The marriage of Hindus is complete without consummation; and as girls are almost invariably married before the age of puberty, and sometimes long before, consummation is generally deferred, it may be, for several years.
If the husband capriciously repudiates the wife before consummation, or the wife before consummation repudiates the husband for his misconduct, then half the dower agreed on must be paid.
Justinian addressed to the senate and provinces his eternal oracles; and his pride, under the mask of piety, ascribed the consummation of this great design to the support and inspiration of the Deity.
Mr. Stephens edited the Atlanta Sun, and these two friends once more joined their great powers to prevent the consummation of what they regarded as a vast political mistake.
I intend to drag off the mask before the consummation of the act.
We Americans have identified democracy with certain existing political and civil rights, and we have, consequently, tended to believe that the democratic consummation was merely a matter of exercising and preserving those rights.
Olympia's foot had thus gained the first round of the ladder, which might lead her to the consummation of her highest hopes.
A consummation devoutly to be wished," but unfortunately some prints in my possession that were treated to a bath of his eliminator show unmistakable signs of fading.
That is the peace he is disposed to conquer; that is the consummation with which he would stay; that is his notion of state.
The hopefulness of Spring, the joyfulconsummation of Summer, have fled; their mission is fulfilled, and these are days for meditation on the past and future.
It was a consummationwhich Jeffrey, with acute foresight and honest purpose, had set himself to achieve.
It was a consummation which the older man had looked forward to ever since he first lent a hand to his new and youthful neighbor.
Ahead of them was a belt of open field between them and the villages whose capture was to be the consummation of the day's work.
Takasugi died a little before the battle of Fushimi, without seeing the consummation of his cherished ideal, being not quite thirty years of age.
Rainerio Saccone vainly endeavored to prevent a consummationso deplorable.
It may be possible that even a brave man, in some moment of insane inconsistency, may commit some act which is the consummation of all cowardice; but it is utterly and absolutely impossible that any brave community should approve it.
But even this consummation must have the most momentous results, and entirely modify the whole anti-slavery movement of the nation.
And thus, so far from its being at all an object to the painter to make his work look real, he ought to dread such a consummation as the loss of one of its most precious claims upon the heart.
Nay, many would foresee for the Indian, through the consummation of his enfranchisement, naught but gloom and sorest plight.
Let its consummation be approached gradually, and with caution; and let a modified form of it, designed to meet the Indian's peculiar situation, be recognized and enforced.
Ah," said the major, taking a second biscuit, "that consummationof my happiness was indeed wanting.
I smile because there appears to me to be about as much inclination for the consummation of the engagement in question as there is for my own.