from those who surrounded her a rigid precision in details, and she was preternaturally quick in detecting the slightest deviation from the rules which she had laid down.

  13. He had a taste for machinery of every kind, and his sharp eye had more than once detected, with the precision of an expert, a missing cog-wheel in some vast and complicated engine.

  14. It is impossible to speak with precision of the number of the population of Prussia.

  15. To him the interest of the scene lay in the precision and regularity with which log followed log over the rollers, and the skill with which they were cut.

  16. It was rapid, and lacked the careful precision of a "permanent way," but the men were working at high pressure against time.

  17. It almost seemed as though he had taken to himself something of the harsh precision of his own mills.

  18. They give proof of a singular precision and subtlety of mind, and a great aptitude for philosophic speculation.

  19. Mystères perdus"); but the precision of details in the miniature is such that I had no difficulty in identifying the particular version of the story followed by the dramatist.

  20. But as the want of an exact determination of ideas and of an exact precision in the use of words is inexcusable in a philosopher, he must preserve them, even at the expense of style.

  21. Clearness and precision are two great excellences of human laws.

  22. It remained, however for our time to show that even the clod beneath our feet, the rock of the mountain, and the ice of the glacier are built with the precision of a marble palace.

  23. No one will deny the value of the increased precision which he then brought into such studies.

  24. Alston, and the precision of the man is made abundantly evident in the beautiful copper-plate writing in old script of his MS.

  25. She also was dressed in uniform, but with a precision and grace which showed that though the material might be the same as that used by her underlings, it was made up at the West End.

  26. It was always drawn very tightly over her forehead, and with extreme precision under her ears.

  27. We may omit precision from out thoughts and confine ourselves to the distinction between accuracy and vagueness.

  28. These definitions would have all the precision that could be desired if the distinction between physical and psychological causation were clear and sharp.

  29. This, however, would be a mistake, produced by attempting to give to words a precision which they do not possess when used by unsophisticated people.

  30. Nevertheless, in spite of the risk of error, precision is the goal at which we must aim.

  31. The distinction between accuracy and precision is however, not fundamental.

  32. To this process of the pursuit of precision there is strictly no limit.

  33. Precision and vagueness in thought, as in perception, depend upon the degree of difference between responses to more or less similar stimuli.

  34. We do not yet know with any precision what we mean by "knowledge," and we must admit that in any given instance our memory may be at fault.

  35. In the second place, instinct often gives only a rough outline of the sort of thing to do, in which case learning is necessary in order to acquire certainty and precision in action.

  36. We may give somewhat more precision to the above account of the meaning of images, and extend it to meaning in general.

  37. They had been, as far as the unsatisfactory result of them went, indicated with remarkably prophetic precision by Regnier in lines quoted above[283].

  38. The Russian anecdotes deserve to rank with the historical essays of Retz and Saint-Real in vividness and precision of drawing.

  39. D'Alembert contributed to the movement exactness of thought and precision of style, but his influence was more purely intellectual than that of any other member of the philosophe group.

  40. There can hardly be too much precision observed in matters of accidence and syntax; while it is desirable that the vocabulary should be as rich as possible, provided that its terms are vernacular or properly naturalised.

  41. In precision and strikingness of expression Jehan recalls Villon; in the boldness of his satire on the great and the bitterness of his attacks on the character of women he recalls Antoine de la Salle and Coquillart.

  42. The interest of the Fabliaux as a literary study is increased by the precision with which they can be defined, and the well-marked period of their composition.

  43. It is dedicated to Brantome, but shows in its manner rather the influence of Ronsard and the Pleiade by the classical correctness of the style, the absence of archaisms, and the precision and form of the sentences.

  44. Both in Michelet and in Quinet there is an affectation of the seer, as well as an undue fluency of language, and an absence of precision in form and place, which detract from their otherwise high literary value.

  45. Contact with English Deism gave form and precision to its theological or anti-theological side.

  46. Still less did Shakspere finally assert, although for a time he believed, that a blind destiny concludes into precision what we feebly and blindly begin.

  47. The writer is evidently in advance of his time in his opinions upon the principal subject with which he professes to deal, and weighs the evidence for and against the reality of witchcraft with extreme precision and fairness.

  48. He winked with elaborate precision and looked in the direction of a snug little cottage, with flower boxes in the windows, a biscuit toss away.

  49. Whenever danger threatened him, his nerves responded to his need with the precision of the taut strings of a perfectly tuned fiddle under a master hand.

  50. Nothing is small: I am as much convinced of that as any man; and I admire the extraordinary precision of the details furnished as a basis for the theory.

  51. Of course, I give this figure only as a rough calculation; greater precision would have demanded more perseverance than I can boast.

  52. The above list will hopefully give you a few useful examples demonstrating the appropriate usage of "precision" in a variety of sentences. We hope that you will now be able to make sentences using this word.
    Other words:
    accuracy; allocation; assignment; circumstantiality; clarity; definition; delicacy; denomination; designation; detail; determination; discrimination; exactness; fidelity; formality; nicety; particularity; perfection; precision; punctuality; refinement; resolution; right; rightness; rigidity; rigor; selection; sensitivity; severity; signification; specification; stipulation; strictness; subtlety; taste; refinement; resolution; right; rightness; rigidity; rigor; selection; sensitivity; severity; signification; specification; stipulation; strictness; subtlety; taste